joi, 31 ianuarie 2013
Sos pentru peste / Fish sauce
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- maioneza - mayonnaise
- 2-3 linguri de smantana - 2-3 tablespoons of cream
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic
- marar - dill
- lamaie - lemon
- un amestec de condimente pentru peste - A mixture of spices for fish
Peste maioneza adaugam smantana, mararul, 2 lingurite de condiment pentru peste, usturoiul pisat si cateva picaturi de zeama de lamaie.
Over mayonnaise add sour cream, dill, 2 teaspoons seasoning for fish, garlic and a few drops of lemon juice.
Amestecam toate ingredientele bine si potrivim de sare si piper.
Mix all ingredients well and matching salt and pepper.
Se serveste la orice tip de peste. Eu am facut si fara acel condiment special pentru peste si a iesit foarte bun. Fara acel condiment merge la orice tip de friptura.
Serve with any kind of fish. I have done without that particular spice and came very good. Without that spice go to any steak.
Bon appetit!
miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013
Supa de curcan / Turkey soup
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un tacam de curcan - Pieces of turkey
- ceapa - onions
- telina - celery
- pastarnac - parsnips
- morcov - carrot
- ardei kapia - Red pepper
- patrunjel - parsley
- tagliatelle - tagliatelle
Punem carnea la fiert, o spumam de cate ori este necesar si adaugam legumele intregi.
Put meat to cooked and add whole vegetables.
Dupa ce au fiert legumele, strecuram zeama si pastram 2-3 morcovi fierti.
After cooked vegetables, sneak the soup and keep 2-3 carrots boiled.
Maruntim morcovii pastrati, ii adaugam in supa si punem din nou pe foc. Adaugam sare si pastele. Lasam sa fiarba conform timpului estimat de pe ambalaj. La sfarsit adaugam patrunjelul si supa este gata.
Shredded carrots keep and add to the soup and put back on fire. Add salt and pasta. Let it simmer under estimated time on the package. Finally add the parsley and the soup is ready.
Am adaugat si o feliuta de lamaie, pentru ca mie imi place aroma ei in supa.
I added a slice of lemon, because I like her flavor in the soup.
Bon appétit!
marți, 29 ianuarie 2013
Ciuperci pleurotus cu vin / Pleurotus mushrooms with wine
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g ciuperci pleurotus - 500 g mushrooms Pleurotus
- usturoi - Garlic
- 100 ml vin alb - 100 ml white wine
- o ceapa mare - A large onion
- piper - pepper
- marar- dill
Ciupercile le spalam bine si le taiem coditele pentru ca sunt mai tari si se patrund foarte greu. Le taiem felii subtiri si le punem la calit in 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline. Cand si-au lasat toata apa, adaugam ceapa tocata marunt.
Wash mushrooms and cut them stems that are stronger and will penetrate hard. Cut them into thin slices and put them to cook in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. When water has evaporated, add chopped onion.
Dupa ce s-a calit ceapa, adaugam vinul si usturoiul tocat felii. Lasam pana scade sosul.
After onions are fried , add wine and sliced garlic. Leave until reduced sauce.
Adaugam sare, piper si mararul tocat marunt.
Add salt, pepper and chopped dill.
Se serveste fierbinte.
Serve hot.
Bon appetit!
luni, 28 ianuarie 2013
Orez prajit / Fried rice
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 200g orez fiert - 200 g cooked rice
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o ceapa taiat julien - A thinly sliced onion
- morcov - carrot
- ardei rosu - Red pepper
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
Intr-o tigaie punem la incins 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline. Adaugam orezul cand uleiul este incins si amestecam continuu.
In a pan put 2-3 tablespoons hot olive oil. When the oil is hot add the rice and mix continuously.
Cand orezul capata o culoare mai galbuie adaugam legumele.
When the rice turns a yellowish color add vegetables.
Cand legumele s-au inmuiat, adaugam ouale batute bine si amestecam continuu pentru a nu se forma o omleta.
When the vegetables have softened, add the beaten eggs and mix well continuously to not form an omelette.
Potrivim de sare si piper.
Se serveste fierbinte ca garnitura sau ca atare.
Add salt and pepper.
Serve hot.
Bon appétit!
vineri, 25 ianuarie 2013
Crispy aromat / Aromatic crispy
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- piept de pui sau pulpa de pui dezosata - Chicken breast or boneless chicken leg
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- faina - flour
- o ceapa - An onion
- 2 catei de usturoi - 2 cloves of garlic
- fulgi de porumb - Cornflakes
Pentru sos / Sauce:
- un iaurt grecesc - Greek yogurt
- 2-3 lingurite de smantana - 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream
- 1-2 catei de usturoi - 1-2 cloves of garlic
- o lingura de ulei de masline - A tablespoon of olive oil
- castravete - cucumber
- marar- dill
Metoda de preparare a sosului se afla aici
Method for preparation of sauce is here
Amestecam ouale cu faina, sare, piper, ceapa rasa pe razatoarea mica si usturoiul pisat.
