Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 400 g faina - 400 g flour
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- un galbenus - an Yolk
- 100 g unt - 100 g butter
- 50 ml apa - 50 ml of water
- 2 linguri cu ulei - 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 kg carne tocata - 1 kg minced meat
- 3 cepe - 3 onions
- un ardei kapia - A sweet Kapia pepper
- o cutie de ciuperci - A box of mushrooms
- usturoi - garlic
- 100 ml vin alb - 100 ml white wine
- cascaval - cheese
- cimbru - thyme
- oregano - oregano
- marar - dill
- o lingura pasta de tomate - A tablespoon of tomato paste
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
Pentru inceput pregatim aluatul din: unt, 2 oua, faina, ulei si apa.
Formam o bila din aluat, il punem in folie alimentara si il bagam in frigider cat pregatim umplutura.
We form a ball of dough, put it in foil and stuffing it in the fridge until you prepare the filling.
Carnea o punem la calit cu sare si piper.
We put the meat to
cook with salt and pepper.
Adaugam ceapa tocata marunt, ardeiul si usturoiul strivit, cam 3 catei de usturoi.
Add chopped onion, pepper and crushed garlic, about 3 cloves of garlic.
Dupa 5-10 minute, adaugam ciupercile, pasta de tomate si vinul. Lasam sa scada bine sosul.
5-10 minutes, add mushrooms, tomato paste and wine. Let it fall well the sauce.
La sfarsit adaugam mararul tocat marunt.
Finally add chopped dill.
Scoatem aluatul din frigider si formam cercuri intinse foarte bine.
dough from refrigerator and form circles.
Punem o lingura - doua de carne tocata si cubulete de cascaval.
a spoon - two of minced meat and cheese cubes.
Pliem cercurile si le ungem cu galbenus de ou.