duminică, 11 februarie 2018

Chiftelute de pui / Chicken meatballs

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 800 g carne tocata de pui - 800 g chicken minced meat
- o ceapa - an onion
- un morcov - a carrot
- o legatura de patrunjel - a bunch of parsley
- o legatura de marar - a bunch of tie
- 3-4 catei de usturoi - 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 2 linguri de pesmet - 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
- un ou  - an egg
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- faina - flour

Amestecam toate ingredientele.

We  mixi all the ingredients.

Formam chiftelutele si le dam prin faina.

We make the meatballs  and put them in the flour.

Le prajim in baie de ulei si apoi le scoatem pe un servet de hartie.

Fry them in an oil bath and then remove them on a paper napkin.

Se servesc cu  orice tip de garnitura .

Can be served with your favorite garnish.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 4 februarie 2018

Vita Stroganoff / Beef stroganoff

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 600g file de vită - 600g beef fillet
- 25g unt - 25g butter
- 1 ceapă, tăiată subțire - 1 onion, sliced thin
- 250g, ciuperci tăiate subțire - 250g, thin cut mushrooms
- 1 lingură muștar Dijon  - 1 Dijon mustard spoon
- 400 ml de supa de carne de vită  - 400 ml of beef soup
- 1 lingură de ulei de masline - 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 200g  smantana - 200g of sour cream
- 1 lingura (sau mai mult) brandy (opțional) - 1 tablespoon (or more) brandy (optional)
- fulgi de sare de mare - sea salt flakes
- usturoi - garlic
- piper negru proaspăt măcinat - freshly ground black pepper

Pentru inceput calim putin carnea de vita pana se rumeneste frumos.

First fry the beef fillet least until nicely browned.

Punem carnea intr-o tava, adaugam supa de vita , usturoiul si o bagam la cuptor pana scade sosul.

Put the meat in a pan, add beef stock, garlic and stuffing in the oven until the sauce is reduces.

Adaugam untul in tigaia in care am prajit carnea, adaugam ceapa si ciupercile.

Add the butter to the frying pan, add the onions and mushrooms.

Dupa ce s-au facut ciupercile adaugam mustarul si smantana. Amestecam bine si mai lasam 3-4 minute. Adaugam sare si piper dupa gust. Acum se poate adauga coniacul.

After the mushrooms have been made, add mustard and sour cream. We mix well and leave for 3-4 minutes on low fire. Add salt and pepper to taste. Now you can add cognac.

Se serveste impreuna cu carnea de vita.

Serve with beef.

Bon Appetite!