marți, 11 iunie 2013

Pui in sos de ceapa / Chicken in onion sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 pulpe de pui - 3 chicken thighs
- 3-4 cepe mari - 3-4 large onions
- 3-4 rosii - 3-4 tomatoes
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
- 3 catei de usturoi - 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 foi de dafin - 2 bay leaves
- vin alb - White wine

Rumenim putin bucatile de pui, cat sa prinda culoare.

Fried chicken pieces,  to catch color.

In uleiul unde am rumenit puiul, adaugam ceapa taiata julien si o lasam pana devine sticloasa.

Where we fried chicken , add onion thinly.

Dupa ce s-a calit ceapa, o adaugam peste pui, punem foile de dafin si adaugam vinul cat sa acopere toate bucatile de carne.

After fried onions, we add the chicken, put the bay leaves and add the wine enough to cover all the meat.

Lasam sa fiarba vreo 15-20 de minute la foc mic si apoi adaugam rosiile tocate marunt, usturoiul strivit, sare si piper.

Let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes on low heat and then add the chopped tomatoes, crushed garlic, salt and pepper.

Lasam la foc mic pana sosul ajunge la consistenta dorita.

We leave to simmer until sauce reaches desired consistency.

Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.

Serve hot with polenta.

Bon appetit!

luni, 10 iunie 2013

Supa crema de linte / Lentil cream soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o conserva de linte - A tin of lentils
- un morcov - A carrot
- 2 cepe - 2 onions
- putina telina - Some celery
- un pastarnac - A parsnip
- un ardei rosu - A red pepper
- un galbenus de ou - An egg yolk
- 2 linguri de smantana - 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper

Intr-o cratita, punem la fiert legumele.

Put the vegetables to boiled in a pot .

Dupa ce au fiert legumele, scurgem zeama, dar o pastram si pasam legumele impreuna cu lintea. Subtiem compozitia cu zeama de la legume.

After cooking the vegetables, drain the juice, but keep it and pass it with lentils. Thinned composition  with juice from vegetables.

Amestecam galbenusul de ou cu smantana si il turnam in supa.

Mix egg yolk with the sour cream and pour it into the soup.

Se serveste fierbinte.

Serve hot!

Bon appetit!

duminică, 9 iunie 2013

Friptura la tava cu cartofi si sos de mustar / Steak in pan with potatoes and mustard sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- carne de porc, eu am folosit ceafa de porc - Pork meat
- cartofi noi - Potatoes
- usturoi - garlic
- vin alb - White wine
- cimbru - thyme
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- rozmarin - rosemary

Carnea am lasat-o la marinat 24 de ore in ulei de masline, vin alb, usturoi, simbru, sare si piper. Am adaugat si 2-3 bucati de carne de pui.

I let the meat marinate 24 hours in olive oil, white wine, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper. I added 2-3 pieces of chicken.

Intr-o tava am asezat bucatile de carne, cartofii peste care am pus rozmarin si am turnat toata marinata.

I put in a pan the meat, potatoes and rosemary over which I had poured all the marinade.

Se lasa la cuptor pana se patrund toate bine.

Leave in the oven until all are cooked well.

Optional: am facut un sos pentru cartofi din: un ou fiert, mustar frantuzesc cu boabe, usturoi si marar. Mustarul cu boabe da o aroma excelenta sosului.

Optional: I made a sauce for potatoes with : boiled egg, french mustard grains, garlic and dill. Grain mustard  gives a great flavor to the sauce.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 8 iunie 2013

Pastrav cu rosii coapte / Trout with baked tomatoes

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- pastrav - trout
- usturoi - garlic
- lamaie - lemon
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- rosii bine coapte -  tomatoes

Pastravii ii punem pe folie de aluminiu, adaugam sare si piper dupa gust. Introducem felii de lamaie, usturoi si putin ulei de masline in interiorul pestilor.

Put trout  on aluminum foil, add salt and pepper to taste. Introducing slices of lemon, garlic and olive oil inside the fish.

Rosiile le taiem felii groase, adaugam usturoi si putin ulei de masline deasupra.

Cut tomatoes  into thick slices, add garlic and a little olive oil on top.

Dam la cuptor pana se coc bine.

Put in the oven to bake well.

Se servesc imediat. Rosiile sunt delicioase alaturi de peste.

Serve immediately. Tomatoes are delicious with fish.


joi, 6 iunie 2013

Spaghete cu carnati / Sausage Pasta

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- carnati - sausages
- spaghete - pasta
- o ceapa - An onion
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic
- parmezan - parmesan
- suc de rosii - Tomato juice

Taiem carnatii rondele si ii calim in 2-3 linguri de ulei. Adaugam usturoiul si ceapa tocate marunt.

Cut sausage slices and fry them in 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Add garlic and chopped onion.

Adaugam sosul de rosii si lasam sa scada la foc mic.

Add tomato sauce and let it simmer.

Spaghetele se fierb conform timpului indicat pe ambalaj, si se servesc cu sos si parmezan ras deasupra.

Boil spaghetti according to the time indicated on the package, and serve with sauce and Parmesan cheese on top.

Bon appetit!

luni, 3 iunie 2013

Negresa / Brownie

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 50g cacao - 50g cocoa
- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- o cana si jumatate de zahar - A cup and a half cup of sugar
- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- un pachet de unt - A pack of butter
- esenta de rom - Rum
- o cana de lapte - A cup of milk
- praf de copt - baking powder

Punem la incalzit laptele, adaugam zaharul, cacao si untul. Lasam pe foc pana se topeste tot untul apoi punem compozitia la racit.

We warmed milk, add sugar, cocoa and butter. We leave on fire until all the butter melts then put the mixture to cooled.

Luam din aceasta compozitie 15 linguri si le pastram pentru a insiropa negresa la final.
Incorporam galbenusurile, esenta de rom, faina si praful de copt in compozitia racita.

We take 15 tablespoons of this mixture and keep.
Add the egg yolks, rum, flour and baking powder into cooled mixture.

Albusurile le batem spuma si le incorporam treptat in compozitie. Nu folosim mixerul pentru a incorpora albusurile.

Beat egg foam and gradually incorporate them in composition. Do not use electric mixer to incorporate the egg.

Adaugam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si o dam la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.

Add mixture into a baking paper lined tray and give the oven until toothpick test passes.

Cand este gata, o lasam sa se raceasca bine si apoi adaugam compozitia pastrata in care am adaugat o esenta de rom pentru o aroma mai intensa.

When is done, let it cool and then add the mixture kept where I added a rum for a more intense flavor.

Este pufoasa si foarte aromata.

It is fluffy and very flavorful.

Bon appetit!