miercuri, 30 decembrie 2015

Eclere / Choux a la creme

Ingrediente / ingredients:
Blatul/ dough:
- 300ml apa 
- 300 ml of water
- 100g unt 
- 100 g butter
- 1/2 lingurita sare 
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 linguri zahar 
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 200g faina 
- 200g flour
- 4 oua 
- 4 eggs
Crema / 
- 1/2 l lapte 
- 1/2 l milk
- 2 oua 
- 2 eggs
- 1 galbenus 
- 1 egg
- 150g zahar 
- 150g sugar
- 3 linguri faina 
- 3 tablespoons flour
- esenta de vanilie 
- vanilla essence
Glazura / 
- ciocolata  
- chocolate
- unt 
- butter

Se pune apa la fiert cu sarea, untul si zaharul.
Cand fierbe, se retrage de pe foc si se pune faina, amestecand energetic pentru a nu se forma cocoloase.

Bring the water to boil with salt, butter and sugar.
When boiled, remove from heat and put the flour, stirring energy to not form lumps.

Adaugam treptat cate un ou.

Gradually add an egg.

Cu un sprit sau o punga formam bastonasele de eclere. Cat de mari le dorim. 

With a spritzer or a bag of eclair formam rods. How big desire.

Le lasam la cuptor la foc mic, pana se coc. Se fac destul de repede!

We leave in the oven on low heat to bake. They are pretty fast!

Laptele se pune la fiert. Ouale se freaca bine cu zaharul.
Se adauga faina si se amesteca bine pentru a nu se forma cocoloase.
Cand laptele este fiert, adaugam compozitia de oua peste lapte amestecand continuu. Lasam pe foc pana se ingroasa. Se adauga esenta de vanilie.

Boil the milk . The eggs rub well with sugar.
Add the flour and mix well not to  form lumps .
When milk is boiled, add the egg mixture over milk stirring constantly. We leave on the fire until thickened. Add vanilla.

Umplem formele cu crema.

Fill with cream forms.

Topim o lingurita de unt cu 250 g ciocolata si glazuram eclerele.

Melt a teaspoon of butter 250 g chocolate glaze.

Bon Appetite!

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2015

Paste cu pancetta si branza emmental / Mac and Cheese with Pancetta

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 250 g paste - 250 g Pasta
- 100 g pancetta - 100 g pancetta
- 200 g branza emmental - 200 g Emmental cheese
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter
- 50 g telemea - 50 g cheese

Prajim putin pancetta. Nu punem ulei in tigaie pentru ca este destul de grasa.

Fried pancetta. Do not put oil in the pan that is enough fat.

Ungem o tava cu unt. Amestecam ouale cu telemeaua si turnam peste pastele fierte conform timpului indicat pe pachet. Eu am cumparat paste proaspete.

Brush a baking tray with butter. Mix the eggs with cheese and pour over the cooked pasta . I bought fresh pasta.

Adaugam pancetta si branza emmental si amestecam usor.

Add the pancetta and Emmental cheese , stir gently.

Pastram putina branza Emmental pentru a pune deasupra cu 2-3 minute inainte de a scoate tava din cuptor.

Saved some Emmental cheese to put over  before removing the pan from the oven.

Se servesc calde.

Serve warm.

Bon Appetite!

joi, 19 noiembrie 2015

Supa crema de dovleac / Creamy pumpkin soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 300 g dovleac
- o ceapa
- un morcov
- 2 cartofi
- putina telina
- putin pastarnac
- 3 galbenusuri
- 3 linguri de smantana
- sare si piper dupa gust

- 300 g pumpkin
- an onion
- A carrot
- 2 potatoes
- a bit of celery
- a bit of parsnips
- 3 egg yolks
- 3 tablespoons sour cream
- Salt and pepper to taste

Curatam legumele si le punem la fiert.

Clean the vegetables and put them to boil.

