joi, 15 octombrie 2015

Salata de andive cu ton / Endive salad with tuna

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 2 andive - 2 endive
- o cutie de ton in suc propriu - A can of tuna in its own juice
- 2 linguri maioneza - 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 3-4 linguri de porumb - 3-4 tablespoons corn
- un avocado - An avocado
- 2-3 ridichi - 2 - 3 radishes
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch of spring onions
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Punem intr-un castron andivele taiate marunt, ceapa verde si ridichile taiate felii.

Put in a bowl chopped endive, radishes and sliced green onions.

Adaugam porumbul, tonul si avocado taiat felii.

Add the corn, tuna and sliced avocado.

Potrivim de sare si piper si adaugam maioneza.
Se serveste imediat!

We add salt and pepper and mayonnaise.
Serve immediately!

Bon Appetite!

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