miercuri, 29 aprilie 2015
Le moelleux au chocolat
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 250 g ciocolata neagra (75% cacao) - 250 g dark chocolate (75% cocoa)
- 250 g unt - 250 g butter
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 250 g zahar - 250 g sugar
- 40 g faina - 40 g flour
Topim ciocolata, adaugam untul si amestecam bine.
Melt the chocolate, add butter and mix well.
Galbenusurile le mixam cu zaharul pana se topeste acesta. Adaugam ciocolata si faina. La sfarsit se adauga albusurile batute spuma tare.
Mix the yolks with sugar until it melts. Add chocolate and flour. Finally add the beated egg whites hard.
Turnam compozitia intr-o forma si o lasam la cuptor 45 minute la foc mic.
Pour mixture into a form and leave it in the oven on low heat 45 minutes.
O lasam sa se raceasca in forma si apoi o scoatem.
Leave to cool and then remove the form.
Bon appetit!
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