duminică, 17 decembrie 2017

Farfalle bolognese

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 400 g carne tocata- 400 g minced meat 
- 500 ml suc de rosii 500 ml of tomato juice
- 200 ml vin alb - 200 ml of white wine
- 5 catei de usturoi tocati marunt - 5 cloves of garlic chopped
- 2 cepe - 2 onions
- un morcov - a carrot
- o lingurita de cimbru - a teaspoon of thyme
- 1/2 lingurita chilli - 1/2 teaspoon of chili
- 1/2 lingurita oregano - 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- parmezan - parmesan
- paste - farfalle

Calim carnea in ulei de masline, adaugam ceapa tocata marunt, usturoiul si morcovul .

Fry the minced meat in olive oil, add the  onion, garlic and carrot.

Adaugam vinul, sucul de rosii si condimentele. Lasam la foc mic cca 2 ore.

Add wine, tomato juice and spices. Let simmer about 2 hours.

Cand sosul este gata adaugam pastele fierte si mai lasam 2 minute.

When the sauce is ready add the boiled pasta and leave for 2 minutes.

Servim cu parmezan deasupra.

Serve with parmesan on top.

Bon Appetite!

Tort cu crema de ciocolata alba si lapte condensat / Cake with white chocolate cream and condensed milk

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru blat / For cake:

- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 4 linguri de faina  - 4 tablespoons of flour
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons of sugar
- 2 linguri de cacao - 2 tablespoons of cocoa
- o esenta de rom  - a essence of rum
- 6 linguri de ulei  - 6 tablespoons of oil
- o lingurita praf de copt - a teaspoon of baking powder

Pentru crema / Cream:

- 400 g ciocolata alba - 400 g white chocolate
- 200 g lapte condensat - 200 g of condensed milk
- 2 galbenusuri - 2 yolks
- 2 linguri de amidon - 2 tablespoons of starch
-  o pastaie de vanilie - a vanilla paste
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk

Pentru decor / Dcoration:

- frisca - whipped cream
- ciocolata cu lapte - milk chocolate

Blatul : batem spuma tare albusurile cu zaharul, adaugam restul ingredientelor  si amestecam usor. Impartim compozitia in 2 si coacem 2 blaturi identice. Le lasam la racit.

Cake: beat the hard foams with sugar, add the rest of the ingredients and mix it gently. We divide the composition into 2 and bake 2 identical tops. We let them cool.

Crema: amestecam laptele cu galbenusurile, amidonul si pastaia de vanilie. Punem pe foc pana se ingroasa crema. Adaugam ciocolata si laptele condensat. Lasam la foc mic amestecand continuu pana se topeste ciocolata.

Cream: Mix milk with yolks, starch and vanilla paste. We put on fire until the cream thickens. Add chocolate and condensed milk. We leave on low heat stirring constantly until chocolate is melted.

Intr-o forma cu pereti detasabili punem primul blat, adaugam jumatate din crema si al doilea blat . Adaugam restul de crema si lasam la frigider pana se intareste , aproximativ 2 ore.

In a removable wall shape put the first cake, add half of the cream and the second cake. Add the rest of the cream and leave it in the refrigerator until it hardens, about 2 hours.

Ornam cu frisca si ciocolata si lasam la frigider peste noapte.

Decorate with cream and chocolate and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 9 decembrie 2017

Gogosi cu iaurt / Yogurt donuts

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 300 g iaurt - 300 g of yogurt
- 200 g  faina - 200 g flour
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o lingurita de praf de copt - a teaspoon of baking powder
- 2 lingurite de zahar - 2 teaspoons of sugar
- o esenta de vanilie - a vanilla essence
- zahar pudra pentru ornat - powdered sugar for garnish

Punem intr-un castron iaurtul, ouale, esenta, zaharul si praful de copt.

We put in a bowl yogurt, eggs, essence, sugar and baking powder.

Mixam bine si adaugam faina.

Mix well and add flour.

Cu o lingura pentru inghetata turnam aluat intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins.

With a ice cream spoon  , pour dough into a hot oil pan.

Aceste gogosele se intorc singure in tigaie. Le lasam cateva minute, pana se rumenesc frumos.

These donuts come back alone in the pan. We leave them for a few minutes until they get golden brown.

Le pudram cu zahar pudra si le servim. Sunt pufoase in interior si foarte aromate.

We powdered with powdered sugar and we serve them. They are fluffy inside and very flavorful.