Dupa ce au fiert, le pasam si diluam cu supa in care au fiert pana ajungem la consistenta dorita.
Amestecam galbenusurile cu smantana si o turnam in supa amestecand continuu.

After boiling, crush them and dilute with  soup boil until they reach at the desired consistency.
Mix egg yolks with cream and pour into the soup stirring constantly.

Se serveste rece sau calda cu smantana.

Serve hot or cold with cream.

Bon Appetite!

vineri, 13 noiembrie 2015

Ficatei cu sos / Chicken-Liver Sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 500 g ficatei de pui - 500 g chicken liver
- 500 ml suc de rosii - 500 ml of tomato juice
- 5-6 catei de usturoi - 5-6 cloves garlic
- o lingurita de cimbru - A teaspoon thyme
- 2 foi de dafin - 2 bay leaves
- 200 ml vin alb - 200 ml white wine
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Inabusim ficateii in 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline. Adaugam usturoiul zdrobit, cimbrul si dafinul.

Braised chicken livers in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the crushed garlic, thyme and bay leaves.

Adaugam vinul si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic.

Add the wine and let it simmer.

Adaugam sucul de rosii si mai lasam sa fiarba cca 10 minute.

Add tomato sauce and let it simmer for about  10 minutes.

La final adaugam sare si piper dupa gust. Se serveste cu garnitura preferata, eu am facut un piure.

Finally add salt and pepper to taste. Serve with your favorite side dish, I made a puree.

Bon Appetite!

Tort cu banane / Banana cake

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

Pentru stratul de caramel For the caramel:
- 1/4 cana de unt  - 1/4 cup butter;
- 3 linguri zahar - 3 tablespoons sugar;
- 3 banane - 3 bananas.

Pentru aluatul de tortFor cake 
- 1 -1/2 cana faina - 1 -1/2 cup flour;
- 2 lingurite de praf de copt - 2 teaspoons baking powder;
- 1/2 cana de zahar - 1/2 cup sugar;
- 1/4 cana de unt la temperatura camerei - 1/4 cup butter at room temperature;
- 2 banane pasate - 2 mashed bananas;
- 2 oua - 2 eggs;
- o lingurita de vanilie - A teaspoon of vanilla;
-1/2 cana de lapte -1/2 Cup of milk.

Topim zaharul impreuna cu untul si il turnam intr-o tava.

Melt butter with sugar and pour it into a pan.

Adaugam  bananele taiate felii.

Add the sliced bananas.

Amestecam toate ingredientele pentru aluatul de tort, si il turnam in tava.

Mix all ingredients for the cake and pour it in the pan.

Il bagam la cuptor pentru aproximativ 40-45 de minute. 

Put it in the oven for about 40-45 minutes.

Dupa ce s-a facut, il lasam sa se raceasca in tava, apoi il rasturnam.

 Leave it to cool in the pan, then turn it upside down.

Bon Appetite!

marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

Prajitura cu crema de vanilie si crema de mascarpone / Cake with vanilla cream and mascarpone cream

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Blat / Cake
100 gr unt - 100g butter
3 oua  - 3 eggs
120 gr zahar - 120 grams sugar
240 gr faina - 240 g flour
1 praf de sare - 1 pinch of salt
1 lingurita praf de copt - 1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 lingurita bicarbonat - 1/2 teaspoon baking
1 lingurita extract de vanilie - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
100 ml lapte - 100 ml of milk
100 ml iaurt - 100 ml of yoghurt

Crema de vanilie / Vanilla cream
150 gr zahar - 150 grams sugar
3 linguri apa - 3 tablespoons water
500 ml lapte - 500 ml of milk
2 oua - 2 eggs
2 linguri faina - 2 tablespoons flour
100 gr unt  - 100g butter
1 lingurita extract de vanilie - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Crema mascarpone / Mascarpone cream
250 gr mascarpone - 250g mascarpone
200 ml frisca - 200ml cream
2 linguri zahar  - 2 tablespoons sugar

Sursa acestei retete o gasiti aici: Enjoy Dessert!  / The source of this recipe.

