sâmbătă, 7 octombrie 2017
Tort cu mousse de ciocolata si cappucino / Cake with chocolate mousse and cappuccino
Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru blat / For the cake:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 300 g ciocolata - 300 g of chocolate
- 200 g unt - 200 g butter
- 20 g cacao - 20 g of cocoa
- 200 g zahar - 200 g of sugar
Pentru crema / For the cream:
- 5 galbenusuri - 5 yolks
- 100 g zahar - 100 g of sugar
- 30 g amidon - 30 g of starch
- 300 ml lapte - 300 ml of milk
- o esenta de vanilie - a vanilla essence
- 2 pliculete de cappucino - 2 sachets of cappuccino
- un plic de gelatina (10 g) - a gelatin sachet (10 g)
- 500 g frisca - 500 g of whipped cream
Glazura / Glaze:
- cacao sau o glazura formata din unt si ciocolata topita (dupa preferinta) - cocoa or a glaze made by butter and melted chocolate
Pentru blat : topim untul cu ciocolata si adaugam galbenusurile, unul cate unul.
For the cake : melt the butter and the chocolate , add the yolks one by one.
Batem albusurile spuma tare impreuna cu zaharul si adaugam la final compozitia de ciocolata.
We beat the eggs white with the sugar and finally add the chocolate composition.
Coacem compozitia la foc mic.
We bake the composition on low heat.
Crema: punem intr-o craticioara galbenusurile, zaharul si amidonul.
Cream: in a saucepan put the yolks, sugar and starch .
Amestecam bine si adaugam laptele caldut amestecand continuu. Punem la foc mic pana se ingroasa compozitia. Adaugam ciocolata si mai lasa pe foc pana se topeste.
Mix well and add warm milk while stirring continuously. We put low heat until the composition thickens. Add the chocolate and cook until melted.
O lasam sa se raceasca si o adaugam peste frisca impreuna cu pliculetele de cappucino .
Let it cool down and add it over the whipped cream with the cappucino.
Hidratam gelatina in putin lapte , o punem putin la foc mic pana se dizolva si o turnam in crema. Amestecam si o turnam peste blat.
Hydrate the gelatin in a little milk, put it a little bit on low heat until it dissolves and pour it into the cream. Mix and pour over the cake.
Punem la frigider cel putin 4 ore. Dupa ce s-a intarit adaugam glazura si mai lasam 1-2 ore la rece. Daca adaugam cacao, putem servi imediat.
Refrigerator for at least 4 hours. After it has been hardened, add the glaze and let 1-2 hours in the cold. If we add the cocoa, we can serve immediately ..
Bon appetit!
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