duminică, 28 august 2016

Tortellini cu prosciutto in sos de rosii / Prosciutto tortellini in tomato sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 500 g tortellini umplute cu prosciuto - 500 g tortellini with prosciutto
- 500 ml suc de rosii - 500 ml of tomato juice
- o lingurita oregano - A teaspoon oregano
- un catel de usturoi - A clove of garlic
- 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust  - Salt and pepper to taste
- parmezan - parmesan

Fierbem tortellini conform timpului indicat pe pachet.

Cook tortellini according to the time indicated on the package.

Punem uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie si adaugam usturoiul strivit.

Put olive oil in a pan and add the crushed garlic.

Adaugam sucul de rosii si lasam 5 minute la foc mic.

Add the tomato sauce and let me simmer 5 minutes.

Adaugam tortellini in suc si lasam sa mai fiarba 5 minute.

Add the tortellini in juice and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

Adaugam sare, piper si oregano.

Add salt, pepper and oregano.

Se servesc fierbinti cu parmezan ras deasupra.

Serve hot with grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Bon appetit!

luni, 22 august 2016

Salata greceasca / Greek Salad

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 2-3 rosii - 2-3 tomatoes
- un castravete - a cucumber
- un ardei  - A pepper
- o ceapa rosie  - A red onion
- masline  - olives
- 200 g branza feta  - 200 g feta cheese
- sare si oregano dupa gust - Salt and oregano to taste
- 4 linguri de ulei de masline - 4 tablespoons olive oil
- optional - o lingura de otet - Optional - a tablespoon of vinegar 

Taiem rosiile, castravetele, ardeiul si ceapa. Amestecam legumele intr-un bol, adaugam maslinele si branza. Asezonam cu sare si oregano. Inainte de servire adaugam uleiul de masline si otetul.

Slice 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 pepper and 1 onion. Mix the slices in a salad bowl, add some olives and feta cheese. Season the salad with some salt and oregano.
Before serving, pour on top of the salad olive oil and 1 tbsp of vinegar.

Bon appetit!