miercuri, 22 martie 2017

Budinca de pui / Chicken Pudding

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un piept de pui - Chicken breast
- 200 ml smantana pentru gatit - 200 ml cream for cooking
- 50 ml lapte - 50 ml of milk
- o lingura de faina - A tablespoon flour
- 500 g ciuperci proaspete - 500 g fresh mushrooms
- o legatura de patrunjel - A parsley
- 4 cartofi fierti - 4 boiled potatoes
- 200 g cascaval - 200 g cheese
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Pentru inceput taiem pieptul de pui in bucati mici si il calim putin.

For starters cut the chicken into small pieces and fry it a little.

Adaugam ciupercile feliate.

Add sliced mushrooms.

Dupa ce s-au rumenit ciupercile, adaugam o lingura de faina si amestecam continuu.

After the mushrooms have browned, add a tablespoon of flour and stir continuously.

Adaugam smantana si laptele si lasam sa se ingroase sosul putin.

Add cream and milk and let thicken the sauce slightly.

Turnam amestecul intr-o tava care intra la cuptor. Adaugam deasupra patrunjel tocat.

Pour mixture into a pan for oven. Add chopped parsley on top.

Adaugam cascaval ras.

Add grated cheese.

Adaugam cartofii fierti rasi pe razatoarea mica si deasupra iar cascaval. Bagam la cuptor pentru 20-25 minute.

Add grated  potatoes and grated cheese. Put in oven for 20-25 minutes.

Se serveste fierbinte!

Serve hot!

Bon appetit!

duminică, 19 martie 2017

Yufka cu branza / Yufka with cheese

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un pachet de foi triunghiulare Yufka - A package of sheets Yufka triangular 
- 300 g branza de oaie - 300 g sheep cheese
- 50 de grame cascaval - 50 grams cheese
- 120 ml lapte - 120 ml of milk
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o legatura de marar  - A bunch of dill
- 50 g chimen - 50 g cumin
- o lingura de mac - A tablespoon of poppy

Am gasit aceste foi Yufka si mi s-au parut destul de interesante. Sunt foi subtiri, turcesti din care se pot face tot felul de placinte. Erau si dreptunghiulare, dar am luat triunghiulare si reteta este cea de pe pachet.

I found these  Yufka sheets and I thought were quite interesting. Are thinTurkish sheets  that can be use to make all kinds of pies. There were rectangular and triangular ,  I made  the recipe on the package.

Punem intr-un castron branza, 60 ml lapte, un ou, chimenul si mararul tocat marunt.

We put cheese in a bowl, add 60 ml milk, egg, cumin and chopped dill.

Separat amestecam 60 ml lapte si un ou. Cu acest amestec ungem "tigaretele".
Punem 1-2 lingurite din compozitie la baza triunghiului si rulam. Ungem cu putina apa rece varful si lipim.

Separately mix 60 ml milk and egg. With this mixture Brush "cigarettes".
Put 1-2 teaspoons of composition at the base of the triangle and roll. Brush top with some cold water and stick.

Le ungem cu compozitia de ou si lapte si deasupra presaram mac. Le dam la cuptor pentru 35 minute.

Brush them with egg and milk composition and sprinkle over poppy. We give them in the oven for 35 minutes.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 18 martie 2017

Pina Colada Cheesecake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 15 biscuiti digestivi  - 15 digestive biscuits
 - 100 g unt topit  - 100 g butter
 - o cutie de ananas   - A box of pineapple
 - 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
 - 500 g mascarpone - 500g mascarpone
 - 50 ml rom  - 50 ml rum
 - 2-3 linguri zahar pentru frisca - eu folosesc o frisca neindulcita  - 2-3 tablespoons sugar to whipped cream - I use an unsweetened whipped cream
 - 20 g gelatina - 20 g gelatin

Pentru inceput maruntim biscuitii, adaugam untul topit si turnam toata compozitia intr-o forma cu pereti detasabili.

For starters Crumblethe  biscuits, add the melted butter and pour the entire mixture into a form with removable walls.

Mixam frisca cu zaharul, adaugam mascarpone, ananasul facut pasta si romul. Daca la masa sunt si copii, putem adauga 2 lingurite de esenta de rom.  In sucul de la compotul de ananas hidratam gelatina, apoi o punem putin la foc ca sa se dizolve complet. Adaugam gelatina peste crema.

Mix cream and sugar, add mascarpone, pineapple pasta and rum  . If serve our children, we can add 2 teaspoons of rum essence. In the juice of pineapple compote hydrated gelatin, then put a little to heat to completely dissolve. Add gelatin over cream.

Adaugam compozitia peste blatul de biscuiti.

Add composition over  crackers.

Acoperim cu folie alimentara si lasam la frigider minim 4 ore. Putem decora cu frisca si bucati de ananas.

Cover with foil and leave  in the refrigerator at least 4 hours. We decorate with whipped cream and pineapple chunks.

Bon appetit!