Mix eggs with flour, salt, pepper, grated onion and garlic.
Fulgii de porumb ii punem intr-o punga si ii strivim.
We put the Cornflakes in a bag and crush them.
Taiem fasii subtiri bucatile de pui si le punem in compozitia de oua.
Cut the chicken into thin slices and put them in the egg mixture.
Scoatem fiecare bucata, o dam prin fulgii de porumb si o punem la prajit in ulei incins.
Take each piece, sprinkle with corn flakes and put to fry in hot oil.
Le lasam sa se rumeneasca bine. Apoi le scoatem pe un prosop absorbant pentru a elimina surplusul de ulei.
Leave them to brown well. Then you get on an absorbent towel to remove excess oil.
Se servesc cu orice garnitura. Am servit cu tzatiki.
Serve with any side dish. I served with tzatiki.
Bon appetit!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un iaurt grecesc - Greek yogurt
- 2-3 lingurite de smantana - 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream
- 1-2 catei de usturoi - 1-2 cloves of garlic
- o lingura de ulei de masline - A tablespoon of olive oil
- castravete - cucumber
- marar- dill
Intr-un castron punem iaurtul, smantana, mararul, uleiul, castravetele tocat marunt sau felii subtiri si usturoiul pisat.
In a bowl put yogurt, sour cream, dill, oil, chopped cucumber or thinly sliced and garlic.
Potrivim de sare si amestecam totul bine.
Add salt and mix everything well.
Se serveste ca sos sau ca garnitura. Mie imi vine sa-l mananc pe paine, asa de mult imi place.
Serve as a sauce or as a garnish.
Bon appétit!
joi, 24 ianuarie 2013
Varza a la Cluj / Cabbage a la Cluj
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- varza dulce sau murata - Sweet or sour cabbage
- carne tocata de porc - Minced pork
- 2-3 cepe - 2-3 onions
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- putin cimbru - thyme
- patrunjel - parsley
- orez fiert - Boiled rice
Calim ceapa pana devine translucida si adaugam carnea. O lasam pana isi schimba culoarea.
Fry onion until it becomes translucent and add the meat. Leave until they change color.
Punem compozitia intr-un castron, adaugam orezul fiert, sare, piper, patrunjelul tocat marunt si putina pasta de tomate. Amestecam bine.
Put mixture in a bowl, add the rice, salt, pepper, chopped parsley and a little tomato paste. Mix well.
Eu am folosit vasul roman pentru cuptor, dar se poate folosi orice vas/tava mai adanca.
Am pus pe fundul vasului putina pasta de tomate.
I used roman oven dish, but you can use any pot / pan deeper.
I put on the bottom a little tomato paste.
Tocam varza, dar nu prea marunt si o impartim in doua. O parte o punem peste pasta de tomate. Deasupra verzei, presaram putin cimbru.
Cut cabbage, but not too small and divided into two. Some put it over tomato paste. Above cabbage, sprinkle a little thyme.
Deasupra verzei, adaugam compozitia de carne si putina pasta de tomate.
Above cabbage, add meat mixture and some tomato paste.
Adaugam varza ramasa, cimbru si pasta de tomate.
Add remaining cabbage, thyme and tomato paste.
O lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos ( la foc mic aproximativ 2 ore).
Leave in the oven until nicely browned (about 2 hours over low heat).
Se serveste calda cu smantana sau iaurt.
Serve warm with sour cream or yogurt.
Bon appétit!
- carne tocata de porc - Minced pork
- 2-3 cepe - 2-3 onions
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- putin cimbru - thyme
- patrunjel - parsley
- orez fiert - Boiled rice
Calim ceapa pana devine translucida si adaugam carnea. O lasam pana isi schimba culoarea.
Fry onion until it becomes translucent and add the meat. Leave until they change color.
Punem compozitia intr-un castron, adaugam orezul fiert, sare, piper, patrunjelul tocat marunt si putina pasta de tomate. Amestecam bine.
Put mixture in a bowl, add the rice, salt, pepper, chopped parsley and a little tomato paste. Mix well.
Eu am folosit vasul roman pentru cuptor, dar se poate folosi orice vas/tava mai adanca.
Am pus pe fundul vasului putina pasta de tomate.
I used roman oven dish, but you can use any pot / pan deeper.
