joi, 28 august 2014

Prajitura Rigo Jancsi / Rigo Jancsi Cake

Pentru blat/For the cake:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 6 linguri cu zahar - 6 tablespoons sugar
- 6 linguri cu apa rece - 6 tablespoons cold water
- 3 linguri cu cacao - 3 tablespoons cocoa
- 4 linguri faina - 4 tablespoons flour 
- un praf de copt - A pinch of baking 
Sirop / syrup:
- 4 linguri de zahar - 4 tablespoons of sugar 
- 6 linguri de apa - 6 tablespoons water 
- o esenta de rom - A rum

Pentru crema / For the filling: :
- 500 ml.  frisca - 500 ml. cream 
- 400 g. ciocolata amaruie - 400 g. dark chocolate 
- 2 lingurite ness cafe - 2 teaspoons instant coffee 
- 250 g mascarpone - 250 g mascarpone
Pentru glazura / For the glaze: :
- 200 g. ciocolata cu lapte - 200 g. Milk chocolate

Separam albusurile de galbenus, le batem spuma tare impreuna cu zaharul, adaugam galbenusurile, apa, cacao, faina si praful de copt. Amestecam pana se incorporeaza toate ingredientele. Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si o lasam la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii, aproximativ 35 de minute.
Separate the eggs, beat hard foam egg with sugar, add egg yolks, water, cocoa, flour and baking powder. Mix to incorporate all ingredients. Pour mixture into a tray lined with baking paper and leave it in the oven until toothpick test passes, about 35 minutes.

Crema: punem frisca lichida intr-o cratita, nessul, adaugam ciocolata rupta bucati si o punem la foc mic, pana se topeste ciocolata. Atentie  : NU TREBUIE SA FIARBA!!!!! 
O lasam sa se raceasca bine apoi o punem la frigider pentru minim 3-4 ore. Dupa, o mixam bine si adaugam mascarpone.
Cream: put whipped cream in a saucepan, add instant coffee,  the broken chocolate pieces and put over low heat until chocolate melts. Warning: DO NOT boil !!!!! 
Let to cool well then put in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours. After a mixing well and add the mascarpone.

Blatul il taiem in doua si se poate insiropa. Eu am facut un sirop din apa, zahar si o esenta de rom, dar se poate folosi brandy sau sirop de zahar ars. Adaugam 3 sferturi din crema, punem cealalta jumatate de blat, restul de crema si radem ciocolata deasupra.
The cake you can cut in half and moist. I made a syrup of water, sugar and rum, but you can use brandy or burnt sugar syrup. Add 3 quarters of cream, put the other half of dough and the remaining cream and shave chocolate on top.

O lasam la frigider pentru cel putin 4-5 ore. Eu am lasat-o peste noapte. 
Se taie cu un cutit trecut prin apa fierbinte.
Leave in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours. I left it overnight. 
Cut with a knife passed through hot water. 

Bon appetit!