luni, 25 februarie 2013
Ficatei in folie / Liver in foil
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g ficatei de pui - 500 g chicken liver
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- 2-3 foi de dafin - 2-3 bay leaves
- usturoi - Garlic
- piper - pepper
- 100 ml vin alb - 100 ml white wine
- 3 linguri ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons olive oil
Pe o bucata de folie asezam ficateii, ii stropim cu uleiul de masline, adaugam ceapa taiata julien dar mai mare, nu foarte fin, foile de dafin, piperul,usturoiul strivit si vinul alb. Nu adaugam sare pentru ca se intaresc ficateii.
Sit the lovers on a piece of foil , sprinkle them with olive oil, add onion thinly but higher, not very fine, bay leaves, pepper, crushed garlic and white wine. Do not add salt to harden livers.
Inchidem bine folia, pentru a nu se scurge sosul format. Formam un pachetel.
Close good film, not dripping the sauce. Form a package.
Punem la cuptor la foc mic. Verificam dupa jumatate de ora daca s-au patruns ficateii. Ii descoperim cu 10 minute de a-i scoate din cuptor.
Put in the oven on low heat. Check after half an hour if they entered livers. I leave no film over 10 minutes to take them out of the oven.
Se servesc fierbinti cu orice garnitura care va place. Eu i-am servit cu cartofi zdrobiti.
Serve hot with any garnish you like. I served with crushed potatoes.
Bon appetite!
vineri, 22 februarie 2013
Cartofi zdrobiti / Crash potatoes
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cartofi - potatoes
- rozmarin - rosemary
- sare - salt
- piper - pepper
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- usturoi - garlic
Cartofii se spala bine si se pun la fiert in apa cu sare.
Wash potatoes well and boil in salted water.
Dupa ce au fiert bine, ii punem intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt sau folie de aluminiu.
Cu un pasator de piure, apasam pe fiecare cartof pana crapa. Deasupra punem ulei de masline, sare, piper, rozmarin si cateva feliute de usturoi.
After cooked well, put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
With a passer puree, press each potato to crack. Above them we put olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary and a few slices of garlic.
Dam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.
Put in the oven until nicely browned.
Sunt deliciosi si merg langa orice tip de carne.
They are delicious and go near any type of meat.
Bon appetit!
joi, 21 februarie 2013
Supa de pui cu galuste / Chicken soup with semolina dumplings
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un pui - A chicken
- morcov - carrot
- putin telina - celery
- pastarnac - parsnips
- ceapa - onions
- patrunjel - parsley
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- gris - semolina
- 3 linguri de ulei - 3 tablespoons of oil
Punem puiul la fiert. Adunam spuma formata la suprafata si adaugam legumele intregi. Lasam la foc pana fiert legumele si carnea.
Put the chicken to boil. Gather foam formed on the surface and add whole vegetables. Let boil until vegetables and meat are cooked.
Compozitia pentru galuste o formam astfel: batem bine ouale , adaugam sare, piper si uleiul amestecand continuu. Adaugam 13 linguri de gris, nu foarte pline. Trebuie sa iasa o compozitie destul de moale, ca o smantana.
Composition for dumplings are: beat eggs well, add salt, pepper and oil, stirring constantly. Add 13 tablespoons of semolina, not very full. Must come a composition quite soft as a cream.
Cu o lingura luam si turnam in oala galustile. Punem un capac si lasam sa fiarba. In maxim 10 minute sunt gata. Ies pufoase si moi.
Take a spoon and pour into the pot dumplings. Put a lid and let it simmer. In 10 minutes is ready. Fluffy and soft.
Inainte de a pune galustile, scoatem carnea si legumele. Pasam 2-3 morcovi si ii punem la loc in supa. Pot fi taiati si cubulete.
La sfarsit adaugam patrunjel tocat si supa este gata.
Before putting dumplings, remove meat and vegetables. Keep 2-3 carrots and put them back into the soup. Can be cut and diced.
Finally add the chopped parsley and the soup is ready.
