sâmbătă, 8 septembrie 2018

Chocolate Temptations

Ingrediente/ ingredients:

- 90 g unt - 90 g butter
- 350 g ciocolata - 350 g plain chocolate
- o lingura de cafea - 1 tsp strong coffee
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 140 g zahar brun - 140 g brown sugar
- 185 g faina - 15 g plain flour
- 1/2 lingurita praf de copt - 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 lingurite de esenta de migdale - 2 teaspoon almond essence
- 85 g alune de padure - 85 g hazelnuts
- 85 g nuci - 85 g nuts

Pentru inceput topim ciocolata cu untul, adaugam cafeaua si o lasam sa se racoreasca putin. Batem ouale impreuna cu zaharul si le adaugam peste ciocolata amestecand continuu. Adaugam faina, praful de copt, esenta de migdale si mixam bine.

First time we melt the chocolate with butter and gently simmering. Meanwhile , beat the eggs in a bowl until fluffy. Wisk in the sugar gradually until thick. Add tot the egg mixture and stil until combined. Sift the flour, baking powder and stir the chocolate mixture.

Punem nucile si alunele intr-o tigaie si le prajim putim.

Put the nuts and  hazelnuts in a fry pot and we let them about 5-6 minutes .

Le tocam rosier.

Chop them into pieces.

Le adaugam in compozitia de ciocolata.

Add them into chocolate mixture.

Preincalzim cuptorul. Intr-a tava tapetata cu hartie de copt punem cu o lingura de inghetata gramajoare de compozitie. LAsam la cuptor pentru 16 minute.

Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius Grade.
Put 24 tablespoon fuls of the mixture on the baking sheet, transfer into the oven for 16 minutes.

Ii lasam sa se raceasca inainte de servire.....cine rezista :)).

Let them cool for a while before you serve the.....if you reziste! :))

Bon appetit!