- 3 legaturi de stevie - 3 bunches of leaf patience dock
- 3-4 cartofi - 3-4 potatoes
- 2 legaturi de ceapa verde - 2 bunches of green onions
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- o bucatie de telina - A piece of celery
- morcov - carrot
- 1 ou - 1 egg
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- bors sau otet - vinegar
- leustean - lovage
Tocam ceapa verde si ceapa rosie, si le calim in cateva linguri de ulei.
Cut green onion and red onion, and fry them in a few tablespoons of oil.
Adaugam morcovul si telina taiate cubulete.
Add the carrots and diced celery.
Dupa ce s-au inmuiat putin, adaugam cartofii taiati cubulete si apa. Lasam pe foc pana se fierb cartofii.
After they have softened a little, add the diced potatoes and water. We leave on fire to boil the potatoes.
Frunzele de stevie le oparim separat si le adaugam in ciorba dupa ce au fiert cartofii.
Blanched Leaf patience dock them separately and add them to the soup after boiled potatoes.
Adaugam oul batut bine, borsul sau otetul dupa gust si lasam sa de-a intr-un clocot.
Add egg well beaten, vinegar to taste and let to boil.
La sfarsit se adauga leusteanul tocat marunt.
At the end add chopped lovage.
Serviti ciorba calda sau rece cu putina smantana deasupra.
Serve soup hot or cold with a little sour cream.
Bon appetit!