Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru aluat / For the dough:
- 250 g faina - 250 g flour
- 150 g unt - 150 g butter
- 50 g zahar pudra - 50 g powdered sugar
- un ou - An egg
Pentru umplutura / For the filling:
- 50 g unt - 50 g butter
- 125 g zahar - 125 g sugar
- 2 linguri apa - 2 tablespoons water
- 500 g mere curatate si taiate felii - 500 g apples peeled and sliced
- vanilie sau scortisoara - vanilla or cinnamon.
Optional: eu am pus si caju, migdale si banane uscate.
Optional: I put and cashews, almonds and dried bananas.
Facem un aluat din faina, unt, zahar pudra si ou. Il punem in frigider pana pregatim umplutura.
We make
a dough of flour, butter, powdered sugar and egg. Put it in the fridge until prepare the filling.
Punem la topit untul, adaugam apa si zaharul. Lasam pe foc pana se caramelizeaza usor compozitia.
We melted the butter, add water and sugar. We leave on fire until mixture caramelizes slightly.
Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt, iar deasupra am pus migdalele, caju si bananele uscate. Se pot inlocui cu stafide sau orice alt fruct uscat preferat.
Pour into a pan lined with parchment paper and on top put almonds, cashews and dried bananas. You can substitute with raisins or other dried fruit favorite.
Deasupra punem merele, ideal ar fi sa se suprapuna pe 2-3 randuri, ca sa avem fruct din plin in tarta. Le stropim cu esenta de vanilie sau scortisoara.
Above we put apples,
ideally to overlap
the 2-3 lines, to have plenty of fruit in the tart. Sprinkle them with vanilla or cinnamon.
Intindem o foaie din aluat si o punem deasupra merelor.
Stretch a piece of dough and put it over the apples.
Lasam la cuptor in jur de 30-40 minute, pana se rumeneste frumos, aluatul.
We leave in the oven for about 30-40 minutes, until the dough is nicely browned.
Dupa ce scoatem tava din cuptor, o lasam vreo 10 minute si apoi o rasturnam.