miercuri, 17 aprilie 2013

Ciorba de stevie / Patience dock soup

 Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 legaturi de stevie - 3 bunches of leaf patience dock
- 3-4 cartofi - 3-4 potatoes
- 2 legaturi de ceapa verde - 2 bunches of green onions
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- o bucatie de telina - A piece of celery
- morcov - carrot
- 1 ou - 1 egg
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- bors sau otet - vinegar
- leustean - lovage
Tocam ceapa verde si ceapa rosie, si le calim in cateva linguri de ulei.

Cut green onion and red onion, and fry them in a few tablespoons of oil.

Adaugam morcovul si telina taiate cubulete.

Add the carrots and diced celery.

Dupa ce s-au inmuiat putin, adaugam cartofii taiati cubulete si apa. Lasam pe foc pana se fierb cartofii.

After they have softened a little, add the diced potatoes and water. We leave on fire to boil the potatoes.

Frunzele de stevie le oparim separat si le adaugam in ciorba dupa ce au fiert cartofii.

 Blanched Leaf patience dock  them separately and add them to the soup after boiled potatoes.

Adaugam oul batut bine, borsul sau otetul dupa gust si lasam sa de-a intr-un clocot.

Add egg well beaten, vinegar to taste and let to boil.

La sfarsit se adauga leusteanul tocat marunt.

At the end add chopped lovage.

Serviti ciorba calda sau rece cu putina smantana deasupra.

Serve soup hot or cold with a little sour cream.
Bon appetit!

marți, 16 aprilie 2013

Pastrav cu ciuperci la cuptor / Baked Trout with Mushrooms

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 pastravi
- o cutie de ciuperci
- o legatura de usturoi verde
- o legatura de ceapa verde
- 2 lamai
-3 cubulete de unt
- patrunjel

- 3 trout
- A box of mushrooms
- A bunch of green garlic
- A bunch of spring onions
- 2 lemons
-3 Cubes of butter
- parsley

Ungem o tava cu putin unt. Asezam pastravii, iar in interiorul lor punem cate un cubulet de unt, felii de lamaie si un fir de patrunjel. Tocam cateva fire de usturoi si ceapa (dar nu toate) si le adaugam deasupra. Potrivim de sare si piper si bagam la cuptor.

Brush a pan with some butter. We place the trout and put inside them each a butter cubes, slices of lemon and a sprig of parsley. Cut a few strands of garlic and onions (but not all) and add over the trout. Add salt and pepper and put in the oven.

Dupa 10 minute, adaugam ciupercile, ceapa si usturoiul verde ramas. Stoarcem jumatate de lamaie peste pastravi si  bagam la cuptor.

After 10 minutes, add mushrooms, onions and green garlic left. Squeeze half a lemon over trout and put in the oven.

Se serveste fierbinte!

Serve hot!

Bon appetit!

vineri, 12 aprilie 2013

Supa crema de cartofi / Cream of Potato Soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cartofi - potatoes
- un morcov - A carrot
- 2 cepe - 2 onions
- putina telina - Little celery
- un pastarnac - A parsnip
- 2 catei de usturoi - 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 linguri de parmezan - 2 tablespoons parmesan
- un cub de unt - A cube of butter
- 2 linguri de smantana - 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- bacon - bacon

Curatam legumele si le taiem cubulete.

Clean vegetables and cut them into cubes.

Le punem intr-o oala, adaugam apa cat sa le acopere si le lasam sa fiarba bine.

Put them in a pot, add water enough to cover them and let them boil well.

Strecuram zeama si o pastram. Legumele le pasam, adaugam untul, smantana si parmezanul.

Strain the juice and keep it. Mash Vegetables , add butter, cream and parmesan.

Adaugam treptat supa pastrata, pana ajungem la consistenta dorita.

Gradually add the kept soup until  reach the desired consistency.

Se serveste fierbinte cu bacon prajit.

Serve hot garnish with additional crumbled bacon.

