marți, 26 ianuarie 2016
Tort de portocale / Orange Cake
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 6 portocale mari - Six large oranges
- 3 pliculete de gelatina - 3 bags of jelly
- 1/2 kg zahar - 1/2 kg sugar
- 250 ml lapte - 250 ml of milk
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- 500 ml frisca - 500 ml cream
- 6 galbenusuri - 6 egg yolks
- un pachet mare de piscoturi - a big packet of biscuits
Incalzim usor laptele , adaugam galbenusurile, zaharul, coaja de la 2 portocale si punem la foc mic pana se ingroasa. La final adaugam esenta de vanilie.
Slowly warmed milk, add egg yolks, sugar, zest of 2 oranges and put on low heat until thickened. Finally add the vanilla.
Gelatina o dizolvam in sucul de la o portocala si urmam instructiunile de pe pachet.
In crema racita adaugam frisca batuta, eu am folosit o frisca neindulcita si gelatina.
Dissolve Gelatin in the juice of one orange and follow the directions on the package.
I used an unsweetened whipped cream and we put in the orange cream with gelatin.
Punem folie alimentara intr-o cratita si tapetam fundul si peretii cu felii de portocala.
We put foil in a saucepan and wallpaper the walls with orange slices.
Adaugam jumatate din crema.
Add half the cream.
Adaugam piscoturi inmuiate in suc de portocale. Daca portocalele nu sunt prea dulci, adaugati 1-2 linguri de zahar.
We add biscuits soaked in orange juice. If oranges are not too sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.
Adaugam restul de crema si incheiem cu un rand de piscoturi.
Add the remaining cream and closed with a row of biscuits.
Acoperim cu folie si lasam peste noapte in frigider.
A doua zi il rasturnam pe un platou.
Cover with foil and leave overnight in the refrigerator.
The next day we overturned on a platter.
Bon Appetite!
vineri, 22 ianuarie 2016
Ciuperci umplute cu pui / Chicken Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 10 ciuperci - 10 mushrooms
- un piept de pui - Chicken breast
- 2 cepe - 2 onions
- cascaval - cheese
- 2 catei de usturoi - 2 cloves garlic
- sare, piper, paprika, cimbru - Salt, pepper, paprika, thyme
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter
Calim ceapa in unt. Eu am pus o ceapa alba si una rosie. Cand ceapa s-a inmuiat, adaugam usturoiul zdrobit coditele de la ciuperci si pieptul de pui taiat cubulete.
Fry the onions in butter. I put a white onion and a red onion. When the onion has softened, add the crushed garlic, stems from mushrooms and diced chicken.
Adaugam condimentele dupa gust.
Add spices to taste.
Punem ciupercile intr-o tava si le umplem cu compozitia de pui.
Put the mushrooms in a pan and fill them with chicken composition.
Le lasam la cuptor pana se coc ciupercile. Sper final adaugam cascaval ras pe fiecare ciuperca.
Se servesc calde!
Let them bake in the oven. Towards the end add grated cheese on each mushroom.
Serve warm!
Bon Appetite!
marți, 12 ianuarie 2016
Tarta de iarna / Winter tart
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un aluat fraged pentru tarta - A pastry for the tart
- 2 kg de mere - 2 kg of apples
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons sugar
- 3 linguri de stafide - 3 tablespoons raisins
- o esenta de rom - A rum
- 4-5 felii de cozonac sau turta dulce - 4-5 slices of Walnut Bread or gingerbread
- o lingurita de scortisoara - One teaspoon of cinnamon
Intindem aluatul intr-o tava pentru tarta si il intepam din loc in loc.
Roll the dough into a tart pan and prick it from place to place.
Un kilogram de mere il curatam si il taiem felii. Feliile le punem intr-o tava pe hartie de copt, presaram stafidele si le dam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.
Dupa ce le scoatem, le asezam frumos pe aluat.
A kilo of apples clean it and cut it into slices. Put the slices in a pan on parchment paper, sprinkle raisins and give them in the oven until nicely browned.
After them out, we sit nicely on the dough.
Adaugam scortisoara si bucatele de cozonac. Putem pune turta dulce, dar mie mi-a ramas destul cozonac de la craciun si am facut aceasta tarta cu el.
Add the cinnamon and pieces of Walnut Bread. We can put gingerbread, but I remained with a lot of Walnut Bread from Christmas and made this tart with him.
Batem ouale cu zaharul si romul. Turnam toata compozitia peste cozonac. Deasupra punem restul de mere taiate feliute.
Beat eggs with sugar and rum. Pour over the walnut bread the entire composition. Above we put sliced of remaining apples .
Lasam la cuptor pana se coace tarta, aprox 45 minute la foc mic.
Leave in the oven about 45 minutes on low heat.
Bon Appetite!
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