duminică, 28 mai 2017

Nuci umplute / Walnut Shaped Cookies

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru aluat / For dough:

- 250 g unt moale - 250 g soft butter
- 600 g faina - 600 g flour
- 10 g praf de copt - 10 g baking powder
- 4 linguri de zahar pudra - 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- un praf de sare - a pinch of salt

Pentru crema /  For the cream:

- 300 ml lapte - 300 ml of milk
- 200 g biscuiti - 200 g biscuits
- 100 g nuca - 100 g nut
- 200 g ciocolata topita - 200 g of melted chocolate
- 70 g zahar pudra - 70 g of powdered sugar
- 20 g cacao - 20 g of cocoa
- o esenta de rom - a essence of rum

Pentru inceput facem aluatul: mixam untul cu zaharul pudra si adaugam treptat cate un ou. Adaugam faina, praful de copt si sarea. Trebuie sa obtinem un aluat usor modelabil, nelipicios.

For starters we make the dough: mix the butter with the powdered sugar and gradually add an egg. Add flour, baking powder and salt. We must obtain a dough easy to handle, not sticky.

Formam bilute de 5 g .

Form balls 5 g.

Coacem bilutele in forma speciala .

Baking balls in special form.

Crema: Punem intr-un bol toate ingredientele, iar laptele il adaugam treptat pana ajungem la consistenta dorita.

Cream: We put all the ingredients in a bowl and the milk is gradually added until we reach the desired consistency.

Umplem cojile cu crema.

Fill the shape with cream.

Lipim formele si le pudram cu zahar pudra.

We stick the shapes and powder them with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit!

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