marți, 1 martie 2016

Crochete de cartofi si branza / Potato Cheese Croquettes

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 3-4 cartofi fierti - 3-4 boiled potatoes
- 100 g branza de oi - 100 g sheep's cheese
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 3 linguri de faina - 3 tablespoons flour
- 1/2 lingurita praf de copt - 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Zdrobim cartofii cu presa de piure si adaugam restul ingredientelor.

Mashed potatoes  and add remaining ingredients.

Formam bilute din compozitie si le dam prin faina.

We form balls of composition and give them flour.

Le prajim in baie de ulei pana se rumenesc.

Fry them in oil until crisp.

Le scoatem pe un servet de bucatarie pentru a absorbi surplusul de ulei si se pot servi calde dar si reci. Eu le-am servit cu o salata de castraveti si ceapa rosie, stropite cu otet balsamic.

Get them out on a kitchen towel to absorb excess oil and serve. And I have served with a salad of cucumber and red onion, sprinkled with balsamic vinegar.

Bon appetit!

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