duminică, 30 aprilie 2017

Crutoane cu oregano / Oregano Croutons

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- o bagheta - a Baguette
- 2 linguri cu oregano - 2 tablespoons of oregano
- sare - salt
- ulei de masline - olive oil

Taiem paine in cuburi mici.

Cut bread into small cubes.

Adaugam oregano si uleiul de masline. Amestecam bine.

Add oregano and olive oil. Mix well.

Punem crutoanele intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si le intindem uniform. Presaram putina sare grunjoasa.

Place the crutoans in a baking paper tray and straighten them uniformly. Sprinkle with a little coarse salt.

Le lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.

Leave them in the oven until they get brown.

Le putem servi la supe creme, salate sau ca atare.

We can serve in soups, salads, or as such.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 29 aprilie 2017

Negresa cu alune de padure / Brownie with hazelnuts

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 50g cacao - 50g cocoa
- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- o cana si jumatate de zahar - A cup and a half cup of sugar
- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- un pachet de unt - A pack of butter
- esenta de rom - Rum
- o cana de lapte - A cup of milk
praf de copt - baking powder
150 g alune de padure - 150 g hazelnuts
- 150 g ciocolata - 150 g chocolate

Punem la incalzit laptele, adaugam zaharul, cacao si untul. Lasam pe foc pana se topeste tot untul apoi punem compozitia la racit.Incorporam galbenusurile, esenta de rom, faina si praful de copt in compozitia racita.
Albusurile le batem spuma si le incorporam treptat in compozitie. Nu folosim mixerul pentru a incorpora albusurile.

We warmed milk, add sugar, cocoa and butter. We leave on fire until all the butter melts then put the mixture to cooled.Add the egg yolks, rum, flour and baking powder into cooled mixture.
Beat egg foam and gradually incorporate them in composition. Do not use electric mixer to incorporate the egg.

Prajim intr-o tigaie alunele .

Roasted peanuts in a pan.

Le tocam grosier impreuna cu ciocolata. Eu am avut mai multe resturi de ciocolata si le-am folosit pe acestea.
Punem jumatate din alune si jumatate din ciocolata in compozitia de negresa.

We rubbed them roughly. I had more chocolate scraps and I used them.

We put half of peanuts and half of chocolate in brownie composition.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava si o coacem la foc mic. 

We put the composition in a tray and bake it in a low heat.

Ciocolata ramasa o topim la bain marie si o turnam deasupra negresei dupa ce s-a racit. Deasupra adaugam restul alunelor.

Melt the remaining  chocolate on bain marie and we pour over the brownie after it has cooled.On top we add the rest of the hazelnuts.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 23 aprilie 2017

Supa crema de dovlecel / Zucchini cream soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 3-4 dovlecei - 3-4 zucchini
- o ceapa - an onion
- 2 morcovi - 2 carrots
- un pastarnac - a parsnip
- putina telina - a little celery
- un cartof  - a potato
- 3 galbenusuri - 3 yolks
- 3 linguri de smantana - 3 tablespoons of sour cream
- crutoane  - croutons

Se pun legumele la fiert, se paseaza si se dilueaza cu supa in care au fiert legumele. Separat se amesteca galbenusurile cu smantana si se adauga cate putina supa. Tot amestecul se adauga in oala si se mai lasa la fiert 2-3 minute la foc mic.
Se serveste cu crutoane si putin parmezan.

Put the vegetables to boil, pass and dilute with the soup in which the vegetables were boiled. Separately mix the yolks with sour cream and add a little soup. All the mixture is added to the pot and boiled for 2-3 minutes at low heat.
Serve with croutons and a little parmesan cheese.

Bon appetit!

joi, 13 aprilie 2017

Placinta cu branza / Cheese pie

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 12 oua - 12 eggs
- 7 linguri de faina - 7 tablespoons flour
- un praf de copt - baking powder
- 12 linguri de zahar - 12 tablespoons sugar
- 7 linguri de ulei - 7 tablespoons oil
- esenta de vanilie - vanilla essence
- 700 g branza dulce - 700 g cheese

Pentru inceput pregatim blatul: separam 7  oua, batem spuma tare albusurile impreuna cu 7 linguri de zahar. Adaugam galbenusurile, praful de copt, esenta de vanilie, faina si uleiul. Impartim compozitia in 2 . Turnam jumatate in tava si dam la cuptor pana prinde consistenta.

First prepare the cake:  separate 7 eggs, beat egg whites hard foam with 7 tablespoons of sugar. Add the egg yolks, baking powder, vanilla, flour and oil. Divide mixture into two. Pour into pan and give to baked untilconsistency.

Crema de branza se pregateste astfel: se mixeaza branza impreuna cu zaharul, 5 oua si esenta de vanilie. Turnam compozitia peste jumatatea de blat.

Cream cheese prepared as follows: mix cheese with sugar, 5 eggs and vanilla. Pour over the dough.

Turnam restul de compozitie si lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste.

Pour remaining composition and leave in the oven until is golden brown.

Deasupra presaram zahar pudra.

Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Bon Appetite!