Bon appetite!
luni, 18 februarie 2013
Pui cu ciuperci si masline / Chicken with mushrooms and olives
- o caserola de pulpe de pui - A casserole of chicken thighs
- masline - olive
- 500 g ciuperci proaspete - 500 g fresh mushrooms
- o ceapa mare rosie - A large red onion
- 2 morcovi - 2 carrots
- un ardei kapia - A red pepper Kapi
- 100 ml vin alb - 100 ml white wine
- usturoi - Garlic
- suc de rosii - Tomato juice
Calim in 2-3 linguri de ulei bucatile de pui. Doar sa prinda putina culoare.
Frying chicken pieces in 2-3 tablespoons oil . Just to catch some color.
Spalam ciupercile si le taiem felii. Le punem in tigaia in care am rumenit puiul si le lasam pana se inmoaie bine.
Wash mushrooms and cut them into slices. Put them in the pan I browned the chicken and leave them to soak well.
Cand ciupercile s-au inmuiat, adaugam ceapa tocata marunt si vinul. Lasam pana se inmoaie ceapa.
Acest preparat trebuie bagat la cuptor, iar eu l-am pus intr-un vas roman , dar merge pus in orice vas pentru cuptor.
Se pun bucatile de pui pe fundul vasului, morcovul taiat felii, maslinele si ardeiul tocat cubulete.
When the mushrooms have softened, add the chopped onion and wine. Leave until onion softens.
This preparation must be put in the oven, and I put him in a Roman tray, but go put in any oven tray.
Place chicken pieces on the bottom, sliced carrots, olives and peppers chopped into cubes.
This preparation must be put in the oven, and I put him in a Roman tray, but go put in any oven tray.
Place chicken pieces on the bottom, sliced carrots, olives and peppers chopped into cubes.
Adaugam compozitia de ciuperci si usturoiul strivit.
Add mushrooms composition and garlic crushed .
Adaugam sucul de rosii, sare si piper dupa gust.
Add tomato sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
Lasam la cuptor aproximativ o ora, la foc mic.
We leave in the oven for about an hour on low heat.
Se serveste fierbinte cu muraturi.
Serve hot with pickles.
Bon appetite!
joi, 14 februarie 2013
Ciorba de legume dreasa cu smantana / Vegetable soup seasoned with sour cream
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cartofi - potatoes
- telina - celery
- ceapa - onions
- pastarnac - parsnips
- morcov - carrot
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- 2 galbenusuri - 2 yolks
- smantana - cream
- leustean - lovage
- taitei - noodles
Taiem legumele cubulete.
Vegetables cut into cubes.
Legumele le punem intr-o oala la fiert.
Vegetables, put them in a pot to boil.
Dupa ce-au fiert, adaugam pasta de tomate si taiteii.
After boiling, add tomato paste and noodles.
Galbenusurile le amestecam cu smantana si cu cate un polonic de supa fierbinte, ca sa ajunga la aceeasi temperatura cu lichidul din oala.
Mix yolks with the cream and them with one ladle of hot soup, to reach the same temperature of the liquid in the pot.
Dupa ce au fiert taiteii adaugam amestecul de smantana in oala, amestecand continuu.
After boiling the noodles add cream mixture to the pan, stirring constantly.
Adaugam leusteanul si este gata.
Add lovage and is ready.
Se serveste fierbinte.
Serve hot.
Bon appétit!
miercuri, 13 februarie 2013
Tocanita de cartofi cu carnati afumati / Potato stew with sausages
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un carnat afumat - A smoked sausage
- cartofi taiati cubulete - Potatoes cut into cubes
- 2 cepe rosii - 2 red onions
- pasta de ardei kapia, un fel ketchup de casa - Kapia pepper paste, ketchup home made
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- marar - dill
- morcov - carrot
Taiem carnatii rondele si ii calim in 2-3 linguri de ulei. Cand s-au rumenit putin adaugam ceapa tocata.
Cut sausage slices and fry them in 2-3 tablespoons of oil. When they browned add chopped onion .
