joi, 5 iunie 2014

Pateu din ficatei de pui pentru copii / Chicken liver pate for Children

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 ficatei de pui - 3 chicken livers 
- un cartof - A potato 
- un galbenus - Yolk 
- o lingurita de smantana - A teaspoon of sour cream 
- un cubulet de unt - A diced butter

Fierbem ficateii cu cartoful.

Boil potatoes and livers.

Dupa ce s-au fiert, ii scurgem bine , ii punem intr-un bol ca sa-i mixam. Adaugam smantana, untul si galbenusul fiert tare. Daca ii dati copilului sare, se adaugam si un praf de sare.

After you boiled  drain well and put them in a mixing bowl . Add sour cream, butter and hard-boiled egg yolk. If you give the child salt, plus a pinch of salt.

Daca dorim sa iasa mai subtire, punem cateva linguri de lapte. Mixam bine si pateul este gata.
Este delicios.

If you want to thin out, put a few tablespoons of milk. Mixing well and pates is ready. 
It is delicious.

Bon appetit!

marți, 3 iunie 2014

Prajitura zapada stralucitoare / Shiny snow cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Blat cacao / Sponge cake:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 250 g zahar - 250 g sugar
- 250 g faina - 250 g flour
- 6 linguri de suc de portoca le, piersici, caise - 6 tablespoons of orange juice, peaches, apricots
- 1 lingura cu varf cacao - 1 tablespoon cocoa 
- o lingurita de ness - A teaspoon of instant coffee
- o lingurita praf de copt - A teaspoon of baking powder

Sirop / syrup:
- 200 ml cafea indulcita sau suc de fructe , compot, etc. - - 200 ml sweetened coffee or juice, stewed, etc.

Crema alba /  White cream:
- 700 ml lapte - 700 ml of milk
- 2 plicuri budinca de vanilie - 2 sachets vanilla pudding
- 3 galbenusuri - 3 egg yolks
- 3 - 5 linguri zahar - 3-5 tablespoons sugar
- 250 g unt - 250 g butter
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla

Crema de ciocolata / Chocolate Cream:
- 400 ml frisca lichida - 400 ml whipped cream
- 400 g ciocolata sau nutella - 400 g chocolate or nutella
- o lingurita de ness - A teaspoon of instant coffee
- o lingurita de apa fiarta - A teaspoon of boiling water

Decor / Decoration:
- 80 g nuca de cocos - 80 g coconut

Blatul : Separam ouale si batem albusurile spuma tare cu un praf de sare. Adaugam zaharul,  galbenusurile ness-ul dizolvat in suc, iar la final faina , praful de cop si cacao.

Sponge cake : Separate the eggs and beat the  white eggs with a pinch of salt . Add sugar, yolks, instant coffee dissolved in the juice, and finally the flour, baking powder and cocoa.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Lasam la foc mic 15-20 minute pana trece testul scobitorii.

Pour mixture into a pan lined with parchment paper. Let simmer for 15-20 minutes until toothpick test passes.

Crema de vanilie o facem conform instructiunilor de pe plic, numai ca folosim doar 700 ml lapte pentru ambele plicuri. La sfarsit adaugam cate un galbenus pe rand si esenta de vanilie.

We make Vanilla cream  as written on the package,but  use only 700 ml milk for both . Finally add one yolk at a time and  vanilla.

Dupa ce s-a racit crema, incorporam untul.

After it has cooled cream, incorporate butter.

Crema de ciocolata: mixam frisca, adaugam ness-ul dizolvat in apa fiarta apoi crema Nutella sau ciocolata topita la bain-marie si racita.

Chocolate cream:  mixing cream, add instant coffee dissolved in  boiling water and then Nutella cream  or cooled melted chocolate in a bain-marie.

Taiem blatul in 2 si il insiropam cu cafeaua indulcita. Deasupra punem crema de vanilie.

Cut sponge cake  into 2 and  moist  with sweetened coffee. Above we put vanilla cream.

Deasupra cremei punem cealalta parte de blat si crema de ciocolata.

Over the Cream  put the other side and  chocolate cream.

Decoram cu nuca de cocos si o punem la frigider pentru minim 3 ore.

Decorate with coconut and put it in the refrigerator minimum 3 hours.

Bon appetit!