miercuri, 31 mai 2017

Macaroane cu branza / Macaroni cheese

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 250 g paste - 250 g dried macaroni pasta
- 600 ml lapte - 600 ml milk
- 55 g unt - 55 g butter
- 55g faina - 55 g flour
- 200 g branza rasa - 200 g grated cheese
- 55 g parmezan - 55 g parmesan
- 100 g cascaval - 100 g cheese

Punem pastele la fiert intr-o oala.  Dupa ce s-au fiert, le scurgem si le punem intr-un vas pentru cuptor.

Bring a large saucepan with water to the boil. Add the pasta and cook until tender but stil firm to the bite. Remove from the heat and drain, Put the pasta in to a heatproof dish.

Topim untul intr-o craticioara si adaugam faina amestecan continuu. Adaugam laptele putin cate putin si lasam la foc mic pana se ingroasa sosul, cam 10-15 minute. Adaugam branza, dar pastram putin cascaval.

Melt the butter in a heavy-based saucepan over a low heat, the add the flour and stir to make a roux. Pour the milk then cook for about 10-15 minutes to make a loose, custard- style sauce. Add the cheese and parmesan.

Turnam sosul peste paste.

Pour the sauce over the macaroni.

Presaram deasupra cascaval si bagam la cuptor.

Scatter the remaining cheese over the top and place the dish under the preheated grill.

Lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos.

Grill untul the cheese begins to brown.

Se serveste fierbinte.

Serve immediately.

Bon Appetit!

marți, 30 mai 2017

Drob mixt / Mixed Terrine

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- organe de miel -  lamb organs 
- 200 g ficatei de pui - 200 g chicken liver
- 200 g carne de porc tocata - 200 g minced pork
- 4 legaturi ceapa verde - 4 bunch of  spring onion
- 4-5 catei de usturoi - 4-5 cloves of garlic
- o legatura de marar  - a bunch of dill
- o legatura de patrunjel - a bunch of parsley
- 4 oua fierte - 4 boiled eggs
- 6 oua crude - 6 eggs
- sare si piper dupa gust- salt and pepper to taste

Fierbem organele de miel iar carnea de porc si ficateii ii tragem putin la tigaie.  Ficateii si organele de miel le tocam in cubulete mici. Punem carnea intr-un castron, adaugam ceapa verde tocata marunt si calita putin in 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline, usturoiul si verdeata tocata marunt, sare si piper dupa gust, si ouale batute.

We boil the lambs  organs but the minced pork and liver we fry a little. We chopped into small cubes the lamb organs and liver . Place the meat in a bowl, add the spring onion , garlic and  the dill and parsley finely chopped , salt and pepper to taste, and beaten eggs.

Turnam un sfert din compozitie intr-o tava, pe mijloc adaugam ouale fierte.

Pour one quarter of the mixture into a pan, add boiled eggs in the middle.

Punem restul compozitiei deasupra oualor .

Put the rest of the composition over the eggs.

Bagam la cuptor  pentru o ora, la foc potrivit.

Stuffing in the oven for one hour at medium heat.

Il lasam sa se raceasca si apoi il taiem.

Leave it to cool and then cut it.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 28 mai 2017

Nuci umplute / Walnut Shaped Cookies

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru aluat / For dough:

- 250 g unt moale - 250 g soft butter
- 600 g faina - 600 g flour
- 10 g praf de copt - 10 g baking powder
- 4 linguri de zahar pudra - 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- un praf de sare - a pinch of salt

Pentru crema /  For the cream:

- 300 ml lapte - 300 ml of milk
- 200 g biscuiti - 200 g biscuits
- 100 g nuca - 100 g nut
- 200 g ciocolata topita - 200 g of melted chocolate
- 70 g zahar pudra - 70 g of powdered sugar
- 20 g cacao - 20 g of cocoa
- o esenta de rom - a essence of rum

Pentru inceput facem aluatul: mixam untul cu zaharul pudra si adaugam treptat cate un ou. Adaugam faina, praful de copt si sarea. Trebuie sa obtinem un aluat usor modelabil, nelipicios.

For starters we make the dough: mix the butter with the powdered sugar and gradually add an egg. Add flour, baking powder and salt. We must obtain a dough easy to handle, not sticky.

Formam bilute de 5 g .

Form balls 5 g.

Coacem bilutele in forma speciala .

Baking balls in special form.

Crema: Punem intr-un bol toate ingredientele, iar laptele il adaugam treptat pana ajungem la consistenta dorita.

Cream: We put all the ingredients in a bowl and the milk is gradually added until we reach the desired consistency.

Umplem cojile cu crema.

Fill the shape with cream.

Lipim formele si le pudram cu zahar pudra.

