sâmbătă, 9 decembrie 2017

Gogosi cu iaurt / Yogurt donuts

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 300 g iaurt - 300 g of yogurt
- 200 g  faina - 200 g flour
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o lingurita de praf de copt - a teaspoon of baking powder
- 2 lingurite de zahar - 2 teaspoons of sugar
- o esenta de vanilie - a vanilla essence
- zahar pudra pentru ornat - powdered sugar for garnish

Punem intr-un castron iaurtul, ouale, esenta, zaharul si praful de copt.

We put in a bowl yogurt, eggs, essence, sugar and baking powder.

Mixam bine si adaugam faina.

Mix well and add flour.

Cu o lingura pentru inghetata turnam aluat intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins.

With a ice cream spoon  , pour dough into a hot oil pan.

Aceste gogosele se intorc singure in tigaie. Le lasam cateva minute, pana se rumenesc frumos.

These donuts come back alone in the pan. We leave them for a few minutes until they get golden brown.

Le pudram cu zahar pudra si le servim. Sunt pufoase in interior si foarte aromate.

We powdered with powdered sugar and we serve them. They are fluffy inside and very flavorful.

Bon appetit!

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