joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

Varza cu coaste afumate la wok / Cabbage with smoked ribs at wok

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- coaste de porc afumate - Smoked pork ribs
- varza proaspata - Fresh cabbage
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- cimbru - thyme
- o ceapa mare - A large onion
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Calim coastele de porc intr-o lingura de ulei.

Fry the pork ribs in a tablespoon of oil.

Le scoatem si adaugam ceapa tocata. O lasam pana se inmoaie bine si adaugam varza tocata si frecata cu sare.

Remove the ribs and add the chopped onion. Leave until is soft and add shredded cabbage and rub with salt.

Cand varza s-a inmuiat, adaugam pasta de tomate, cimbru si coastele.

When cabbage has softened, add the tomato paste, thyme and ribs.

Lasam la foc mic pana se face bine varza.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.

Let simmer until cabbage is done well.
Serve hot with polenta.

Bon appetit!

miercuri, 27 noiembrie 2013

Rulada cu crema de ciocolata / Chocolate cream roulade

Reteta aceasta am luat-o de pe blogul Paulei
Este intr-adevar '' The best''.........

I took this recipe from Paula's blog

It's  really'' The best'' .........

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Blat / Sponge:
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 3 albusuri - 3 egg whites
- 5 linguri zahar - 5 tablespoons sugar
- 4 linguri faina - 4 tablespoons flour
- 2 linguri cacao - 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 lingurita praf de copt - 1 teaspoon baking powder

Crema / cream:
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk
- 3 galbenusuri - 3 egg yolks
- 2 linguri amidon - 2 tablespoons starch
- 2 linguri cacao - 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 5 linguri zahar - 5 tablespoons sugar
- 180 gr ciocolata neagra 60-70% - 180 gr dark chocolate 60-70%
- 100 gr unt - 100 g butter

Glazura / glaze:
- 80 gr ciocolata neagra - 80 gr dark chocolate
- 60 gr frisca lichida - 60 gr whipped cream

Facem blatul in felul urmator: separam albusurile de galbenusuri. Galbenusurile le mixam cu zaharul pana isi dubleza volumul, adaugam esenta  de vanilie. Faina o amestecam cu cacaoa si praful de copt. Adaugam amestecul uscat peste galbenusuri si amestecam. Compozitia se va ingrosa destul de bine. Albusurile le batem spuma tare impreuna cu un praf de sare. Punem 2 linguri de albus peste cealalta compozitie si incercam sa o omogenizam si sa o facem mai fluida. Adaugam si restul de albus, amestecam usor cu o spatula cu miscari de jos in sus.

We maje the sponge as follows: Separate the egg whites from yolks. Mixing the yolks withe sugar until doubled, add vanilla. Mix flour with cocoa and baking powder. Add the dry mixture over the yolks and mix. Composition will thicken quite well. They fight hard foam egg with a pinch of salt. Put 2 tablespoons of whites over other composition and trying to homogenize and make it more fluid. Add the remaining egg white, mix gently with a spatula with movements from the bottom up.

Tapetam o tava cu hartie de copt si turnam compozitia, niveland foarte bine pentru a iesi uniform blatul. Lasam la cuptor cca 20 minute.

Put baking paper on a tray and pour composition, leveling very well to get a uniform sponge. We leave in the oven about 20 minutes.

Laptele il punem pe foc impreuna cu zaharul. Galbenusurile le amestecam usor, adaugam amidonul si cacao peste galbenusuri si omogenizam. Cand laptele e fierbinte punem 2-3 linguri de lapte peste amestecul de galbenusuri si amestecam continuu. Rasturnam crema de galbenusuri peste restul de lapte si punem din nou vasul pe foc. Cand crema e suficient de intarita  luam vasul de pe foc si adaugam ciocolata neagra rupta bucatele, apoi untul. Lasam crema la racit.

Cream: Put the milk  on fire with sugar.  Mix yolks  easily, add starch and cocoa over the egg yolks and blend. When milk is hot put 2-3 tablespoons milk mixture over the yolks and mix continuously. Invert the egg yolks with remaining cream milk and put the bowl on fire again. When cream is hardened sufficiently take the bowl from heat and add the dark chocolate broken pieces, and butter. Let the cream cool.

Cand blatul este facut il rasturnam pe un prosop si il rulam. Il lasam in prosop pana se raceste , apoi adaugam crema .

When cake is done overthrow him on a towel and it's run. Leave it in the towel until cool, then add the cream.

Glazura: punem la incalzit frisca si adaugam ciocolata. Amestecam pana se dizolva.

Glaze: We warmed cream and add chocolate. Stir until dissolved.

Turnam galzura peste rulada si o intindem usor.

Pour glaze over the cake and gently stretch.

Eu am ras ciocolata alba deasupra, dar se poate pune si nuca de cocos, nuca, alune, orice va place.

I shaved white chocolate on top, but you can put coconut, walnuts, peanuts, whatever you like.

Se lasa la frigider cca 2- 3 ore si apoi se serveste.

