duminică, 22 februarie 2015

Rata pe varza / Duck on cabbage

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- o rata - A duck
- varza murata - sour cabbage
- 3 foi de dafin - 3 bay leaves
- 2 linguri de cimbru - 2 tablespoons thyme
- 3 linguri de boia iute - 3 tablespoons paprika
- sare - salt
- 2 linguri de ulei de masline - 2 tablespoons olive oil
- o lingurita de piper - A teaspoon of pepper
- 5 catei de usturoi - 5 cloves of garlic
- suc de rosii - Tomato juice

Amestecam uleiul de masline cu o lingura de boia, sare si o lingura de cimbru. Cu amestecul acesta ungem rata. Punem cateii de usturoi in interiorul ratei. O invelim in folie de aluminiu si o bagam la cuptor pentru o ora si jumatate la foc mic.

Mix olive oil with a tablespoon of paprika, salt and a tablespoon of thyme. With this mixture Brush the duck.  Put inside the cloves of garlic.  Wrap in aluminum foil and baked stuffing for one and half hour on low heat.

Tocam varza si o amestecam cu restul ingredientelor. O bagam la cuptor. Cu 20 de minute de a fi gata varza, punem rata deasupra .

Cut the cabbage and mix with remaining ingredients. Stuffing in the oven. With 20 minutes before to be ready cabbage, put the duck  above.

Dupa ce s-a rumenit frumos rata, scoatem tava din cuptor.

After nice brown duck, remove the pan from the oven.

Bon appetit!

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