sâmbătă, 23 septembrie 2017
Yufka cu carne tocata / Yufka with minced meat
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- un pachet de foi yufka - a package of yufka sheets
- 500 g carne tocata de porc - 500 g of pork minced meat
- o ceapa - an onion
- 2 linguri de pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
- o lingurita de praf de usturoi - a teaspoon of garlic powder
- o legatura de patrunjel - a bunch of parsley
- sare, piper si fulgi de ardei iute dupa gust - salt, pepper and chilli peppers to taste
- mozzarela - mozzarella
Pentru inceput pregatim carnea. O calim in 3-4 linguri de ulei de masline, adaugam ceapa, pasta de tomate si condimentele. Mai lasam 2-3 minute , adaugam patrunjelul tocat si este gata.
First we prepare the meat. Fry it in 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, add onion, tomato paste and spices. Let's leave it 2-3 minutes, add chopped parsley and it's ready.
Intindem foile yufka, adaugam carne si o felie de mozzarela.
In yufka, add meat and a slice of mozzarella.
Impaturim foile si le punem la prajit in baie de ulei.
Fold the sheets and fry them in an oil bath.
Le scoatem pe un servet absorbant pentru a elimina excesul de ulei.
Le servim calde cu ketchup.
Take them out on an absorbent cloth to remove excess oil.
Serve them hot with ketchup.
Bon appetit!
Salata arnautilor / Albanian salad
Ingrediente/ Ingredients:
- o conserva de sardine- sardines
- 3 cartofi fierti - 3 boiled potatoes
- un sfert de ceapa rosie - merge si alba - a quarter of the red onion - goes white
- 3 catei de usturoi - 3 cloves of garlic
- o lamaie - one lemon
- 10-12 masline fara samburi - 10-12 olives without seeds
- o lingura de mustar - a spoon with mustard
- 3 linguri de ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
Facem un sos din mustar, ulei, sucul de la o lamaie si usturoiul tocat marunt.
Maslinele le tocam felii subtiri si le adaugam in sos.
Cartofii ii curatam cat sunt fierbinti, ii taiem cubulete si ii amestecam cu sosul. Adaugam si ceapa taiata julien.Sardinele le tocam marunt si le adaugam peste cartofi. Amestecam totul bine
Adaugam sare si piper dupa gust.
Lasam salata la rece timp de 1-2 ore inainte de servire.
Make a sauce with mustard, oil, lemon juice and chopped garlic.
The cut the olives in thin slices and add them in to the sauce.
Clean the potatoes when they are hot, cut them in cubes and mix them with the sauce. Cut the onion julien . Cut the Sardines and add them over the potatoes. Mix well.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Let the salad cool for 1-2 hours before serving.
Bon Appetite!
sâmbătă, 2 septembrie 2017
Cupcakes cu ciocolata si banane / Banana and Chocolate Drizzle Cupcakes
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 2 banane - 2 bananas
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 120 ml ulei - 120 ml sunflower oil
- 120 ml lapte - 120 ml milk
- 375 g faina - 375 g flour
- 55 g cacao - 55 g cocoa powder
- o lingurita de praf de copt - 1 tsp baking powder
- 200 g zahar - 200 g caster sugar
- 110 g ciocolata - chopped chocolate
- sos de ciocolata si caramel - chocolate and caramel sauce
Pentru decor / To decorate:
- frisca - whipped cream
Batem ouale impreuna cu uleiul si laptele . Adaugam restul ingredientelor si mixam bine.
Beat the egg with oil and milk. Add the flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar and chocolate.
Turnam compozitia in formele de cupcakes si coacem 20 - 25 minute.
Divide the mixture between the paper cases, then bake in the oven for 20 - 25 minute.
Le lasam sa se raceasca .
Leave to cool.
Le facem o gaura in centru si le umplem cu sos de ciocolata si caramel.
We make a hole in the center and fill them with chocolate and caramel sauce.
Le ornam cu frisca .
Decorate with whipped cream.
Bon appetit!
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