Bon appetite!

joi, 11 aprilie 2013

Crema de zahars ars / Creme caramel

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 10 oua - 10 eggs
- 1 litru de lapte - 1 liter of milk
- 2 pliculete de zahar vanilat - 2 sachets of vanilla sugar
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- 4 linguri de zahar pentru crema si 4 pentru caramel - 4 tablespoons sugar for the caramel  and 4 tablespoons sugar for the cream
- 2 linguri de smantana - 2 tablespoons of sour cream

Mai intai facem caramelul. Intr-o tava sau o oala mai inalta (depinde cat de inalta doriti sa va iasa) punem zaharul pentru caramel si il lasam la foc mic pana se topeste zaharul.

First make caramel. In a pan or pot higher (depending on how high you want to go ) put sugar for caramel and leave it on low heat until sugar melts.

Batem ouale cu mixerul, adaugam zaharul, smantana, esentele si laptele.

Scramble the eggs and then gradually add the sugar ,vanilla sugar, sour cream and milk.

Compozitia de oua, o adaugam peste caramelul racit (se aude cum crapa).

Pour the mix in the pan with the caramel after the caramel has hardened (you start hearing it crack).

Lasam la foc mic pana se intareste crema.

Leave over low heat until cream get hardens.

Se serveste rece.

Serve cold!

Bon appetit!

miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013

Rulou de pui umplut cu branza / Chicken roll filled with cheese

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un piept de pui - A chicken breast
- branza sarata - Salty cheese
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch of green onions
- un ou - An egg
- o lingura de cascaval ras - A tablespoon of grated cheese
- cartofi - potatoes

Pieptul de pui il batem bine pentru a se intinde si a putea forma un rulou.

We beat the Chicken breast.

Amestecam branza cu oul, ceapa verde tocata marunt, sare si piper dupa gust.

Mix cheese with egg, chopped green onion, salt and pepper to taste.

Intindem compozitia pe pieptul de pui si rulam.

Stretch the chicken mixture and roll.

Intr-o tava unsa cu putin ulei de masline, adaugam rulourile si cartofii taiati in 4. Potrivim de sare si piper.

In a pan greased with a little olive oil, add the potatoes and cut into 4 and rolls. Add salt and pepper.

Lasam la cuptor, la foc mic pana se patrund bine cartofii, iar pieptul de pui capata o culoare aurie.

Leave the oven on low heat until potatoes are cooked well and the chicken turns a golden color.

Se serveste fierbinte cu o salata preferata.

Serve hot with your favorite salad.

Bon appetite!

marți, 9 aprilie 2013

Paine cu branza / Cheese bread

                 Reteta o am de la mama care locuieste in Italia. La ei se numeste ''Pizza sarata'' dar eu as numi-o mai degraba  ''paine cu branza'' sau focaccia daca o facem intr-o tava plata. Este excelenta pentru sandvisuri.

              I know this recipe from my mother who lives in Italy. They call ''Salty Pizza'' but I would call it '' cheese bread'' or focaccia if we do in a tray . It is excellent for sandwiches.

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g faina - 500 g flour
- 150 g branza sarata - 150 g salty cheese
- 3-4 linguri de cascaval ras - 3-4 tablespoons of grated cheese
- 50 g drojdie proaspata - 50 g fresh yeast
- 1/2 cana lapte - 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cana ulei - 1/2 cup oil
- 50 g margarina sau untura - 50 g margarine or lard
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- oregano - oregano
- o lingurita de sare - A teaspoon of salt

         Punem faina intr-un castron mai adanc. Adaugam branza rasa, ouale batute bine, margarina sau untura (ce aveti prin frigider, merge si unt), sare si oregano.
         Laptele il incalzim putin, dizolvam drojdia si adaugam compozitia peste faina.

             Put flour in a deep bowl. Add grated cheese, well beaten eggs, margarine or lard (or butter), salt and oregano.
          Heat the milk slightly, dissolve yeast and add flour mixture over.

            Daca aluatul iese prea moale, mai adaugam faina. Daca aluatul iese prea tare, adaugam putin lapte. Adaugam uleiul treptat si framantam pana aluatul nu se mai lipeste de mana.

