duminică, 4 noiembrie 2018

Penne cu sunca si ciuperci / Penne with ham and mushrooms

Cremoase si delicioase, aceste paste fac un pranz satios.

Creamy and delicious, these pasta make a good lunch.

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- penne - penne
- 200 g sunculita afumata - 200 g of smoked ham
- 200 g ciuperci - 200 g of mushrooms
- 1/2 lingurita cimbru - 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- 3-4 catei de usturoi - 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 300 ml smantana pentru gatit - 300 ml of cooking cream
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- parmezan - parmesan

Fierbem pastele conform timpului indicat pe pachet. Sunculita o taiem fasii subtiri si o prajim la foc mediu .

Boil the pasta according to the time indicated on the package.  Cut the ham into thin strips and fry over medium heat.

Ciupercile le prajim in 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline, impreuna cu usturoiul, cimbru, sare si piper.

Fry the mushrooms  in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil with the garlic, thyme, salt and pepper.

Punem ciupercile peste sunculita si adaugam smantana. Amestecam continuu.

Put the mushrooms over the ham and add the sour cream. We were constantly mixing.

Lasam la foc mic pana se ingroasa putin sosul.

Let simmer until sauce thickens slightly.

Se servesc fierbinti cu mult parmezan.

Serve hot with parmesan.

Bon Appetite!

sâmbătă, 3 noiembrie 2018

Placinta cu mere si pere / Apples and pears pie

O placinta foarte aromata - Craciunul intr-o placinta!

A very flavorful pie - Christmas in a pie!

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 500 g faina - 500 g flour
- o lingurita de sare - a teaspoon of salt
- 325 g apa calda - 325 g of warm water
- o lingura de ulei - one tablespoon of oil
- o lingura de otet - a spoonful of vinegar
- 200 g de unt, untura si ulei in cantitati egale - 200 g butter, grease and oil in equal quantities
- 1,5 kg mere - 1,5 kg apple
- 1,5 kg pere - 1,5 kg pears
- scortisoara, anason stelat, cuisoare, nucsoara  - cinnamon, star anise, cloves, nutmeg
- zahar dupa gust  - Sugar to taste

Pentru inceput facem aluatul: intr-un bol punem faina, sarea, apa, o lingura de ulei si otetul.

First make the dough: In a bowl put the flour, salt, water, a tablespoon of oil and vinegar.

Framantam circa 10-13 minute.

Knead about 10 to 13 minutes.

Topim untul, uleiu si grasimea si turnam cam 5- 6 linguri peste aluat .
Impartim aluatul si incepem sa facem foile. Ungem bine blatul de lucru si cu un sucitor sau cu mana intindem foile.

Melt butter, oil and grease and pour about 5-6 tablespoons over the dough.

We divide the dough and start making the sheets. Brush well the worktop and  with a rolling pin or by hand stretch sheets.

Umplutura: curatam de coaja merele si perele si le taiem cubulete. Le punem impreuna cu mirodeniile si zaharul la foc potrivit , amestecand continuu.

Filling: Peel the apples and pears and cut them into cubes. We put them together with the spices and sugar on medium heat, stirring constantly.

Le rasucim si le punem in tava. Le coacem la foc mic aproximativ 45 minute sau pana se rumenesc frumos.

We twist and put them in the tray. Bake them for about 45 minutes or until they get brown.

Bon appetit!