I put on the bottom a little tomato paste.
Tocam varza, dar nu prea marunt si o impartim in doua. O parte o punem peste pasta de tomate. Deasupra verzei, presaram putin cimbru.
Cut cabbage, but not too small and divided into two. Some put it over tomato paste. Above cabbage, sprinkle a little thyme.
Deasupra verzei, adaugam compozitia de carne si putina pasta de tomate.
Above cabbage, add meat mixture and some tomato paste.
Adaugam varza ramasa, cimbru si pasta de tomate.
Add remaining cabbage, thyme and tomato paste.
O lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos ( la foc mic aproximativ 2 ore).
Leave in the oven until nicely browned (about 2 hours over low heat).
Se serveste calda cu smantana sau iaurt.
Serve warm with sour cream or yogurt.
Bon appétit!
vineri, 18 ianuarie 2013
Chec cu cirese negre din dulceata / Cake with sweet black cherries
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- o cana de zahar - A cup of sugar- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- 5 linguri de apa - 5 tablespoons water
- 5 linguri de ulei - 5 tablespoons of oil
- esenta de vanilie - Vanilla essence
- o lingurita de praf de copt - A teaspoon of baking powder
- cirese negre din dulceata - Black cherry jam
Metoda de preparare a checului o gasiti aici / Method of preparation cake can be found here:
Am folosit reteta de baza a checului traditional.
I used the basic recipe of traditional cake.
Am turnat aluatul format intr-o tava de silicon rotunda, dar se poate face in orice forma doriti. Am luat cateva picaturi din siropul de dulceata si l-am intins cu o furculita deasupra aluatului.
I poured the dough formed into a round silicone tray but can be made in any shape desired. I took a few drops of jam syrup and I stretched with a fork over the dough.
Am dat la cuptor pentru 10-15 minute, la foc mic. Dupa aceste minute am scos tava si am adaugat ciresele deasupra. Lasam sa se afunde primul rand si mai adaugam inca un rand.
I gave the oven for 10-15 minutes on low heat. After these minutes I removed the tray and added cherry on top. Firstly let them sink and another row.
Mai lasam la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.
We may leave in the oven until toothpick test passes.
O lasam sa se raceasca in forma si apoi o putem servi la o cafea sau la un pahar cu lapte. A iesit foarte pufoasa si gustoasa.
Let it cool and then can be served with a coffee or a glass of milk. It came out very fluffy and tasty.
Bon appétit!
joi, 17 ianuarie 2013
Mancarica picanta de pui / Spicy chicken dish
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o caserola de copanele - A casserole of Chicken pieces
- cartofi - potatoes
- boia de ardei iute - Paprika
- un fir de praz - A leek
- nucsoara - nutmeg
- piper rosu - Red pepper
- un pahar cu vin alb - A glass of white wine
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- usturoi - Garlic
- patrunjel - parsley
Taiem prazul rondele si il calim in ulei de masline. Dupa ce s-a calit, adaugam bucatile de pui, vinul si un pahar de apa.
Cut leeks and fry it in olive oil. Add chicken pieces, wine and a glass of water.
Lasam sa fiarba vreo 20 de minute dupa care adaugam cartofii cubulete, piperul rosu, boiaua de ardei, nucsoara si usturoiul strivit.
Let it simmer for about 20 minutes then add diced potatoes, Red pepper, paprika, nutmeg and crushed garlic.
Lasam sa se patrunda bine toate aromele. Adaugam sare si la sfarsit patrunjelul tocat.
Let all the flavors to penetrate better. Finally add salt and chopped parsley.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta si muraturi.
Serve hot with polenta and pickles.
Bon appétit!
- o caserola de copanele - A casserole of Chicken pieces
- cartofi - potatoes
- boia de ardei iute - Paprika
- un fir de praz - A leek
- nucsoara - nutmeg
- piper rosu - Red pepper
- un pahar cu vin alb - A glass of white wine
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- usturoi - Garlic
- patrunjel - parsley
Taiem prazul rondele si il calim in ulei de masline. Dupa ce s-a calit, adaugam bucatile de pui, vinul si un pahar de apa.
Cut leeks and fry it in olive oil. Add chicken pieces, wine and a glass of water.
Lasam sa fiarba vreo 20 de minute dupa care adaugam cartofii cubulete, piperul rosu, boiaua de ardei, nucsoara si usturoiul strivit.
Let it simmer for about 20 minutes then add diced potatoes, Red pepper, paprika, nutmeg and crushed garlic.
Let all the flavors to penetrate better. Finally add salt and chopped parsley.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta si muraturi.
Serve hot with polenta and pickles.
Bon appétit!
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