Dupa ce s-a calit ceapa, adaugam pasta de ardei, cartofii, morcovul ras pe razatoarea mica, pasta de rosii si apa cat sa acopere cartofii.
After fried onions, add pepper paste, potatoes, grated carrot, tomato paste and water enough to cover the potatoes.
Lasam la foc mic, pana fierb cartofii. La sfarsit adaugam mararul si putem servi cu muraturi.
Leave to simmer until the potatoes are boiling. Finally we add the dill and serve with pickles.
Bon appétit!
marți, 12 februarie 2013
Cus cus cu legume la cuptor / Couscous with baked vegetables
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cus cus - couscous
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- un ardei rosu mare - A large red pepper
- cartofi - potatoes
- morcov - carrot
- o bucata de dovleac - A piece of pumpkin
- o lingurita de unt - A teaspoon of butter
- coaja rasa de la jumatate de lamaie - Grated zest of half a lemon
Legumele le taiem in bucati mai mari pentru a nu se pierde in tava.
Vegetables are cut into larger pieces not to lose in the tray.
Le punem intr-o tava, le stropim cu ulei de masline si le bagam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.
Put them in a pan, sprinkle them with olive oil and stuffing them in the oven until nicely browned.
Cus cusul il punem intr-un castron, adaugam apa fiarta peste el, untul si coaja de lamaie. Il acoperim si il lasam cateva minute si apoi il desfacem cu o furculita.
Put couscous in a bowl, add boiling water over it, butter and lemon peel. Cover it and leave it a few minutes and then mix it with a fork.
Se serveste alaturi de legume. Este foarte aromat datorita cojii de lamaie.
Serve with vegetables. It is very aromatic.
Bon appétit!
luni, 11 februarie 2013
Musuroi de cartita / Molehill cake
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 7 linguri de faina - 7 tablespoons of flour
- 10 linguri de zahar - 10 tablespoons sugar
- 3 linguri de cacao - 3 tablespoons of cocoa
- un plic praf de copt - A sachet baking powder
- o esenta de rom - A rum
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- 2 linguri de ulei - 2 tablespoons of oil
- 2 linguri de apa - 2 tablespoons water
- 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
- 200 ml smantana pentru gatit - 200 ml cooking cream
- un plic de gelatina (10 g) - gelatin (10 g)
- 50 gr ciocolata - 50 gr Chocolate
- 4 banane - 4 bananas
Batem albusurile cu 6 linguri de zahar pana obtinem o bezea.
Beat egg whites with 6 tablespoons sugar until get a meringue.
Galbenusurile le frecam cu uleiul, apa si esenta de rom.
Yolks rub them with oil, water and rum.
Turnam galbenusurile peste albusuri, adaugam faina, praful de copt si cacao.
Pour over egg whites egg yolks, add flour, baking powder and cocoa.
Compozitia formata, o turnam intr-o forma rotunda tapetata cu hartie de copt. Dam la cuptor pentru 40-45 minute, la foc mic.
Composition form, poured into a round shape lined with baking paper. Put in the oven for 40-45 minutes on low heat.
Batem frisca cu 4 linguri de zahar, adaugam smantana si ciocolata tocata marunt.
Beat cream with 4 tablespoons sugar, add sour cream and chopped chocolate.
Gelatina o punem la inmuiat in 100ml lichid ( esenta de vanilie - 25 ml si restu apa). O adaugam peste crema.
Put it to soak gelatin in 100 ml liquid (vanilla 25 ml - and the rest water). A poured cream.
Cand s-a racit blatul bine, il scobim.
When cake has cooled well, I scooped.
Adaugam bananele in interior.
Add bananas inside.
Turnam crema peste banane iar deasupra cremei adaugam interiorul blatului faramitat. Presam putin pentru a intra bucatile faramitate in crema.
Pour cream over bananas and over cream add crumbled inside the leaf. Press to get the pieces scattered in cream.
Lasam la frigider pentru 2 ore si apoi se poate servi.
We leave in the fridge for 2 hours and then serve.
Este o prajitura delicioasa care merita incercata.
It is a delicious cake that is worth trying.
Bon appétit!
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