Ingrediente/ ingredients:
- cartofi - potatoes
- ceapa - onions
- morcov - carrot
- marar - dill
- usturoi - garlic
- ketchup de casa - Homemade ketchup
- foi de dafin - Bay leaves
- 100 ml vin alb - 100 ml white wine
- o lingurita de cimbru - A teaspoon of thyme
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
Punem la calit ceapa in 2-3 linguri de ulei. Dupa ce s-a inmuiat, adaugam morcovul ras pe razatoarea mica.
Put to cook onion in 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Once softened, add grated carrot.
Cand morcovul este aproape gata, adaugam cartofii taiati cuburi, usturoiul strivit, vinul, frunzele de dafin si acoperim cu apa.
When carrots are almost done, add diced potatoes, crushed garlic, wine, bay leaves and cover with water.
Cand cartofii s-au facut, adaugam ketchup-ul, cimbru, sare si piper si mai lasam sa fiarba 5-10 minute.
When the potatoes are done, add the ketchup, thyme,
salt and pepper and
let it simmer for 5-10 minutes.
I served
with roasted
pepper salad with garlic.
Bon appetit!