luni, 9 noiembrie 2015
Omleta umpluta cu cascaval / Cheese Stuffed Omelette
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 3-4 felii de cascaval - eu am folosit emmental - 3 to 4 slices of cheese - I used Emmentaler
- sare, piper dupa gust - Salt, pepper to taste
- pentru un plus de savoare am pus cateva picaturi de ulei de trufe - For extra flavor I put a few drops of truffle oil
- o lingurita de unt - A teaspoon of butter
Batem ouale bine cu sare si piper. Punem untul intr-o tigaie si cand s-a topit turnam ouale. Deasupra punem feliile de cascaval.
Beat eggs well with salt and pepper. Put the butter in a pan and pour the eggs. On top put slices of cheese.
Cand incepe sa se inchege o dam in doua si formam un evantai. Mai lasam 1-2 minute si o putem scoate.
Uleiul de trufe se pune inainte de a plia omleta.
When it starts to curdle form a fan. May we leave 1-2 minutes and remove.
Truffle oil is put before folding omelet.
Se serveste imediat alaturi de o salata.
Serve immediately with a salad.
Bon Appetite!
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