duminică, 4 septembrie 2016

Chicken Souvlaki / Souvlaki de pui

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- piept de pui - chicken breast
- o lingurita de oregano - A teaspoon of oregano
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
- 4-5 linguri de ulei de masline - 4-5 tablespoons olive oil
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- o rosie - one tomato
- Tzatziki - Tzatziki

Taiem pieptul de pui cubulete. Adaugam oregano, sare, piper si uleiul de masline. Amestecam bine.

Cut the chicken into cubes. Add the oregano, salt, pepper and olive oil. Mix well.

Lasam carnea la marinat peste noapte , apoi o infigem pe tepuse  si o frigem pe gratar.

Let the meat marinate overnight, then stick the stakes and fry on the grill.

Servim cu felii de rosii, ceapa rosie, cartofi prajiti si sos Tzatziki.

Serve with  tomatoes sliced, red onion, french fries and tzatziki sauce.

Bon appetit!

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