We stick the shapes and powder them with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 27 mai 2017


Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 12 Ouă - 12 Eggs
- 550g Zahăr - 550g Sugar
- 1l Lapte - 1l Milk
- 1 linguriță Esență de vanilie - 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 100 ml Ulei  - 100 ml of oil
- 160 g Făină - 160 g Flour
- 1 linguriță Praf de copt - 1 teaspoon Baking powder
- 2  linguri Cacao - 2 tablespoons Cocoa

Pentru inceput pregatim caramelul din 200 g zahar si 50 ml apa. Punem la foc potrivit pana capata o culoare aurie. Il turnam intr-o tava si il intindem rapid pe peretele vasului.

Prepare the caramel from 200 g of sugar and 50 ml of water. We put on fire until it gets a golden color. We put it in a tray and quickly lay it on the wall.

Compozitia de oua o preparam astfel : mixam 200 g zahar cu 10 oua, esenta de vanilie si 900 ml lapte.

The egg composition is prepared as follows: mix 200 g sugar with 10 eggs, vanilla essence and 900 ml milk.

Blatul : amestecam restul ingredientelor: uleiul, 150 g zahar, faina, praf de copt, cacao si 100 ml lapte.

Cake: mix all the ingredients: oil, 150 g sugar, flour, baking powder, cocoa and 100 ml of milk.

Turnam compozitia de oua peste caramelul intarit , iar peste aceasta compozitie blatul de cacao.

Pour egg mixture over the hardened caramel and cocoa cake over this mixture.

Vasul il punem intr-o alta tava cu apa si il bagam la cuptor pentru 45-50 minute. Baza trebuie sa stea in apa mereu. Completati daca se evapora.

Place the pan in another tray of water and cook in the oven for 45-50 minutes. The base must always be in the water. Fill if she evaporate.

Dupa racire o intoarcem. Se serveste rece.

After cooling, we overturn it. Serve cold.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 14 mai 2017

Pizza Cupckes

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 120 ml ulei de masline - 120 ml olive oil
- 180 ml lapte - 180 ml of milk
- 110 g branza - 110 g of hard cheese
- 225 g faina - 225 g flour
- 2 lingurite de praf de copt - 2 teaspoons of baking powder
- 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of (baking) soda
- 75 g masline negre - 75 g of black olives
- 100 g parmezan - 100 g parmesan
- 2 linguri de ciuperci tocate marunt - 2 tablespoons of finely chopped mushrooms
- 50 g cascaval - 50 g of cheese
- 100 g salam afumat - 100 g smoked salami
- oregano, sare si piper - oregano, salt and pepper

Pregatim ingredientele .

Prepare ingredients.

Amestecam bine ouale cu laptele, condimentele, bicarbonatul, praful de cop si faina.

Beat the egg with the oil, milk, condiments, baking powder, bicarbonate and flour until well mixed.

Amestecam toate ingredientele.

Mix all the ingredients.

Turnam compozitia in formele de cupcakes si coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius cca 10-15 minute. Le testam cu o scobitoare.

Divide the mixture between the paper cases, then baked in the preaheat oven at 180 Celsius grade for 10-15 minutes.

Cand sunt gata, le scoatem si punem putin cascaval ras deasupra si mai dam la cuptor pana se topeste cascavalul - cca 1 minut.

When the cupcakes are ready, take them out and put some grated cheese over and cook until cheese melts - about 1 minutes.

Se servesc fierbinti dar sunt bune si reci ca un aperitiv.

Serve hot but they are good and cold as an appetizer.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 7 mai 2017

Prajitura Krem a la Krem / Krem a la Krem Cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 9 oua - 9 eggs
- 9 linguri de zahar - 9 tablespoons of sugar
- 400 ml lapte - 400 ml of milk
- 150 g  unt - 150 g butter
- 400 ml de frisca lichida  - 400 ml of liquid whipped cream
- o ciocolata - a chocolate
- 2 linguri zahar pentru glazura - 2 tablespoons of sugar for glaze 
- 4 pachete de praf Creme Ole - 2 de ciocolata si 2 de vanilie - 4 packs of Cream Ole powder - 2 chocolate and 2 vanilla

Separam ouale.
Albusurile se bat spuma cu zaharul, apoi se adauga galbenusurile. Adaugam praful de Creme Ole de ciocolata (ambele plicuri) si amestecam bine.

Separate the eggs.Beat egg whites with sugar, then add the yolks. Add the Cream Ole Chocolate powder (both envelopes) and mix well.

Compozitia o turnam intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptor 15-20 minute.

Put the composition into a  tray and bake for 15-20 minutes at low heat.

Amestecam laptele, cu frisca si prafurile de vanilie. Mixam bine pana se intareste crema.

Mix milk, cream and vanilla powders. Mix well until the cream is hard.

Peste blat adaugam toata crema de vanilie si o uniformizam.

Over the top add all the vanilla cream.

Intr-o craticioara punem 2 linguri de zahar si 100 ml apa. Lasam pana se topeste zaharul si adaugam ciocolata si untul.

In a saucepan place 2 tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml of water. Leave until the sugar melts and add the chocolate and the butter.

Adaugam glazura racita bine, altfel se taie crema, si dam la frigider minim 3 ore.

Add the cooled glaze  and refrigerated for at least 4 hours.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!