sâmbătă, 6 iunie 2015

Prajitura desteapta cu ciocolata / Smart cake with chocolate

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 350 g zahar - 350 g sugar
- 150 g faina - 150 g flour
- 9 oua - 9 eggs
- o esenta de rom - A rum
- 200 g unt topit  - 200 g butter 
- 200 g ciocolata - 200 g chocolate
- 50 g cacao - 50 g cacao
- 1l lapte - 1l milk

Separam ouale si batem galbenusurile cu zaharul pana obtinem o crema. Adaugam ciocolata topita la bain-marie si racita in prealabil.

Separate the eggs and beat the yolks with sugar until we get a cream. Add melted chocolate in a bain-marie and cooled in advance.

Adaugam untul topit si racit.

Add melted butter.

Adaugam cacao si esenta de rom.

We add cocoa and rum.

Adaugam cate o lingura de faina si cate putin lapte pana le incorporam pe amandoua in totalitate.

Add one tablespoon of flour and a little milk until fully incorporate them both.

Albusurile le batem spuma tare si le incorporam treptat in compozitia de ciocolata.

Mix the egg white hard and gradually incorporate them into the composition of chocolate.

Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si o bagam la cuptor la 150 grade , cca o ora.

Pour mixture into a pan lined with baking paper and stuffing in the oven at 150 degrees for about an hour.

Dupa ce este gata, o lasam sa se raceasca in tava si o portionam.

Pofta buna!

Once ready, leave it to cool in tray and then partitioned

Bon appetite!

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