Ingrediente / ingredients:
Blatul/ dough:
- 300ml apa - 300 ml of water
- 100g unt - 100 g butter
- 1/2 lingurita sare - 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 linguri zahar - 2 tablespoons sugar
- 200g faina - 200g flour
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
Crema / Cream:
- 1/2 l lapte - 1/2 l milk
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 1 galbenus - 1 egg
- 150g zahar - 150g sugar
- 3 linguri faina - 3 tablespoons flour
- esenta de vanilie - vanilla essence
Glazura / Glaze:
- ciocolata - chocolate
- unt - butter
- 300ml apa - 300 ml of water
- 100g unt - 100 g butter
- 1/2 lingurita sare - 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 linguri zahar - 2 tablespoons sugar
- 200g faina - 200g flour
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
Crema / Cream:
- 1/2 l lapte - 1/2 l milk
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 1 galbenus - 1 egg
- 150g zahar - 150g sugar
- 3 linguri faina - 3 tablespoons flour
- esenta de vanilie - vanilla essence
Glazura / Glaze:
- ciocolata - chocolate
- unt
Se pune apa la fiert cu sarea, untul si zaharul.
Se pune apa la fiert cu sarea, untul si zaharul.
Cand fierbe, se retrage de pe foc si se pune
faina, amestecand energetic pentru a nu se forma cocoloase.
Bring the water to boil with salt, butter and sugar.
When boiled, remove from heat and put the flour, stirring energy to not form lumps.
Adaugam treptat cate un ou.
Gradually add an egg.
Cu un sprit sau o punga formam bastonasele
de eclere. Cat de mari le dorim.
With a spritzer or a bag of eclair formam rods. How big desire.
Le lasam la cuptor la foc mic, pana se coc. Se
fac destul de repede!
We leave in the oven on low heat to bake. They are pretty fast!
Laptele se pune la fiert. Ouale se freaca bine cu zaharul.
Laptele se pune la fiert. Ouale se freaca bine cu zaharul.
Se adauga faina si se amesteca bine pentru a nu
se forma cocoloase.
Cand laptele este fiert, adaugam compozitia de
oua peste lapte amestecand continuu. Lasam pe foc pana se ingroasa. Se adauga
esenta de vanilie.
Boil the milk . The eggs rub well with sugar.
Add the flour and mix well not to form lumps .
When milk is boiled, add the egg mixture over milk stirring constantly. We leave on the fire until thickened. Add vanilla.
Umplem formele cu crema.
Fill with cream forms.
Topim o lingurita de unt cu 250 g ciocolata si glazuram eclerele.
Melt a teaspoon of butter 250 g chocolate glaze.
Bon Appetite!