miercuri, 29 aprilie 2015

Le moelleux au chocolat

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 250 g ciocolata neagra (75% cacao) - 250 g dark chocolate (75% cocoa)
- 250 g unt - 250 g butter
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 250 g zahar - 250 g sugar
- 40 g faina - 40 g flour

Topim ciocolata, adaugam untul si amestecam bine.

Melt the chocolate, add butter and mix well.

Galbenusurile le mixam cu zaharul pana se topeste acesta. Adaugam ciocolata si faina. La sfarsit se adauga albusurile batute spuma tare.

Mix the yolks  with sugar until it melts. Add chocolate and flour. Finally add the beated egg whites hard.

Turnam compozitia intr-o forma si o lasam la cuptor 45 minute la foc mic.

Pour mixture into a form and leave it in the oven on low heat 45 minutes.

O lasam sa se raceasca in forma si apoi o scoatem.

 Leave to cool and then remove the form.

Bon appetit!

marți, 7 aprilie 2015

Chiftelute de naut / chickpea patties

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 400 g naut fiert - 400 g cooked chickpeas
- 2 cartofi  - 2 potatoes
- o ceapa alba - A white onion
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch green onions
- un morcov - A carrot
- 3 linguri de pesmet - 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
- ulei de masline - olive oil

Cartofii si morcovul de fierb. Se paseaza impreuna cu nautul, se adauga ceapa tocata marunt, pesmetul, sare si piper dupa gust.

Boil the potatoes and carrots.  Crush them with chickpeas, add chopped onion, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Amestecam bine. Trebuie sa obtinem o compozitie tare.

Mix well. Must obtain a strong composition.

Formam chiftelutele si le punem intr-o tava pe hartie de copt. Le ungem cu ulei de masline.

We form patties and put them in a pan on baking paper. Brush them with olive oil.

Le lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos. Se pot praji si in tigaie dar trebuie marita cantitatea de pesmet pentru a nu se sfarama.

We leave in the oven until nicely browned. You can fry in pan but have increased quantity of breadcrumbs to not break in pieces.

Se servesc cu salata.

Pofta buna!

Serve with salad.

Bon Appetite!

luni, 6 aprilie 2015

Chifle umplute / Bread filled with egg

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 2 chifle - 2 bread rolls
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o rosie - A tomato
- un fir de ceapa verde - A green onion
- cimbru - thyme
- cascaval - cheese
- 4 felii de muschi - 4 slices of ham
- ulei de masline - Olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Scoatem miezul de paine din chifle. Turnam putin ulei de masline. Punem cate 2 felii de muschi sau sunca in fiecare chifla si spargem cate un ou in fiecare.

Get Out the bread crumb . Pour a little olive oil. Put  2 slices of ham in each roll and break an egg into each.

Deasupra oului punem rosii taiate cubulete, cascaval, cimbru, ceapa verde , sare si piper. Bagam la cuptor pana se face bine oul.

On top  put diced tomatoes, cheese, thyme, onions, salt and pepper. Stuffing in the oven until the egg is well done.

Se serveste fierbinte cu salata. eu am facut tsatsiki.

Pofta buna!

Serve hot with salad. I made Tsatsiki.

Bon Appetite!

duminică, 5 aprilie 2015

Saramura de sardine / Marinated sardines

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 1 kg de sardine - 1 kg of sardines
- 4 rosii - 4 tomatoes
- 3 ardei kapia copti - 3 roasted red pepper
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch green onions
- doua legaturi de usturoi verde - Two bundles of green garlic
- o lingura de cimbru - A tablespoon of thyme
- o lingurita de oregano - A teaspoon of oregano
- un ardei iute  - A chilli
- sare de mare si piper - Sea salt and pepper
- patrunjel - parsley
- 3 linguri de otet alb - 3 tablespoons white vinegar
- 3 linguri de ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 600 ml apa - 600 ml of water

Intr-o cratita punem ceapa si usturoiul verde tocat marunt. Adaugam rosii taiate marunt, ardeiul copt, cimbrul, oregano, ardeiul iute,  sare si piper dupa gust. Adaugam apa si fierbem la foc mic pana se inmoaie rosiile.

In a saucepan put chopped green onion and garlic. Add the chopped tomatoes, baked pepper, thyme, oregano, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Add water and simmer until tomatoes are soften.

Curatam sardinele, le stergem bine de apa , le saram si le punem pe gratar. Le frigem cca 5 minute pe fiecare parte. Restul prepararii va avea loc in saramura.

Clean the sardines, remove thel water, add salt and put them on the grill. They leave about 5 minutes per side. The rest will take place in marinated preparation.

Dupa ce s-au inmuiat bine rosiile, adaugam otetul si uleiul de masline. Sardinele le luam de pe gratar si le punem direct in saramura.

After the tomatoes are cooked,  add vinegar and olive oil. Take the Sardines  and put them directly in marinate.

Dupa ce am adaugat toate sardinele, tocam marunt patrunjel si il punem deasupra.

After I added all the sardines, put chopped parsley  above.

Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta!

Pofta buna!

Serve hot with polenta!

Bon Appetite!