Bon appetit!

joi, 7 decembrie 2017

Pui pe sticla in sos de bere / Roasted Chicken On a Can / Chicken On a Bottle Recipe

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un pui - a chicken
- 1000 ml bere - 1000 ml beer
- 100 ml ulei de masline - 100 ml of olive oil
- o lingura de cimbru - a tablespoon thyme
- 5-6 catei de usturoi - 5-6 cloves of garlic
- o lingurita de boia dulce - a teaspoon of paprika
- 1/2 lingurita de fulgi de chili - 1/2 teaspoon of chili flakes
- sare si piper dupa gust  - salt and pepper to taste
- o lingura de unt - a tablespoon of butter

Facem un amestec din ulei, cimbru, boia, fulgi de chili , sare si piper.

We make a mixture of oil, thyme, paprika, chili flakes, salt and pepper.

Cu acest amestec ungem puiul.

Brush the chicken with this mixture.

In suportul in care va sta puiul ( sticla, borcanul, cana) punem bere si  2-3 catei de usturoi striviti.

In the stand where the chicken will sit (glass, jar, mug) put beer and 2-3 crushed cloves of garlic .

In tava punem restul de bere, o cescuta de apa , usturoiul strivit si restul compozitiei de ulei de masline. Lasam la cuptor aproximativ 90 minute, in functie de marimea puiului. Din cand in cand mai ungem puiul cu sosul format.

Put in the tray the rest of the beer, a cup of water, the crushed garlic and the rest of the olive oil mixture. Put in the oven for about 90 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken. From time to time we grease the chicken with the formed sauce.

Dupa ce scoatem puiul, luam sosul ramas, si berea din sticla , punem toata compozitia intr-o craticioara, adaugam untul si lasa la foc mic pana se ingroasa.

After we remove the chicken, we take the remaining sauce, and the beer from the glass, put the whole composition in a saucepan, add the butter and let it on the low heat until it thickens.

Se serveste fierbinte cu garnitura preferata  - noi am vrut cartofi prajiti.

Serve hot with the favorite garnish - we wanted french fries.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 3 decembrie 2017

Ton cu ciuperci si sos de ardei copti / Baked peppers sauce with tuna and mushrooms

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 2 bucati ton / 2 tuna fish
- 500 g ciuperci - 500 g of mushrooms
- 500 g cartofi - 500 g potatoes
- 200 g rosii cherry - 200 g of cherry tomatoes
- 2 legaturi de ceapa verde - 2 bunch of spring  onions
- 200 g ardei copt - 200 g baking pepper
- o legatura de patrunjel -  a bunch of parsley
- ulei de masline - olive oil
- sare, piper, fulgi de ardei iute, rozmarin  - salt, pepper, hot pepper, rosemary
- o lamaie - a lemon
- 5 catei de usturoi - 5 cloves of garlic

Spalam pestele si legumele. Taiem cartofii pe lung. Adaugam ciupercile intregi - eu am folosit ciuperci brune, se pot folosi orice soi de ciuperci. Ceapa verde o tocam marunt si o adaugam deasupra. Condimentam cu sare, piper, fulgi de ardei iute si rozmarin dupa gust. Adaugam ulei de masline si amestecam legumele bine. Deasupra punem pestii. Punem cate o felie de lamaie si cateva crengute de patrunjel in ei. Ii stropim cu ulei de masline si condimente. Adaugam rosiile si bagam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos. Spre final adaugam 100 g ardei copt - optional.

We wash the fish and vegetables. Cut the potatoes long. Add whole mushrooms - I used brown mushrooms, you can use any variety of mushrooms. Cut the spring  onions and add it on top. Season with salt, pepper, hot pepper flakes and rosemary  to taste. Add olive oil and mix the vegetables well. Put the fish on top. We put a slice of lemon and a few bunches of parsley in them. Sprinkle with olive oil and spices. Add the tomatoes and cook in the oven until they are tenderly browned. Finally we add 100 g baked peppers - optional.

Sosul este foarte simplu de facut : punem in blander ardeiul copt, ulei de masline, putin usturoi, si o legatura de ceapa verde. Sare si piper dupa gust. Amestecam totul bine si se poate servi imediat.

The sauce is very simple to do: put in a blender  the baked pepper, olive oil, some garlic, and a spring onion. Salt and pepper to taste. We mix everything well and can be served immediately.

Bon appetit!