duminică, 17 decembrie 2017
Tort cu crema de ciocolata alba si lapte condensat / Cake with white chocolate cream and condensed milk
Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru blat / For cake:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 4 linguri de faina - 4 tablespoons of flour
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons of sugar
- 2 linguri de cacao - 2 tablespoons of cocoa
- o esenta de rom - a essence of rum
- 6 linguri de ulei - 6 tablespoons of oil
- o lingurita praf de copt - a teaspoon of baking powder
Pentru crema / Cream:
- 400 g ciocolata alba - 400 g white chocolate
- 200 g lapte condensat - 200 g of condensed milk
- 2 galbenusuri - 2 yolks
- 2 linguri de amidon - 2 tablespoons of starch
- o pastaie de vanilie - a vanilla paste
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk
Pentru decor / Dcoration:
- frisca - whipped cream
- ciocolata cu lapte - milk chocolate
Blatul : batem spuma tare albusurile cu zaharul, adaugam restul ingredientelor si amestecam usor. Impartim compozitia in 2 si coacem 2 blaturi identice. Le lasam la racit.
Cake: beat the hard foams with sugar, add the rest of the ingredients and mix it gently. We divide the composition into 2 and bake 2 identical tops. We let them cool.
Crema: amestecam laptele cu galbenusurile, amidonul si pastaia de vanilie. Punem pe foc pana se ingroasa crema. Adaugam ciocolata si laptele condensat. Lasam la foc mic amestecand continuu pana se topeste ciocolata.
Cream: Mix milk with yolks, starch and vanilla paste. We put on fire until the cream thickens. Add chocolate and condensed milk. We leave on low heat stirring constantly until chocolate is melted.
Intr-o forma cu pereti detasabili punem primul blat, adaugam jumatate din crema si al doilea blat . Adaugam restul de crema si lasam la frigider pana se intareste , aproximativ 2 ore.
In a removable wall shape put the first cake, add half of the cream and the second cake. Add the rest of the cream and leave it in the refrigerator until it hardens, about 2 hours.
Ornam cu frisca si ciocolata si lasam la frigider peste noapte.
Decorate with cream and chocolate and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
Bon appetit!
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