Pentru inceput facem blatul.

For start we make the cake.

Intr-un bol mixam untul cu zaharul pana devine o crema fina. Adaugam cate un ou mixand continuu.

In a bowl mixing butter with sugar until creamy smooth. Add one egg at a time continuous mixing.

Adaugam faina, praful de copt , esenta , lapte, iaurtul si bicarbonatul. Mixam usor.

Add flour, baking powder, essence, milk, yogurt and baking. Easy mixing.

Compozitia o turnam intr-o tava si o bagam la cuptor cca 30 de minute.

The composition pour it into a pan and bake, about 30 minutes.

Crema de vanilie: punem zaharul cu apa pe foc si asteptam sa se formeze un caramel. Adaugam, laptele. Separat amestecam ouale cu faina si dupa ce s-a topit tot caramelul adaugam aceasta compozitie in lapte. Amestecam continuu pana se ingroasa. O luam de pe foc si adaugam untul amestecand usor pana se topeste complet. O acoperim cu folie alimentara si o lasam sa se raceasca complet.Dupa ce s-a racit complet crema  adaugam esenta de vanilie.

Vanilla cream: put sugar and water on the fire and expect to form a caramel. Add the milk. Separately mix eggs with flour and  after all the caramel has melted add this mixture in milk. Stir continuously until thickened. We take off the heat and add the butter, stirring gently until completely melted. Covered with foil and let it cool completely. When is cool add vanilla.

Crema de mascarpone: mixam mascarponele cu zahar si adaugam frisca (eu folosesc o frisca neindulcita).

Mascarpone cream:  mix mascarpone with sugar and add the cream (I use an unsweetened whipped cream).

Montarea prajiturii: blatul il taiem in doua. In tava in care am copt blatul, punem prima foaie de blat, adaugam 1/2 crema de vanilie si deasupra punem a doua foaie de blat.

Mounting cake: cut it in half the cake . In baking pan in which we bake the cake, put the first sheet of cake, add 1/2 vanilla cream and put over the second sheet of cake.

Pe a doua foaie turnam restul de crema de vanilie si crema de mascarpone.
Inainte de servire trebuie tinuta la rece cel putin 4-5 ore.

On the second sheet pour the remaining vanilla cream and mascarpone cream.
Before serving  should be kept cold at least 4-5 hours.

Se serveste ornata cu ce topping doriti - ciocolata rasa, glazura de caramel, vanilie sau ciocolata.

Serve garnished with what toppings you want - grated chocolate, caramel , vanilla or chocolate frosting.

Bon Appetite!

luni, 9 noiembrie 2015

Omleta umpluta cu cascaval / Cheese Stuffed Omelette

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 3-4 felii de cascaval - eu am folosit emmental - 3 to 4 slices of cheese - I used Emmentaler
- sare, piper dupa gust - Salt, pepper to taste
- pentru un plus de savoare am pus cateva picaturi de ulei de trufe - For extra flavor I put a few drops of truffle oil
- o lingurita de unt - A teaspoon of butter

Batem ouale bine cu sare si piper. Punem untul intr-o tigaie si cand s-a topit turnam ouale. Deasupra punem feliile de cascaval.

Beat eggs well with salt and pepper. Put the butter in a pan and pour the eggs. On top put slices of cheese.

Cand incepe sa se inchege o dam in doua si formam un evantai. Mai lasam 1-2 minute si o putem scoate.
Uleiul de trufe se pune inainte de a plia omleta.

When it starts to curdle form a fan. May we leave 1-2 minutes and remove.
Truffle oil is put before folding omelet.

Se serveste imediat alaturi de o salata.

Serve immediately with a salad.