Leave in the refrigerator about 2-3 hours and then serve.

Bon appetit!

luni, 25 noiembrie 2013

Carne de curcan in sos de legume / Turkey with vegetable sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o pulpa de curcan - A turkey leg
- 2 linguri de pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 2 morcovi - 2 carrots
- un pastarnac- A parsnip
- o telina mica- A small celery
- o ceapa - An onion
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

- un cub de unt - A cube of butter
- usturoi - garlic

Dezosam pulpa de curcan, iar carnea o calim putin cu un cub de unt.

Fry the turkey meat with a cube of butter.

Legumele le fierbem si le pasam. Diluam pasta de legume pana ajunge la consistenta unei supe-creme. Adaugam pasta de tomate si mai lasam sa fiarba 3-4 minute, la foc mic.

Boil the vegetables  and pass it. Diluted the vegetable pasta until it reaches the consistency of a soup-cream. Add tomato paste and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes on low heat.

Adaugam carnea si usturoiul si mai  lasam sa mai fiarba 10-15 minute. 

Add the meat and garlic and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.

Serve hot with polenta.

Bon appetit!

vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013

Briose cu fructe de padure / Muffins with berries

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 200 g faina - 200 g flour
- 2 lingurite praf de copt - 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 100 g zahar - 100 g sugar
- 1 ou - 1 egg
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk
- 150 g unt topit si racit - 150 g butter, melted and cooled
- 200 g fructe de padure - 200 g berries
- 200 ml frisca - pentru ornat - 200 ml cream - for garnish

Amestecam faina, praful de copt, zaharul, laptele , oul si untul. 

Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, milk, egg and butter.

Adaugam fructele de pdure si amestecam usor.

Add berries and mix gently.

Turnam compozitia in forme si bagam la cuptor 20-25 de minute.

Pour the mixture into shapes and baked for 20-25 minutes.

Dupa ce s-au racit bine, se orneaza cu frisca.

After they have cooled well, garnish with whipped cream.

Bon appetit!

joi, 21 noiembrie 2013

Macrou marinat / Marinated mackerel

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1 kg de macrou - 1 kg of mackerel
- 2 kg de morcov - 2 pounds of carrots
- piper boabe - Pepper
- 3-4 foi de dafin - 3-4 bay leaves
- otet - vinegar

Pestele il prajim in ulei incins si il scoatem pe un servet ca sa eliminam surplusul de ulei.

 Fry the fishit in hot oil and put it on a towel to remove excess oil.

Dam morcovul pe razatoare si il calim pana se inmoaie bine.

Fry the grated carrot  until  is well done.

Facem o marinata din apa, otet, sare, dafin si piper boabe (eu am folosit un mix de piper). Lasam sa dea intr-un clocot.

We make a marinade of water, vinegar, salt, bay leaf and pepper (I used a mix of pepper). Let them  boil.

Inainte de a folosi morcovul, il lasam la scurs intr-o strecuratoare, sa nu fie prea uleioasa marinata.
Intr-o cratita punem alternativ morcov si peste. Deasupra turnam marinata fierbinte.

Before using carrots, leave it to drain in a strainer.
In a pan put alternating carrot and mackerel. Pour over hot marinade.

Lasam sa se raceasca bine, apoi o bagam la frigider pentru 2-3 zile sa se marineze bine pestele.

Leave to cool  then put in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to marinate the fish well.

Bon appetit!

vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

Tort de ciocolata / Chocolate Cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
- 200 g ciocolata neagra - 200 g dark chocolate
- 2 linguri de cacao - 2 tablespoons of cocoa
- 3 linguri ulei - 3 tablespoons oil
- 5 linguri de zahar + 3 linguri pentru sirop - 5 tablespoons sugar + 3 tablespoons syrup
- 5 linguri de faina - 5 tablespoons flour
- un praf de copt - A packet of baking powder
- o esenta de rom - A rum

Batem albusurile spuma tare, adaugam zaharul , galbenusurile, uleiul,  faina, cacao si praful de copt.

Beat egg whites hard, add sugar, egg yolks, oil, flour, cocoa and baking powder.

Turnam compozitia intr-o forma unsa cu unt si lasam la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.

Pour mixture into greased with butter form and let the oven until toothpick test passes.

Frisca o batem bine si adaugam ciocolata topita putin cate putin, pana o incorporam pe toata.

well and add   a little  melted chocolate until embed it the entire.

Lasam blatul sa se raceasca bine si il taiem in doua. Facem un sirop din 3 linguri de zahar si 150 - 200 ml apa, iar la sfarsit adaugam esenta de rom. Insiropam blatul bine.

Let cake cool well and cut it in half. Make a syrup from 3 tablespoons sugar and 150-200 ml water, and finally add rum. Pour syrup over the cake.

Peste prima foaie de blat turnam crema, nivelam bine, adaugam a doua foaie si imbracam tortul in crema.

Over the first sheet of cake pour cream,  add the second sheet and put the remaining cream.

Deasupra am ras ciocolata.

Above, I put grated chocolate.

Bon appetit!