          If the dough comes out too soft, we add the flour. If the dough out too much, add a little milk. Add oil gradually and knead until dough is no longer sticky.

     Ungem tavile cu margarina, untura sau unt si impartim aluatul. Nu trebuie sa depaseasca jumatate din inaltimea tavii pentru ca va creste si va da pe-afara.

   Brush Trays  with margarine, lard or butter and add the dough. Should not exceed half the height tray because  it will grow and will give out.

     Lasam la crescut in tavi si apoi bagam tavile la cuptor la foc mic pana se rumneste frumos.

           Let it rise in the pan and then stuffing trays in the oven at low heat to bake.

Le scoatem pe un tocator de lemn si le acoperim cu un prosop de bucatarie.
Se serveste fierbinte, nu veti rezista mirosului , sau rece.

Pofta buna!

Them out on a wooden cutting board and cover with a kitchen towel.

Serve hot, you will not resist at the flavor, or cold.

Bon appetite!

miercuri, 3 aprilie 2013

Supa de pui cu taitei de casa / Chicken soup with homemade noodles

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un pui - A chicken
- morcov - carrot
- telina - celery
- pastarnac - parsnips
- ceapa - onions
- patrunjel - parsley
- taitei de casa - Homemade noodles

Portionam puiul si il punem la fiert. Dupa ce il spumam, adaugam legumele intregi.

Sliced ​​chicken and put it to boil. After it foams, add the vegetables.

Dupa ce au fiert legumele, strecuram zeama obtinuta.

After cooking the vegetables, strain the obtained soup.

Cand supa incepe sa clocoteasca, adaugam 1-2 morcovi taiati cubulete si taiteii (reteta o gasiti aici: http://topcuisineaveclavi.blogspot.ro/2013/04/taitei-de-casa-homemade-noodles.html  )

When the soup begins to boil, add 1-2 diced carrots and noodles (recipe can be found here: http://topcuisineaveclavi.blogspot.ro/2013/04/taitei-de-casa-homemade-noodles.html  )

Se lasa aproximativ 20 de minute la foc mic, sa fiarba. La final adaugam patrunjel proaspat.

Allow about 20 minutes over low heat to boil. Finally add parsley.

Se serveste fierbinte.

Serve hot!

Bon appetite!

Taitei de casa / Homemade noodles

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 200g faina - 200 g flour
- sare - salt

Punem ingredientele intr-un castron.

Put ingredients in a bowl.

Framantam pana obtinem un aluat nelipicios.

Knead until dough obtain no longer sticks.

Intindem o foaie subtire de aluat.

Spread a thin sheet of dough.

Rulam aluatul ca pe o clatita si taiem felii subtiri.

Wrap the dough as a pancake and cut into thin slices.

Se pot folosi imediat sau se pot lasa la uscat si apoi se pot pastra in pungi de hartie.

You can use immediately or can be left to dry and then you can keep in paper bags.

marți, 2 aprilie 2013

Clatite americane cu dulceata de mure / Pancakes with blackberry jam

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- esenta de vanilie - Vanilla essence
- faina - flour
- lapte - milk
- dulceata - jam

          Intr-un castron amestecam ouale cu laptele, esenta de vanilie si faina. Compozitia trebuie sa iasa destul de groasa, mai groasa decat cea a clatitelor obisnuite.
          In unele retete se pune si zahar, dar m-am gandit ca dulceata este de ajuns.

       Mix eggs with milk, vanilla and flour  in a bowl . Composition must come pretty thick, thicker than the regular pancakes.
          In some recipes i saw that they added sugar, but I thought it sweet enough the jam.

Incingem o tigaie pentru clatite si adaugam cate un polonic de compozitie, incepand din mijloc. Nu am adaugat ulei sau unt.

Heat a pan for pancakes and add one ladle of composition. I didn't add oil or butter.

Le scoatem pe o farfurie si adaugam dulceata pe fiecare.

Put them on a plate and add jam on each.

Formam un turnulet si le servim imediat.

Form a tower and serve them immediately.

Bon appetit!