miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2016
Pizza Quatro Stagioni
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un blat de pizza - A pizza dough
- sunca praga - Prague ham
- carnati afumati - smoked sausages
- masline - olives
- mozzarella - mozzarella
- ciuperci - mushrooms
- sos de rosii - tomato sauce
- oregano - oregano
Pentru inceput pregatim toate ingredientele.
For start prepare all ingredients.
Intindem aluatul intr-o tava si il ungem cu sosul de rosii.
Roll the dough into a pan and Brush it with tomato sauce.
Adaugam toate ingredientele, iar mozzarella o punem deasupra.
Add all ingredients and mozzarella put it on top.
Bagam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos.
Put in the oven until nicely browned.
Bon appetit!
duminică, 20 noiembrie 2016
Friptura de rață cu piure de cartofi / Roast duck with mashed potatoes
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o rata - A duck
- fulgi de ardei iute - Chilli flakes
- 5-6 catei de usturoi - 5-6 cloves garlic
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
- rozmarin - rosemary
- salvie - sage
- boia de ardei iute - Paprika
- pentru piure: cartofi, unt , lapte si sare - For Mashed potatoes, butter, milk and salt
Rata o pastram intreaga dar se poate si portiona. O ungem cu toate condimentele si o dam la cuptor pentru o ora jumate - 2 ore, depinde de marimea ratei. din cand in cand o stropim cu grasimea care o lasa in tava.
Separat fierbem cartofii , ii zdrobim, adaugam unt, sare si lapte.
Portionam rata si o servim pe un pat de piure de cartofi.
Keep the whole duck but it can and be partitioned. Brush with all the spices and give in the oven for an houar and half - 2 hours, depending on the size of the duck. occasionally a brush her with the sauce that leaves it in the tray.
Separately boil the potatoes, mash them, add butter, salt and milk.
Portion the duck and serve on a bed of mashed potatoes.
Bon appetit!
joi, 10 noiembrie 2016
Mix de paste cu pui si mozzarella la cuptor / Chicken Mozzarella Pasta al forno
Niciodata nu folosim un pachet de paste si mereu ne raman, asa ca am facut acest mix de paste cu pui si mozzarella la cuptor. Un deliciu culinar!!!!
Never use a package of pasta and we always remain, so I made this Chicken Mozzarella Pasta al forno. A culinary delight !!!!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- puteti folosi ce paste aveti prin casa - You can use any pasta you have in the house
- 200 g piept de pui - 200g chicken breast
- 100 g bacon - 100 g bacon
- 2 linguri pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 3-4 catei de usturoi - 3-4 cloves garlic
- busuioc - basil
- 100 g parmezan - 100 g parmesan
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
Prajim pieptul de pui in 2-3 linguri de ulei. Adaugam baconul si mai lasam 3-4 minute pe foc.
Fry the Chicken in 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Add bacon and leave 3-4 minutes on the fire.
Adaugam usturoiul si pasta de tomate .
Add garlic and tomato paste.
Fierbem pastele si le adaugam in tigaie. Amestecam usor.
Boil the pasta and add to pan. Mix gently.
Intr-o tava punem mozzarella si adaugam jumatate din compozitie.
We put mozzarella in a pan then add half of composition.
Adaugam putin busuioc si parmezan.
Add a little basil and Parmesan cheese.
Mai punem un rand de mozzarella, paste, busuioc, parmezan si mozzarella.
We add a row of mozzarella, pasta, basil, Parmesan and mozzarella.
Bagam la cuptor pentru 20 de minute.
Stuffing in the oven for 20 minutes.
Bon appetit!
miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2016
Paine cu banane / Banana Bread
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g faina - 500 g flour
- 4 banane - 4 bananas
- un pliculet de drojdie - one sachet of yeast
- 150 g unt - 150 g butter
- 150 g zahar - 150 g sugar
- 150 ml lapte - 150 ml of milk
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
Intr-o cratita punem 50 g zahar la topit. Adaugam 75 g unt si lasam sa se formeze un sos caramel. Acest sos il turnam in tava pe care o bagam la cuptor. Peste sos punem feliute de banana (cca 2 banane).
Dizolvam drojdia in putin lapte cald si o amestecam cu 2 banane pasate. Adaugam restul de ingrediente. Amestecam pana obtinem un aluat omogen. Turnam aluatul in tava ( eu am folosit o tava rotunda) si bagam la cuptor aprox 45 minute.
In a saucepan put 50g sugar to melt. Add 75g butter and let it form a caramel sauce. This sauce pour in the pan . Put slices of banana (about 2 bananas) over the sauce .
Dissolve the yeast in a little warm milk and mix with 2 mashed bananas . Add remaining ingredients. Mix to obtain a dough. Pour dought into pan (I used a round tray) and stuffing in the oven about 45 minutes.
Bon appetit!
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