miercuri, 25 septembrie 2013

Pleurotus pane / Fried oyster

Ingrediente / igredients:

- 500 g ciuperci pleurotus- 500 g oyster mushrooms
- 2 oua- 2 eggs
- 2 linguri de faina- 2 tablespoons flour
- o legatura de marar- A dill
- sare si piper dupa gust- Salt and pepper to taste
- usturoi - garlic

Batem ouale cu faina, usturoiul pisat, sare, piper si marar.
Dam ciupercile prin aceasta compozitie si le punem la prajit. 

Beat eggs with flour, garlic,salt, pepper and dill.
Put mushrooms in this mixture and put them to fry.

Dupa ce s-au rumenit, le scoatem pe un servet absorbant.

After you have browned, remove them on absorbent towel.

Se servesc calzi dar si reci cu un sos preferat.

Serve warm or cold with a preferred sauce.

Bon appetit! 

marți, 24 septembrie 2013

Guguluf umplut / Filled cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 200 ml  frisca- 200 ml cream
- 200g fructe de padure- 200 g berries
- ciocolata pentru glazura- Chocolate glaze
- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- o cana de zahar - A cup of sugar
- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- 5 linguri de ulei - 5 tablespoons oil
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- un praf de copt - A pinch of baking powder
- 5 linguri de apa - 5 tablespoons of wather

Blatul il facem in felul urmator: batem albusurile spuma cu un sirop fierbinte format din 5 linguri de apa si zaharul. Adaugam galbenusurile, faina, praful de copt, uleiul si esenta de vanilie. Amestecam totul bine. Punem compozitia intr-o forma de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt.

 We do doughtas follows: beat egg whites with hot syrup made ​​of sugar and 5 tablespoons of water. Add the egg yolks, flour, baking powder, oil and vanilla. Mix everything well. Put mixture into a baking tin lined with baking paper.

Taiem prajitura si scobim interiorul.

Cut the cake and scooped head inside.

Batem frisca si o amestecam cu fructele de padure si jumatate din cantitatea de miez scobit. Umplem prajitura. 

 Beat the cream add berries and mix with half the scooped core. Fill the cake.

Punem capacul prajiturii si  glazuram cu ciocolata. 

We cover the cake and add chocolate frosting. 

Bon appetit! 

luni, 16 septembrie 2013

Merluciu cu legume la cuptor / Baked Hake with vegetables

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- merluciu - hake
- cartofi - potatoes
- morcovi - carrots
- ceapa - onions
- ardei kapia -  Kapia pepper
- masline - olive
- ciuperci - eu am folosit pleuretus - Mushrooms - I used pleuretus
- patrunjel - parsley
- lamaie - lemon
- usturoi - garlic

Taiem legumele si le punem intr-o tava. Le stropim cu putin ulei.

Cut vegetables and put them in a pan. Sprinkle them with a little oil.

Punem legumele la cuptor si cand sunt aproape gata, adaugam bucatile de peste si inca un ardei kapia taiat rondele. Lasam la cuptor pana este gata pestele.

Put the vegetables in the oven. When they are almost done, add chunks of fish and another Kapia pepper   ​​. We leave in the oven until the fish is ready.

Se serveste fierbinte.

Serve hot!

Bon appetit!

vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

Prajitura cu ananas si sos de vanilie / Pineapple cake with vanilla sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- o cutie de compot de ananas - A box of pineapple compote
- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- o cana de zahar - A cup of sugar
- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- 5 linguri de ulei - 5 tablespoons oil
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- un praf de copt - A pinch of baking powder
- sos de vanilie - Vanilla sauce
- 5 linguri de apa - 5 tablespoons of wather

Blatul il facem in felul urmator: batem albusurile spuma cu un sirop fierbinte format din 5 linguri de apa si zaharul. Adaugam galbenusurile, faina, praful de copt, uleiul si esenta de vanilie. Amestecam totul bine. Punem compozitia intr-o forma de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt.

