duminică, 28 august 2016

Tortellini cu prosciutto in sos de rosii / Prosciutto tortellini in tomato sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 500 g tortellini umplute cu prosciuto - 500 g tortellini with prosciutto
- 500 ml suc de rosii - 500 ml of tomato juice
- o lingurita oregano - A teaspoon oregano
- un catel de usturoi - A clove of garlic
- 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust  - Salt and pepper to taste
- parmezan - parmesan

Fierbem tortellini conform timpului indicat pe pachet.

Cook tortellini according to the time indicated on the package.

Punem uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie si adaugam usturoiul strivit.

Put olive oil in a pan and add the crushed garlic.

Adaugam sucul de rosii si lasam 5 minute la foc mic.

Add the tomato sauce and let me simmer 5 minutes.

Adaugam tortellini in suc si lasam sa mai fiarba 5 minute.

Add the tortellini in juice and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

Adaugam sare, piper si oregano.

Add salt, pepper and oregano.

Se servesc fierbinti cu parmezan ras deasupra.

Serve hot with grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Bon appetit!

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