Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 2 banane - 2 bananas
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 120 ml ulei - 120 ml sunflower oil
- 120 ml lapte - 120 ml milk
- 375 g faina - 375 g flour
- 55 g cacao - 55 g cocoa powder
- o lingurita de praf de copt - 1 tsp baking powder
- 200 g zahar - 200 g caster sugar
- 110 g ciocolata - chopped chocolate
- sos de ciocolata si caramel - chocolate and caramel sauce
Pentru decor / To decorate:
- frisca - whipped cream
Batem ouale impreuna cu uleiul si laptele . Adaugam restul ingredientelor si mixam bine.
Beat the egg with oil and milk. Add the flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar and chocolate.
Turnam compozitia in formele de cupcakes si coacem 20 - 25 minute.
Divide the mixture between the paper cases, then bake in the oven for 20 - 25 minute.
Le lasam sa se raceasca .
Leave to cool.
Le facem o gaura in centru si le umplem cu sos de ciocolata si caramel.
We make a hole in the center and fill them with chocolate and caramel sauce.
Le ornam cu frisca .
Decorate with whipped cream.
Bon appetit!
Meraviglioso :)