sâmbătă, 18 mai 2013

Cartofi noi aromati / Flavored new potatoes

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cartofi noi - Potatoes
- rozmarin - rosemary
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- oregano - oregano
- 3-4 catei de usturoi - 3-4 cloves of garlic
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
- o lingurita de unt - A teaspoon of butter
- smantana - sour cream
- marar - dill
- parmezan - parmesan

Spalam bine cartofii si ii asezam intr-un vas pentru cuptor.

Wash the potatoes and put it in a tray.

Ii stropim cu putin ulei de masline, adaugam usturoi strivit, oregano, rozmarin, sare, piper si untul.

Sprinkle them with a little olive oil, add the crushed garlic, oregano, rosemary, salt, pepper and butter.

Ii lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.

We let in  the oven until nicely browned.

Separat facem un sos din smantana, marar, usturoi, sare si piper.

Separately make a sauce of sour cream, dill, garlic, salt and pepper.

Se servesc fierbinti cu parmezan ras ca atare sau ca o garnitura la  friptura preferata.

Serve hot with grated Parmesan.

Bon appetit!

joi, 16 mai 2013


- 10 oua - 10 eggs
- 6 linguri de faina - 6 tablespoons flour
- 10 linguri de zahar - 10 tablespoons sugar
- zahar vanilat - vanilla sugar
- 3 linguri de ulei - 3 tablespoons oil
- un praf de copt - eu am folosit unul cu aroma de sofran - Baking powder - I used one flavored with saffron
- esenta de vanilie - Vanilla
- coaja rasa de la o portocala - Zest of one orange
- coaja rasa de la o lamaie - Zest of one lemon
- 100g nuca de cocos - eu am folosit nuca de cocos mozaic, din cauza asta a iesit si colorata umplutura
- 100g coconut - I used coconut mosaic, the filling came colored
- 500g branza dulce - 500g cheese
- 3 linguri de apa rece - 3 tablespoons cold water

Facem un pandispan din 6 oua, 6 linguri de zahar, 6 de faina, esenta de vanilie, 3 linguri de ulei si praf de copt.Il punem la copt intr-o forma de tort cu peretii detasabili.

Make a sponge of 6 eggs, 6 tablespoons sugar, 6 tablespoons flour, vanilla, 3 tablespoons oil and baking powder.Bake it in a form with removable walls.

Batem 4 oua cu zaharul vanilat si 4 linguri de zahar tos. Adaugam coaja rasa de portocala si lamaie, vanilia , branza si nuca de cocos. Amestecam totul bine.

Beat 4 eggs with vanilla sugar and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Add orange and lemon zest, vanilla, cheese and coconut. Mix everything well.

Dupa 15 minute la foc mic, scoatem pandispanul si adaugam in centru compozitia de branza,chiar daca nu s-a copt.

After 15 minutes on low heat, remove the sponge and add the cheese mixture in the center, even if it's not baked.

Mai lasam la cuptor pana se coace bine.

We leave in the oven to bake well.

Lasam sa se raceasca si apoi scoatem pasca. Este delicioasa si atractiva pentru ca are un aluat de prajitura si nu cel traditional de pasca.

Let it cool and then remove the cake. It is delicious and attractive because it has a cake dough and not the traditional one.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 12 mai 2013

Snitele / Simple schnitzel

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- file de porc - Pork fillets
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- faina - flour
- piper alb - White pepper
- sare - salt

Batem fileurile de porc punand o folie de plastic deasupra carnii, pentru a nu o sfarama.

Beat pork fillets putting plastic wrap over the meat, not to break it.

Intr-un castron punem ouale, sare, piper si faina. Amestecam totul bine pana obtinem o compozitie ca o smantana mai groasa.
In a bowl put eggs, salt, pepper and flour. Mixing it well to obtain a composition like a thicker cream.

Dam fileurile de porc prin acest amestec si le punem la prajit in baie de ulei.

Put pork fillets in  this mixture and put them to fry in oil bath.

Se servesc cu garnitura preferata si salata.

Serve with your favorite side dish and salad.

Bon appetit!

vineri, 10 mai 2013

Pandispan cu visine / Sponge Cake with cherries

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 6 linguri de faina - 6 tablespoons flour
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons sugar
- 3 linguri de apa - 3 tablespoons water
- esenta de vanilie - Vanilla
- 3 linguri de ulei - 3 tablespoons oil
- o lingurita de praf de copt - A teaspoon of baking powder
- visine proaspete sau congelate - Fresh or frozen cherries

Facem un sirop din apa si zahar. Lasam pe foc pana se topeste tot zaharul.
Ouale le separam si batem albusul spuma tare. Adaugam treptat siropul fierbinte, mixand continuu. Adaugam galbenusurile, esenta de vanilie, uleiul, praful de copt si faina. Mixam usor pana se incorporeaza toate ingredientele.

Make a syrup of water and sugar. We leave on fire until all the sugar melts.
Beat the egg whites well,  with a pinch of salt, until hard peaks are formed. Gradually add hot syrup, mixing continuously. Add the egg yolks, vanilla, oil, baking powder and flour. Mixing gently until all ingredients are incorporated.

Tapetam cu hartie de copt o forma de copt. Eu am folosit una cu peretii detasabili. Turnam compozitia formata si dam la cuptor, la foc mic, pentru 10-15 minute.

Baking paper lined baking tin. I used one with removable walls. Pour form and give the oven on low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Dupa 10 minute, scoatem tava si adaugam visinele.

After 10 minutes, remove the pan and add cherries.

Mai lasam la copt pana aluatul este copt.

May leave in the oven until the dough is baked.

Dupa ce se raceste, pudram cu zahar pudra si putem servi.

Once cooled, dusted with powdered sugar and you can serve.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!