duminică, 26 februarie 2017


Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 400 g mascarpone - 400g mascarpone
- 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
- 50 ml amaretto - 50ml amaretto
- piscoturi - ladyfingers
- 3-4 linguri zahar - 3-4 tablespoons sugar
- 400 ml cafea indulcita - 400 ml sweetened coffee 

Batem frisca cu zaharul. Daca este deja indulcita nu mai adaugam zahar. Adaugam mascapone si 25 ml amaretto.

Beat the cream with the sugar. If it is already sweetened do not add sugar. Add mascapone and  25 ml amaretto.

Pregatim vasul in care montam prajitura. Adaugam putina crema pe fundul vasului , un rand de piscoturi inmuiate in cafea (in care punem restul de amaretto) iar un strat generos de crema si continuam pana terminam cu crema.

Prepare the dish in which assemble the cake. Add some cream on the bottom, a row of ladyfingers soaked in coffee ( put the rest of amaretto in coffee) and a generous layer of cream and continue until finished with cream.

In reteta originala se pun si galbenusuri crude, dar daca avem si copii la masa, putem sa renuntam la galbenusuri.
Pudram cu cacao inainte de servire pentru a nu se umezi la frigider.
Prajitura trebuie sa stea la rece minim 4 ore inainte de servire.

In the original recipe we put yolks , but if we have children at the table, we can give up the yolks.
Put cocoa on top before serving.
The cake must stay at least 4 hours before serving.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2017

Bruschete cu ton / Tuna Bruschetta

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- o bagheta - baguette
- o conserva de ton file - tuna fillets
- unt - butter

Taiem bagheta felii si o bagam 3-4 minute la cuptor pana se rumeneste.

Cut baguette in slices and stuffing in the oven for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

Ungem feliile calde cu unt si adaugam ton.

Brush the warm slices with butter and add  tuna.

Putem adauga si cativa stropi de zeama de lamaie.

We can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Bon appetit!