sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2016
Fursecuri cu ciocolata / Chocolate cookies
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 300 g faina - 300 g flour
- 250 g zahar - 250 g sugar
- 80 g cacao - 80 g cocoa
- 100 g zahar pudra - 100g powdered sugar
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- 100 g unt - 100 g butter
- 1 plic praf de copt - 1 baking powder
- o esenta de rom - A rum
- un praf de sare - a pinch of salt
Mixam untul cu zaharul.
Mix the butter with the sugar.
Adaugam ouale unul cate unul apoi faina, cacao, sarea, praful de copt si esenta de rom.
Add eggs one by one and then the flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder and rum.
Mixam toate ingredientele.
Mix all the ingredients.
Lasam compozitia la frigider pentru minim 2 ore apoi formam bilute si le dam prin zahar pudra.
Let the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours then we form little balls and give them in the powdered sugar.
Le punem intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le dam la cuptor pentru 10-15 minute.
We put them on a tray lined with baking paper and give them to the oven for 10-15 minutes.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
duminică, 11 decembrie 2016
Tort Trio de ciocolata / Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake
Acest tort l-am facut cu ocazia Sf Nicolae pentru fetita mea Nicole. M-am inspirat din reteta Jamila Cuisine si am gasit aceasta reteta exceptionala. Este un tort fin care imbina 3 tipuri de ciocolata, un rasfat culinar pentru iubitorii de ciocolata.
I made this cake for my daughter Nicole. I was inspired from Jamila Cuisine and I found this exceptional recipe . It's a fine cake that combines three types of chocolate, a culinary delight for chocolate lovers.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru blat / For the cake:
- 65 g faina - 65 g flour
- 120 ml iaurt - 120 ml of yoghurt
- 60 g zahar - 60 g sugar
- 60 g unt - 60 g butter
- 20 g cacao - 20 g cacao
- 1 ou - 1 egg
- 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Pentru mousse- ul de ciocolata amaruie / For the dark chocolate mousse:
- 300 g ciocolata amaruie - 300 g dark chocolate
- 250 ml frisca - 250 ml cream
- 50 ml apa rece - 50 ml cold water
- 40 g unt - 40 g butter
- 5 g gelatina - 5 g gelatin
Pentru mousse-ul de ciocolata cu lapte/ / For the milk chocolate mousse:
- 300 g ciocolata cu lapte - 300 g milk chocolate
- 250 ml frisca - 250 ml cream
- 50 ml apa rece - 50 ml cold water
- 40 g unt - 40 g butter
- 5 g gelatina - 5 g gelatin
Pentru mousse-ul de ciocolata alba/ / For the withe chocolate mousse:
- 300 g ciocolata cu lapte - 300 g white chocolate
- 250 ml frisca - 250 ml cream
- 50 ml apa rece - 50 ml cold water
- 40 g unt - 40 g butter
- 5 g gelatina - 5 g gelatin
Pentru inceput facem blatul: amestecam untul cu zaharul, adaugam ou si iaurtul. Amestecam bine. Adaugam cacao, faina si bicarbonatul de sodiu.
Coacem compozitia 15-20 de minute la foc potrivit .
For the beginning make the cake: Mix butter and sugar, add egg and yogurt. Mix well. Add the cocoa, flour and baking soda.
Bake the composition 15-20 minutes at medium heat.
Primul mousse este cel de ciocolata amaruie. Topim la bain marie ciocolata impreuna cu untul.
The first is the dark chocolate mousse. Melt the chocolate in a bain marie with butter.
Intre timp punem gelatina la hidratat. Dupa ce s-a hidratat o adaugam peste ciocolata topita.
Meanwhile put the gelatin to hydrated . After you hydrated we add melted chocolate over.
Lasam ciocolata topita sa ajunga la temperatura camerei si o amestecam cu frisca batuta bine.
Let the melted chocolate to reach room temperature and then mix well with whipped cream .
Turnam mousse-ul peste blat si il tinem la frigider pana preparam urmatorul mousse.
Pour over the cake the mousse and keep it in the fridge until the next mousse is ready.
Asa preparam urmatoasele mousse-uri.
This is the method of preparing mousse and prepare the other.
Lasam tortul la frigider peste noapte.
We leave the cake in the refrigerator overnight.
Si o sectiune .
And a section.
Se poate orna cu sos de ciocolata, bomboane , fulgi de ciocolata sau se poate servi ca atare.
You can decorate with chocolate sauce, candy, chocolate chips or you can serve as such.
Bon appetit!
duminică, 4 decembrie 2016
Musaca greceasca / Greek Moussaka
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 kg vinete - 2 kg of large round aubergines
- 1 kg carne tocata de vita sau amestec porc + vita - 1 kg ground beef or mix - pork + beef
- 1/2 cescuta ulei de masline - 1/2 cup olive oil
- 2 cepe mari - 2 large onions
- 5 rosii decojite - 5 peeled tomatoes
- 1/2 cana vin alb - 1/2 cup white wine
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
- branza feta - grated feta cheese
- 3-4 polonice de sos bechamel - ladles of bechamel sauce
- 3-4 cartofi feliati foarte subtire - 3-4 potatoes thin sliced
Curatam vinetele si le taiem felii . Le punem intr-o tigaie cu o lingura de ulei de masline pana se rumenesc usor. Cartofii ii feliem foarte subtire.
Peel eggplants and cut them into slices. We put them in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil until slightly browned. Cut potatoes very thin slices.
Punem carnea si ceapa intr-o tigaie cu ulei de masline pana se rumenesc. Adaugam vinul. Dupa ce scade sosul adaugam rosiile tocate marunt. Lasam sa scada sosul.
Prepare the meat by browning it woth the oil and onion, wich should be finely chopped. Stop browning process by pouring the wine. Add the tomatoes skinned and finely chopped, the salt and pepper and allow to boil till the moisture has been absorbed.
Intr-o tava pentru cuptor turnam un polonic de sos bechamel, punem un rand de vinete, un rand de branza rasa, un rand de carne si o luam de la capat pana terminam carnea si vinetele.
In a baking pan pour a ladle of béchamel sauce, put a row of eggplant, a row of grated cheese, a row of meat and start over to finish the meat and eggplant.
Desupra inchidem cu un rand de cartofi feliati subtire.
On top we close with a row of thin sliced potatoes.
Adaugam un rand de branza rasa si bagam la cuptor 30-45 minute.
Add grated cheese and stuffing in the oven 30-45 minutes.
Servim fierbinte.
Serve hot.
Bon Appetite!
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