miercuri, 30 octombrie 2013

Tarta Tatin / Tatin Tart

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru aluat / For the dough:
- 250 g faina - 250 g flour
- 150 g unt - 150 g butter
- 50 g zahar pudra - 50 g powdered sugar
- un ou - An egg

Pentru umplutura / For the filling:
- 50 g unt - 50 g butter
- 125 g zahar - 125 g sugar
- 2 linguri apa - 2 tablespoons water
- 500 g mere curatate si taiate felii - 500 g apples peeled and sliced
- vanilie sau scortisoaravanilla or cinnamon.

Optional: eu am pus si caju, migdale si banane uscate.
Optional: I put and cashews, almonds and dried bananas.

Facem un aluat din faina, unt, zahar pudra si ou. Il punem in frigider pana pregatim umplutura.

We make a dough of flour, butter, powdered sugar and egg. Put it in the fridge until prepare the filling.

Punem la topit untul, adaugam apa si zaharul. Lasam pe foc pana se caramelizeaza usor compozitia.

We melted the butter, add water and sugar. We leave on fire until mixture caramelizes slightly.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, iar deasupra am pus migdalele, caju si bananele uscate. Se pot inlocui cu stafide sau orice alt fruct uscat preferat.

Pour into a pan lined with parchment paper and on top put almonds, cashews and dried bananas. You can substitute with raisins or other dried fruit favorite.

Deasupra punem merele, ideal ar fi sa se suprapuna pe 2-3 randuri, ca sa avem fruct din plin in tarta. Le stropim cu esenta de vanilie sau scortisoara.

Above we put apples, ideally to overlap the 2-3 lines, to have plenty of fruit in the tart. Sprinkle them with vanilla or cinnamon.

Intindem o foaie din aluat si o punem deasupra merelor.

Stretch a piece of dough and put it over the apples.

Lasam la cuptor in jur de 30-40 minute, pana se rumeneste frumos, aluatul.

We leave in the oven for about 30-40 minutes, until the dough is nicely browned.

Dupa ce scoatem tava din cuptor, o lasam vreo 10 minute si apoi o rasturnam.

After you remove the pan from the oven, leave it about 10 minutes and then overturned.

Se serveste imediat!!!!
Este delicioasa!

Serve immediately!!
It is delicious!

Bon appetit!

marți, 29 octombrie 2013

Quiche Lorraine

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru aluat/For the dough::

- 225 g faina - 225 g flour
- 150 g unt rece - 150 g cold butter
- un ou - An egg
- un galbenus - an yolk

Pentru umplutura/For the filling:
- bacon sau kaizer - Bacon
- telemea rasa - Cheese 
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 200 ml frisca neindulcita - 200 ml unsweetened whipped cream
- nucsoara - nutmeg
- carnati - sausages
- cimbru - thyme

Se amesteca faina cu untul rece, se adauga oual batut si framantam pana se omogenizeaza bine. Invelim aluatul in folie si il tinem la frigider pana pregatim umplutura.

Mix flour with cold butter, add beaten egg and knead well until is smooth. Wrap dough in foil and keep it in the refrigerator until the filling is ready.

Dupa 20 de minute de stat la frigider il intindem cu sucitorul si il punem intr-o forma rotunda unsa cu unt si tapetata cu faina. Intepam foaia de aluat si o bagam la cuptor 15 minute, la foc mic. Dupa 15 minute o scoatem si o ungem cu galbenus.

After 20 minutes in refrigerate we stretch with rolling pin and put it into a round greased with butter and dusted with flour. Prick dough sheet and put in  the oven 15 minutes on low heat. After 15 minutes we  Brush with egg yolk.

Umplutura: prajim baconul si carnatii si batem ouale cu frisca si nucsoara. Punem peste aluat carnatii si baconul, adaugam branza si amestecul de oua.

Filling: fry bacon and sausages and beat eggs with cream , thyme and nutmeg. We put  over the dough sausages and bacon, add cheese and egg mixture.

Punem la cuptor pentru 45 minute la foc mic.

Put in the oven for 45 minutes on low heat.

Se serveste fierbinte dar este delicioasa si rece ( daca mai ramane) :)).

It is delicious served hot but cold (If you still have) :)).

Bon appetite!

vineri, 25 octombrie 2013

Prajitura cu crema nocciola / Nocciola cream cake

 Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 600 ml iaurt cu crema nocciola - 600 ml yogurt cream Nocciola
- 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
- 20 piscoturi - 20 Wafers
- gelatina - gelatin
- 75 g unt - 75 g butter

Maruntim piscoturile si le amestecam cu untul topit. Turnam compozitia intr-o forma de tort cu pereti detasabili.

Mix crushed wafers with melted butter. Pour mixture into a cake with removable walls.

Eu am gasit la Lidl un iaurt delicios cu nocciola , este ca o crema si se poate folosi si la prajituri. L-am amestecat cu frisca.

I found in Lidl store a delicious Nocciola yogurt, is like a cream and can be used on cakes. I mixed with whipped cream.

Gelatina am pregatit-o conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj si am turnat-o in crema.
Crema am turnat-o in forma si am pus prajitura la rece pana s-a intarit.

I prepared the gelatin  and poured it into the cream.
I poured cream in cake form and put  its  
in the refrigerator until it has hardened.

Am ornat cu fulgi de ciocolata alba.

I decorated with white chocolate chips.

Bon appetit!

joi, 24 octombrie 2013

Prajitura desteapta / Smart cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 9 oua - 9 eggs
- 1 l lapte - 1 liter milk
- 9 linguri de faina - 9 tablespoons flour
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- 4 pliculete de zahar vanilat - 4 sachets of vanilla sugar
- 250 g zahar - 250 g sugar
- un pachet de unt - A pack of butter
- zahar pudra - Powdered sugar

Separam ouale si batem galbenusurile cu zaharul. Adaugam untul topit si racit in fir subtire, pana il incorporam pe tot. Adaugam faina si esenta amestecand continuu.

