duminică, 30 octombrie 2016

Supa crema de pui cu cartofi dulci / Creamy chicken and sweet potato soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un piept de pui - Chicken breast
- 2 cartofi dulci - 2 sweet potatoes
- un morcov - a carrot
- o ceapa - an onion
- 1/2 pastarnac - 1/2 parsnip
- putina telina - celery
- putina radacina de patrunjel - parsley root
- 4 galbenusuri - 4 yolks
- 200 ml smantana pentru gatit - 200 ml cream for cooking
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Punem puiul la fiert, iar dupa ce adunam spuma formata, adaugam legumele taiate rondele.

Put the chicken to boil  and after collecting formed foam, add the sliced vegetables.

Dupa ce au fiert si legumele le punem in blender.

After boiling the vegetables  put them in the blender.

Turnam piureul in  supa de pui si punem la foc mic.

Pour puree in chicken broth and put on low heat.

Separat amestecam galbenusurile cu smantana si incorporam usor in supa amestecand continuu. Adaugam sare si piper dupa gust.  Mai lasam 5 minute si supa crema este gata.

Separately, mix the yolks with cream and incorporate in soup  stirring gently . Add salt and pepper to taste.  Leave for 5 minutes and cream soup is ready.

Bon appetit!

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