vineri, 28 martie 2014
Mancarica de urzici / Nettles
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g urzici - 500 g nettles
- 2 linguri de faina - 2 tablespoons of flour
- 500 ml lapte - 500 ml of milk
- o ceapa - An onion
- 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
- usturoi - garlic
Punem urzicile spalate si curatate sa fiarba.
We washed and cleaned nettles and put to boil.
In 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline punem o ceapa la calit. Dupa ce a devenit sticloasa adaugam faina.
In 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil put onions to cook. After becoming glassy add flour.
Adaugam laptele si amestecam continuu.
Add milk and stir continuously.
Adaugam urzicile pasate.
Add mashed nettles .
Potrivim de sare si piper, iar la sfarsit adaugam usturoiul.
Se serveste cu oua prajite.
Add salt and pepper and finally add garlic.
Serve with fried eggs.
Bon appetit!
marți, 25 martie 2014
Cartofi cu branza la cuptor / Baked potato with cheese
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- cartofi - potatoes
- 3 feluri de branza : eu am folosit branza de oi sarata, telemea de vaca si cascaval - 3 types of cheese: I used salty sheep's cheese, cottage cheese and pressed cheese
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter
- o lingura de oregano - A tablespoon of oregano
- o lingura de smantana - A tablespoon of sour cream
- 100 ml frisca neindulcita - eu o folosesc pe cea de la Pilos - 100 ml unsweetened whipped cream - I use the one from Pilos
Cartofii de fierb se taie cuburi si se pun intr-o tava unsa cu unt.
Boil the potatoes , cut in cubes and place in a greased pan with butter.
Adaugam branza de vaca si amestecam.
Intr-un castron batem ouale cu smantana, frisca si oregano. Adaugam branza de oi si amestecam bine.
In a bowl beat eggs with cream, whipped cream and oregano. Add sheep's cheese and mix well.
Turnam amestecul peste cartofi si introducem la cuptor pana se intareste usor.
Pour mixture over potatoes and stuffing in the oven until it hardens well.
Dupa ce s-a intarit , adaugam cascavalul si mai lasam la cuptor pana se topeste.
luni, 17 martie 2014
Ficatei cu rozmarin / Rosemary chicken livers
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- ficatei de pui - Chicken livers
- 2 crengute de rozmarin proaspat - 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
- usturoi - garlic
- o cescuta de vin alb - A cup of white wine
- 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
Intr-o tava punem hartie de copt, adaugam ficateii, uleiul de masline, vinul, usturoiul strivit si crengutele de rozmarin.
In a pan put baking paper, add livers, olive oil, wine, crushed garlic and sprigs of rosemary.
Lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos ficateii. La sfarsit adaugam sare.
We leave in the oven until nicely browned livers. Finally add salt.
Noi am servit cu orez cu legume , dar se poate folosi orice garnitura preferata.
We served with rice, but you can use any favorite garnish.
Bon appetit!
sâmbătă, 15 martie 2014
Am gasit la Lidl acest amestec de faina, maia si drojdie pentru paine. Este delicioasa.
I found
on Lidl this mixture of flour, maya and yeast bread. It is delicious.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g amestec de faina - 500 g of flour mixture
- 360 ml apa - 360 ml of water
- o lingurita de ulei de masline - A teaspoon of olive oil
Punem intr-un castron toate ingredientele.
all ingredients in a bowl.
Amestecam pana se obtine un aluat lipicios.
until the dough is sticky.
Lasam sa creasca 30 de minute, apoi o punem intr-o forma, o presaram cu putina faina si o mai lasam 45 de minute sa creasca. Eu am pus si putin mac deasupra.
Let rise 30 minutes, then put it in a form, sprinkle with a little flour and leave for 45 minutes to rise.