Separate the eggs and beat the yolks with the sugar. Add butter melted and cooled thin wire until it incorporate all. Add flour and  essence.

Adaugam lapte putin cate putin si albusurile batute spuma tare. 

Add milk  and egg whites hard beaten.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si o dam la cuptor la foc mic, aproximativ o ora.

Pour into a pan lined with parchment paper and give the oven on low heat for about an hour.

Usa cuptorului nu se deschide pana nu se coace prajitura.

Do not open the oven door until the cake is baked.

Lasam prajitura sa se raceasca, o pudra cu zahar pudra si o portionam. Este delicioasa!

We leave the cake to cool, powder with powdered sugar and a portion. It is delicious!
Bon appetit!

vineri, 18 octombrie 2013

Paine aperitiv / Bread for All

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 75 g masline verzi - 75 g green olives
- 75 g rosii uscate - 75 g dried tomatoes
- o lingura cimbru - A tablespoon thyme
- 150 g parmezan - 150 g Parmesan
- 350 g faina - 350 g flour
- 2 lingurite praf de copt - 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- o lingura de mustar - A tablespoon of mustard
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 300 ml lapte batut sau iaurt - 300 ml buttermilk or yogurt
- o ceapa - An onion
- marar - dill
- sunca - ham

Punem intr-un castron toate ingrediente: sunca se taie cubulete, rosiile si ceapa se toc marunt.

Put all ingredients in a bowl: ham cut into cubes, tomatoes and onion finely chop .

Amestecam totul bine, pana se formeaza o compozitie lipicioasa.

Stir well until it forms a sticky composition.

Punem compozitia intr-o tava unsa cu unt si tapetata cu faina. Deasupra mai punem cateva masline intregi si presaram putin cimbru.

Put mixture into a pan greased with butter and dusted with flour. On top we put some olive  and sprinkle a little thyme whole.

Lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos.

We leave in the oven until nicely browned.

Bon appetit!

joi, 17 octombrie 2013

Creier pane / Fried brain

Ingrediente / ingedients:

- 400 g creier de porc - 400 g of pork brain
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- faina - flour

Batem ouale cu sare si piper. Adaugam faina pana ajunge la consistenta aluatului de clatite.
Fierbem creierul in apa cu sare , aproximativ 15 minute. 
Il lasam sa se raceasca, apoi il dam prin compozitia de oua si il punem la prajit in ulei incins.

Beat eggs with salt and pepper. Add flour until it reaches the consistency of pancake batter.
Boil the brain in salted water about 15 minutes.
Let it cool, then we put him in the egg mixture and  fried in hot oil.

Dupa ce s-a rumenit, il scoatem pe hartie absorbanta si il servim cu garnitura preferata. Eu l-am servit cu  un piure de cartofi si ardei la otet.

Once browned, remove it on absorbent paper and serve it with your favorite garnish. I've served it with mashed potatoes and peppers in vinegar.

Bon appetit!

miercuri, 16 octombrie 2013

Tocana cu 3 tipuri de carne / 3 kinds of meat stew

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 200 g carne de porc - 200 g pork
- 200 g piept de pui - 200 g chicken breast
- 200 g carne de vita - 200 g beef
- un carnat afumat - A smoked sausage
- telina - celery
- cartofi - potatoes
- ciuperci proaspete - Fresh mushrooms
- mazare - peas
- ceapa - onions
- praz - leeks
- morcov - carrot
- 3 rosii mari taiate cubulete - 3 large tomatoes diced
- 2 frunze de dafin - 2 bay leaves
- o lingurita de cimbru - A teaspoon of thyme
- 3 linguri pasta de tomate - 3 tablespoons tomato paste
- un pahar cu vin rosu - A glass of red wine
- un ardei kapia - A sweet Kapia

- 2 lingurite de mustar boabe - 2 teaspoons of mustard with seeds
- usturoi - garlic

Taiem ceapa julien si prazul rondele, si le calim in 2-3 linguri de ulei.

Cut onions and leeks thinly and fry them in 2-3 tablespoons of oil.

Adaugam morcovul taiat rondele, cartofii cubulete, ardeiul fasii , ciupercile intregi, telina cubulete si frunzele de dafin.

Add sliced ​​carrots, diced potatoes, pepper strips, whole mushrooms, diced celery and bay leaves.

Calim carnea in ordinea urmatoare: vita, porc, pui si carnatul la final. Cand este aproape gata adaugam mustarul si mai lasam 3-4 minute. Dupa ce s-a racit o taiem cubulete si o punem peste legume. Adaugam pasta de tomate , rosiile cubulete, sare si piper, mazarea, cimbrul si vinul. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic cca 30 de minute.

Fry the meat in the following order: beef, pork, chicken and sausage at the end. When is  almost ready add the mustard and  leave more3-4 minutes. When the meat is  cold cut into cubes and put it over the vegetables. Add tomato paste, diced tomatoes, salt and pepper, peas, thyme and wine. Let simmer on low heat about 30 minutes.

Dupa 30 de minute, am transferat preparatul intr-un vas roman si l-am bagat la cuptor pentru o ora si jumatate, la foc mic.

After 30 minutes, I transferred the mixture into a clay pot and I put in the oven for an hour and a half to a simmer.

Dupa o ora de stat la cuptor , adaugam usturoiul strivit si mai lasam 30 de minute.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.

After an hour in the oven , add crushed garlic and leave more  for 30 minutes.
Serve hot with polenta.

Bon appetit!