miercuri, 30 aprilie 2014
Oua umplute cu ton / Tuna-stuffed Eggs
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 7 oua fierte tari - 7 boiled eggs
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter
- o cutie de ton in ulei - A can of tuna in oil
- 2-3 linguri de maioneza - 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
- paprika iute sau dulce dupa gust - Hot or sweet paprika to taste
Ouale se curata , se taie in doua si se scoate galbenusul. Se adauga untul, maioneza , tonul scurs foarte bine, sare si piper dupa gust. Se mixeaza bine.
Clean the eggs, cut in half and remove yolks. Add butter, mayonnaise, well drained tuna, salt and pepper to taste. It mixes well.
Umplem albusurile cu crema obtinuta..
Fill the egg whites with the cream.
Deasupra adaugam putina paprika pentru un plus de gust.
On top add some paprika for extra flavor.
Bon appetit!
joi, 17 aprilie 2014
Fasole pastai cu rosii / Yellow beans with tomatoes
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g fasole pastai - 500 g yellow bean
- 2 legaturi de ceapa verde - 2 bunches of green onions
- o ceapa - An onion
- 300 g rosii tocate - 300 g chopped tomatoes
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic
- cimbru - thyme
- marar - dill
- 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
In 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline calim ceapa.
Fry the onion in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil .
Adaugam fasolea, rosiile si usturoiul tocat marunt.
Add beans, tomatoes and chopped garlic.
Dupa ce au fiert rosiile adaugam cimbru, sare si piper si mai lasam pe foc 5 minute.
After cooking the tomatoes add thyme, salt and pepper and let on fire 5 minutes.
La sfarsit adaugam mararul tocat marunt.
Finally add chopped dill.
Bon appetit!
marți, 15 aprilie 2014
Supa crema de leurda / Ramsons (Wild garlic) cream soup
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch of green onions
- 3 legaturi de leurda - 3 bunch of Ramsons
- 2 cepe - 2 onions
- un pastarnac - A parsnip
- o bucatica de telina - A piece of celery
- 2-3 morcovi - 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
Se pun la fiert cepele, pastarnacul, telina, morcovii si ceapa verde.
Boil onions, parsnips, celery, carrots and green onions.
Dupa ce s-au fiert, le scoatem si punem la fiert in aceeasi apa leurda.
After you have cooked, remove them and put to boil in the same water Ramsons.
Pasam toate legume si subtiem cu apa in care le-am fiert. Eu nu le-am pasat chiar atat de fin.
Put in blender all the vegetables and thinned with water in which you boiled. Mash them fine as you like.
Compozitia obtinuta se pune iar la foc mic cca 5-10 minute, se adauga putin ulei de masline , sare si piper dupa gust.
Se serveste fierbinte dar e buna si rece cu crutoane sau smantana.
The composition obtained is put and simmer about 5-10 minutes, add olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.
Serve hot but it's good and cold with croutons and sour cream.
Bon appetit!
luni, 14 aprilie 2014
Pastrav auriu la cuptor / Baked golden trout
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- pastrav auriu - Golden trout
- usturoi - garlic
- rozmarin - rosemary
- 25 g unt - 25 g butter
- lamaie - lemon
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
Am gasit in supermarket acest tip de pastrav si am zis sa il incercam si noi. Se aseamana foarte mult la gust cu pastravul curcubeu.
We found this type of trout in the supermarket and i said to try it. Is similar with rainbow trout.
Am facut un amestec din usturoi pisat, unt, cimbru, rozmarin , sare si piper.
I made a mixture of garlic, butter, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper.
Am umplut pastravul cu acest amestec si cu felii de lamaie.
I stuffed trout with this mixture and lemon slices.
Deasupra am pus usturoi strivit, cateva frunze de rozmarin proaspat, sare, piper, felii de lamaie si ulei de masline.
On top, I put crushed garlic, some fresh rosemary leaves, salt, pepper, sliced lemon and olive oil.
L-am invelit in folie si l-am bagat la cuptor.L-am servit cu cartofi natur.
I put in foil and I put it in the oven. I served with boiled potatoes.
Bon appetit!
miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014
Batoane Bounty de casa / Homemade Bounty Bars
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 350 g de nuca de cocos - 350 g coconut
- 400 g de ciocolata cu lapte - 400 g of milk chocolate
- 300 ml de lapte condensat - 300 ml of condensed milk
- 50 g de unt moale - 50 g soft butter
Amestecam nuca de cocos cu laptele condensat si untul pana obtinem o compozitie usor de modelat.