O lasam la cuptor cca 30 de minute la foc mic. O scoatem pe un gratar si o lasam sa se raceasca .
miercuri, 12 martie 2014
Chili con carne
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g carne tocata - 500 g minced meat
- 200 g fasole rosie (fiarta) - 200 g red beans (cooked)
- 200 g rosii tocate marunt - 200 g chopped tomatoes
- 2 cepe - 2 onions
- o frunza de dafin - A bay leaf
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic
- o lingura de harissa - a tablespoon of harissa
- sare - salt
- patrunjel - parsley
Punem carnea la inabusit, adaugam patrunjel tocat marunt si ceapa.
fried the meat,
add chopped parsley and onion.
Adaugam condimentele: usturoiul strivit, dafinul si harissa. Sarea o punem la sfarsit.
spices: crushed garlic, bay leaves and harissa. Put salt at the end.
Dupa 10 minute , adaugam fasolea si rosiile.
marți, 11 martie 2014
Iaurt de casa pentru bebelusi / Homemade yogurt
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 300 ml lapte cu 3,5% grasime - 300 ml milk with 3.5% fat
- 2 linguri de iaurt din comert - 2 tablespoons of bought yogurt
Punem laptele la incalzit. Se unge vasul in care se face iaurtul ( eu am unul de lut, cel din imagine) cu cele 2 linguri de iaurt. Se toarna laptele fierbinte si se amesteca bine. Se acopera si se tine la cald pana a doua zi, apoi se pune la frigider.
Pentru urmatoarea tura de iaurt se pastreaza cateva linguri din cel facut si se repeta procedeul.
Este excelent atat pentru adulti cat si pentru copii.
Put the milk to heat. Grease the bowl with 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Pour the hot milk and mix well. Cover and keep warm until the next day, then place in the refrigerator.
For the next shift use a few tablespoons of yogurt and repeat the process.
It's great for adults and children.
For the next shift use a few tablespoons of yogurt and repeat the process.
It's great for adults and children.
Bon appetit!
joi, 6 martie 2014
Carne de porc cu usturoi si rozmarin / Pork meat with garlic and rosemary
- 500 g carne de porc - 500 g pork meat
- 2 crengute de rozmarin proaspat - 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
- usturoi - garlic
- cimbru - thyme
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
Inabusim carnea de porc intr-o cescuta de ulei si 2 de apa.
Braised pork meat in a cup of oil and 2 cup of water.
Cand carnea este gata, adaugam usturoiul tocat marunt, cimbru, rozmarin, sare si piper dupa gust.
luni, 3 martie 2014
Chec Inel marmorat cu ciocolata si portocale/Marble ring cake with chocolate and orange
Ingrediente/ ingredients:
- 225 g unt - 225 g butter
- 225 g zahar - 225 g sugar
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- 300 g faina - 300 g flour
- un praf de copt - A pinch of baking
- o portocala - An orange
- 50 g cacao dizolvata in 3 linguri de apa - 50 g cocoa dissolved in 3 tablespoons water
- esenta de rom - rum
- 100 g ciocolata cu lapte - 100 g of milk chocolate
- 100 ml frisca - 100 ml cream
- 15 g unt - 15 g butter
Lasam untul sa se inmoaie bine si batem impreuna cu zaharul pana obtinem o crema.
We leave to soften butter and beat well with sugar till we get a cream.
Se incorporeaza treptat ouale batute, adaugand cate o lingura de faina.
Incorporate beaten eggs gradually,
adding a
tablespoon of
Impartim compozitia in doua. Peste o parte punem coaja rasa si sucul de la o portocala.
mixture into two. Over one part we add zest and juice of one orange.
Peste cealalta parte adaugam cacao si esenta de rom.
Over the
other part add cocoa and rum.
Intr-o forma circulara , alternam compozitiile.
In a
circular form, alternate compositions.
Cu o scobitoare trasam volute.
a toothpick drawn volute.
Se coace 30 de minute la foc mic sau pana devine elastic la atingere.
Bake 30 minutes or until it becomes elastic to the touch.
Glazura: se pune intr-o craticioara untul, ciocolata si frisca. Se lasa la foc mic pana se topeste ciocolata si se toarna peste checul racit.
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