Bon Appetite!

marți, 3 noiembrie 2015

Prajitura cu crema de ciocolata / Chocolate cream cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Blat / cake:

- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons sugar
- 6 linguri de ulei - 6 tablespoons oil
- 50 g cacao - 50 g cacao
- un praf de copt - Baking powder
- 6 linguri de faina - 6 tablespoons flour
- o esenta de rom - A rum

Prima crema / first cream:

- 250 g mascarpone - 250 g mascarpone
- 250 g ciocolata neagra - 250 g dark chocolate
- o lingura de zahar  - A spoonful of sugar

A doua crema / secound cream:

- 400 ml frisca lichida - 400 ml liquid cream
- 200 g ciocolata cu lapte - 200 g of milk chocolate
- optional - 2 linguri de zahar - optional - 2 tablespoons sugar

Sirop / syrup:

 - 200 ml apa - 200 ml of water
- 4-5 linguri de zahar - 4-5 tablespoons sugar
- o esenta de rom  - A rum

Pentru inceput facem blatul: Separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma tare, adaugam zaharul, galbenusurile, uleiul , cacao, praful de copt , faina si esenta. Mixam usor pentru a se incorpora toate ingredientele. Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si bagam la cuptor aprox 25 minute sau pana trece testul scobitorii.

First make the cake: separate eggs, beat the egg whites , add sugar, yolks, oil, cocoa, baking powder, flour and essence. Easy mixing to incorporate all ingredients. Pour mixture into a baking pan covered with parchment paper and baked  approx 25 minutes or until toothpick test passes.

Dupa ce este gata, il lasam sa se raceasca complet. Dupa ce s-a racit il taiem pe jumatate.

Once ready, leave it to cool completely. After it cooled cut in half.

Pentru prima crema. Topim ciocolata, iar cand s-a racit putin, o turnam peste mascarpone impreuna cu zaharul si o mixam usor.

For the first cream. Melt the Chocolate  and when cooled down, pour it over the  mascarpone with sugar and  easy mixing.

Facem un sirop din apa, zahar si esenta de rom, il lasam sa se raceasca si insiropam blatul. Turnam prima crema peste jumatate de blat.

We make a syrup of water, sugar and rum, leave it to cool and moist the cake. Pour the cream over the first half of cake.

Deasupra cremei punem cealalta jumatate de blat si o insiropam.

Add the other half of cake and moist.

A doua crema: batem frisca impreuna cu zaharul si adaugam treptat, amestecand usor, ciocolata topita si racita.

Second cream: beat the cream with the sugar and add gradually, mixing gently, melted and cooled chocolate.

Turnam a doua crema peste blat si nivelam usor.

Pour cream over the cake .

Se tine la rece cel putin 2-3 ore inainte de servire.Se orneaza dupa cum doriti, cu fulgi de ciocolata, cu ciocolata rasa, cu bucati de ciocolata..........

Keep cool at least 2-3 hours before serving. Garnish as desired with chocolate chips or grated chocolate or chocolate pieces ..........

Bon Appetite!

vineri, 30 octombrie 2015

Paste cu branza dulce / Cheese Pasta

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 250 g paste penne - 250 g penne
- 300 g branza dulce - 300 g cheese
- 2 lamai - 2 lemons
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- 4 linguri de smantana - 4 tablespoons sour cream
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter
- 4-5 linguri de zahar - 4-5 tablespoons sugar

Fierbem pastele ''al dente'', le scurgem bine si le punem intr-o tava unsa cu unt.

Boil the pasta 'al dente', drain well and put them in a pan greased with butter.

Mixam ouale cu zaharul pana acesta se topeste. Adaugam coaja rasa de lamaie si sucul de la o singura lamaie. Adaugam branza si smantana. Mixam bine pana obtinem o crema fina.

Mix the eggs with  sugar until it melts. Add the lemon zest and lemon juice from  one lemon. Add the cheese and sour cream. Mix well to obtain a smooth cream.

Punem la cuptor pana se incheaga compozitia, aproximativ 25-30 minute.

Put in the oven about 25-30 minutes.

Se serveste calda dar si rece.

It can be served hot or cold.

Bon Appetite!