joi, 29 august 2013

Briose cu crema de unt / Cupcakes with butter cream

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru briose / for the cupcakes:

- 125 g unt - 125 g butter
- 125 g zahar - 125 g sugar
- 2 oua mari - 2 large eggs
- 125 g faina - 125 g flour
- o lingurita de praf de copt - A teaspoon of baking powder
- 2 linguri de lapte - 2 tablespoons milk
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla

Pentru crema / for the cream:

- 75 g unt - 75 g butter
- 2 linguri de lapte - 2 tablespoons milk
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- 225 g zahar pudra  - 225 g powdered sugar

Intr-un vas punem untul moale, zaharul, ouale (eu am pus 3 oua mai mici), faina, laptele, praful de copt si esenta de vanilie. 

In a bowl put the soft butter, sugar, eggs (I put 3 small eggs), flour, milk, baking powder and vanilla.

Amestecam pana se incorporeaza toate ingredientele.

Mix well until all ingredients are incorporated.
Turnam compozitia in formele de briose. Am pus pana la jumatatea formei pentru ca vor creste.

Pour the mixture into mini muffin tins. I put up the middle form because they will grow.
Le lasam la cuptor cca 15-20 minute. Nu deschideti usa cuptorului pana nu se coc, pentru ca se vor lasa.

Leave them in the oven about 15-20 minutes. Do not open the oven door  because it will leave.

Crema: amestecam toate ingredientele pana obtinem o crema pufoasa.

Cream: Mix all ingredients to obtain a fluffy cream.
Cu un cutit lat ungem briosele cu un strat consistent de crema.

 With a knife with a thick layer brush the cupcakes with  cream.
Eu le-am ornat cu fulgi de ciocolata si cocos dar puteti folosi si fructe proaspete.
I've decorated it with chocolate chips and coconut but you can use fresh fruit.
Bon appetit!