 We do doughtas follows: beat egg whites with hot syrup made ​​of sugar and 5 tablespoons of water. Add the egg yolks, flour, baking powder, oil and vanilla. Mix everything well. Put mixture into a baking tin lined with baking paper.

Dupa 15 minute de copt, adaugam bucatile de ananas si mai dam la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.

After 15 minutes of baking, add pineapple chunks and put in the oven until toothpick test passes.

Sosul de vanilie l-am facut ca in linkul de mai jos.

Vanilla sauce recipe I made like the recipe in  the link.

Se serveste rece cu sos deasupra.

Serve cold with sauce on top.


luni, 9 septembrie 2013

Pui in sos de lapte de cocos / Chicken in coconut milk sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un pui - A chicken
- o cutie de lapte de cocos - A can of coconut milk
- o lingurita de curry - A teaspoon of curry
- 2 linguri de smantana - 2 tablespoons of cream
- cimbru - thyme

Calim bucatile de pui.

Fry chicken pieces.

Dupa ce s-au prajit bucatile de pui adaugam curry-ul si laptele de cocos amestecat cu smantana.

After you have fried chicken pieces add curry and coconut milk mixed with sour cream.
Adaugam cimbrul si mai lasam la foc mic cca 2-3 minute.

Add thyme and  leave on low heat for 2-3 minutes.
Bon appetit!

miercuri, 4 septembrie 2013

Ciorba de oase afumate / Smoked bone soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1kg de oase afumatev- 1kg of smoked bones
- morcov - carrot
- ceapa - onions
- pastarnac - parsnips
- telina - celery
- 2-3 rosii - 2-3 tomates
- un ardei galben  - A yellow peppers
- leustean - lovage
- otet - vinegar
- taitei - noodles
- pasta de tomate - tomato paste
- cartofi - potatos

Fierbem oasele bine, taiem legumele si le adaugam in oala.

Boil the bones well, cut vegetables and add to the pot.

Dupa ce au fiert legumele , adaugam taiteii, rosiile cubulete si pasta de tomate daca mai este nevoie.

After cooking vegetables, add noodles, diced tomatoes and tomato paste if needed.

La sfarsit adaugam leusteanul tocat si otet dupa gust.

Finally, add the chopped lovage and vinegar to taste.

Bon appetit!

marți, 3 septembrie 2013

Clatite cu urda si capsuni / Pancakes with ricotta and strawberries

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- lapte - milk
- faina - flour
- urda - ricotta
- capsuni - strawberry

Facem aluatul de clatite din oua, lapte, faina si branza maruntita.
We make pancakes from eggs, milk, flour and shredded cheese.
Turnam cate un polonic de compozitie intr-o tigaie si lasam sa se rumeneasca frumos.

Pour a ladle of  mixture into a pan and let it brown nicely.
Le scoatem pe o farfurie si le ornam cu capsuni. Se poate folosi orice fruct preferat.

Put them on a plate and add the strawberries. You can use any favorite fruit.
Bon appetit!

luni, 2 septembrie 2013

Cosulete cu crema de branza / Mini tarts with cheese cream

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 500g branza dulce - 500 g cheese
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- unt - butter
- foi de placinta - Sheets of pie
- 80g nuca de cocos - 80g coconut
- esenta de vanilie- Vanilla

Taiem foile de placinta in patrate mici cat sa intre in formele de briose si le ungem cu unt topit.

Cut pie sheets into small squares  to get into mini muffin tins and brush them with melted butter.

Amestecam branza cu ouale, nuca de cocos si esenta de vanilie.

Mix cheese, eggs, coconut and vanilla.
 Umplem formele cu crema de branza.

Fill forms with cheese cream.
Deasupra acoperim cu bucatele mici ramase de la foi si cu cate 1/2 lingura de unt topit.

On top cover with small pieces of sheets of pie, and  1/2 tablespoon of melted butter.
Lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.

We leave in the oven until nicely browned.

Bon appetit!