Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 400 g naut fiert - 400 g cooked chickpeas
- 2 cartofi - 2 potatoes
- o ceapa alba - A white onion
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch green onions
- un morcov - A carrot
- 3 linguri de pesmet - 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
- ulei de masline - olive oil
Cartofii si morcovul de fierb. Se paseaza impreuna cu nautul, se adauga ceapa tocata marunt, pesmetul, sare si piper dupa gust.
Boil the potatoes and carrots. Crush them with chickpeas, add chopped onion, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper to taste.
Amestecam bine. Trebuie sa obtinem o compozitie tare.
Mix well. Must obtain a strong composition.
We form patties and put them in a pan on baking paper. Brush them with olive oil.
Le lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos. Se pot praji si in tigaie dar trebuie marita cantitatea de pesmet pentru a nu se sfarama.
We leave in the oven until nicely browned. You can fry in pan but have increased quantity of breadcrumbs to not break in pieces.
Se servesc cu salata.
Pofta buna!
Serve with salad.
Bon Appetite!
Minunate! De cand astept sa le vina randul!