Mix coconut with condensed milk and butter to obtain a solid composition.
Din compozitia obtinuta, formam bastonasele. Puteti face orice forma doriti : bilute, patrate, orice va place si la orice dimensiune.
W e form rods Of composition obtained, . You can make any shape you want: balls, squares, whatever you like at any size.
Le bagam la frigider pana se topeste ciocolata la bain marie. Se poate inlocui 100 g de ciocolata cu lapte cu 100 g ciocolata amaruie.
Put them in the refrigerator until chocolate is melted in bain marie. It can replace 100 g milk chocolate with 100 g dark chocolate.
Dam formele prin ciocolata si le punem pe hartie de copt.
We put the forms on chocolate and place them on baking paper.
Eu le-am dat prin mai multa ciocolata ca asa ne plac, dar puteti sa le dati un strat mai subtire de ciocolata.
Se lasa la frigider cca 2-3 ore.
I have given them through so much chocolate as we like, but you can give them a thin layer of chocolate.
Leave in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
Bon appetit!
vineri, 4 aprilie 2014
Prajitura cu nuca de cocos si crema de vanilie / Coconut cake with vanilla cream
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 8 albusuri - 8 egg whites
- 200 g zahar - 200 g sugar
- 350 g nuca de cocos - 350 g coconut
Crema de ciocolata/Chocolate Cream:
- 200 g ciocolata cu lapte - 200 g of milk chocolate
- 2 lingurite de nes - 2 teaspoons instant coffee
- 2 linguri de zahar - 2 tablespoons of sugar
- 80 g unt - 80 g butter
- 100 ml frisca lichida - 100 ml whipped cream
Crema de vanilie/Vanilla Cream:
- 8 galbenusuri - 8 egg yolks
- 700 ml lapte - 700 ml of milk
- 2 esente de vanilie - 2 vanilla
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons sugar
- 300 ml frisca lichida - 300 ml whipped cream
- 4 linguri de amidon - 4 tablespoons of starch
Batem albusurile impreuna cu zaharul spuma tare.
Beat the egg whites with sugar hard foam.
Adaugam nuca de cocos si amestecam usor.
Add coconut and mix gently.
Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si o coacem 30 de minute la foc mic.
Pour mixture into a tray lined with baking paper and bake for 30 minutes on low heat.
Crema de ciocolata: punem toate ingredientele intr-o craticioara si le lasam la bain marie pana se topesc.
Chocolate cream: put all the ingredients in a saucepan and let it melt in a bain marie.
Crema de vanilie: punem laptele la fiert. Galbenusurile le amestecam cu zaharul si cu amidonul si le turnam in lapte amestecand continuu pana se ingroasa. Dupa ce se raceste adaugam esenta de vanilie.
Vanilla cream: put the milk to boil. Mix egg yolks with sugar and starch and pour them into the milk stirring constantly until thickened. Once cooled add vanilla.
Batem frisca si o incorporam in crema de vanilie.
Add whipped cream in vanilla cream.
Asamblarea prajiturii:
Peste bezea turnam crema de ciocolata:
Assembling the cake:
Pour chocolate cream over meringue:
Adaugam crema de vanilie.
Add vanilla cream.
Deasupra se pote rade ciocolata sa se poate pune nuca de cocos.
On top you can put chocolatet or coconut.
Se lasa la rece cel putin 4 ore.
Let it cool at least 4 hours.
Bon appetit!
joi, 3 aprilie 2014
Ciorba de cartofi cu afumatura / Potato soup with smoked meat
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cartofi - potatoes
- ceapa - onions
- morcov - carrot
- pastarnac - parsnips
- tarhon - tarragon
- un ciolan afumat sau orice alta carne afumata - A smoked ham or any other smoked meat
- 100 g smantana - 100 g cream
- 4 galbenusuri - 4 egg yolks
- un ardei rosu - A red pepper
Calim ceapa, morcovul, pastarnacul si ardeiul in 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline.
Fry onion, carrot, parsnip and pepper in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil.
Adaugam ciolanul afumat maruntit . Eu am pus si osul ramas sa dea gust.
Add chopped smoked ham. I put the bone for the taste.
Acoperim cu apa adaugam cartofii si lasam sa fiarba bine carnea.
Cover with water , add potatoes and let it simmer the meat.
Cand carnea este fiarta facem un amestec din galbenus si smantana pe care il adaugam in ciorba pentru consistenta.
When meat is cooked make a mixture of egg yolk and cream and add in soup for consistency.
La sfarsit adaugam sare si tarhon dupa gust.
Finally add salt and tarragon to taste.
Bon appetit!
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