marți, 8 iulie 2014

Salam de biscuiti cu banana si ciocolata alba / Biscuits baton with bananas and white chocolate

- 500 g biscuiti  - 500 g biscuits 
- o ciocolata alba - A white chocolate 
- 3 linguri de cacao - 3 tablespoons cocoa 
- 100 g nuci prajite - 100 g roasted nuts 
- 3 linguri de nuca de cocos - 3 tablespoons coconut 
- 1/2 pachet unt - 1/2 butter pack 
- 3 linguri de zahar - 3 tablespoons sugar 
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk 
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla 
- 2 banane - 2 bananas

Punem laptele la incalzit cu untul, zaharul si cacao.

We heated the milk with butter, sugar and cocoa.

Turnam compozitia peste biscuitii sfaramati. Dupa ce s-a racit compozitia, adaugam ciocolata tocata marunt, nuca de cocos, esenta de vanilie si nuca tocata marunt.

Pour over crushed biscuits  the mixture  obtained. When is cooled the composition, add chopped chocolate, coconut, vanilla and chopped nuts.

Amestecam bine si intindem compozitie pe o folie alimentara. La mijloc punem bananele.

Mix well and stretch the composition on foil . In the middle put the bananas.

Formam ''salamul'' si il acoperim cu folie. Deasupra se poate pune nuca de cocos.

We form the ''salami'' and cover it with foil. Above you can put coconut.

Il lasam la frigider cel putin 2 ore inainte de servire.

Leave it in the refrigerator at least 2 hours before serving. 

Bon appetit!