Ingrediente / ingredients:
Blat /
100 gr unt -
100g butter
3 oua -
3 eggs
120 gr zahar -
120 grams sugar
240 gr faina -
240 g flour
1 praf de sare -
1 pinch of salt
1 lingurita praf de copt -
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 lingurita bicarbonat -
1/2 teaspoon baking
1 lingurita extract de vanilie -
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
100 ml lapte -
100 ml of milk
100 ml iaurt -
100 ml of yoghurt
Crema de vanilie /
Vanilla cream
150 gr zahar -
150 grams sugar
3 linguri apa -
3 tablespoons water
500 ml lapte -
500 ml of milk
2 oua -
2 eggs
2 linguri faina -
2 tablespoons flour
100 gr unt -
100g butter
1 lingurita extract de vanilie -
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Crema mascarpone / M
ascarpone cream
250 gr mascarpone -
250g mascarpone
200 ml frisca -
200ml cream
2 linguri zahar -
2 tablespoons sugar
Sursa acestei retete o gasiti aici:
Enjoy Dessert! / The source of this recipe.
Pentru inceput facem blatul.
For start we make the cake.
Intr-un bol mixam untul cu zaharul pana devine o crema fina. Adaugam cate un ou mixand continuu.
In a bowl mixing butter with sugar until creamy smooth. Add one egg at a time continuous mixing.
Adaugam faina, praful de copt , esenta , lapte, iaurtul si bicarbonatul. Mixam usor.
Add flour, baking powder, essence, milk, yogurt and baking. Easy mixing.
Compozitia o turnam intr-o tava si o bagam la cuptor cca 30 de minute.
The composition pour it into a pan and bake, about 30 minutes.
Crema de vanilie: punem zaharul cu apa pe foc si asteptam sa se formeze un caramel. Adaugam, laptele. Separat amestecam ouale cu faina si dupa ce s-a topit tot caramelul adaugam aceasta compozitie in lapte. Amestecam continuu pana se ingroasa. O luam de pe foc si adaugam untul amestecand usor pana se topeste complet. O acoperim cu folie alimentara si o lasam sa se raceasca complet.Dupa ce s-a racit complet crema adaugam esenta de vanilie.
Vanilla cream: put sugar and water on the fire and expect to form a caramel. Add the milk. Separately mix eggs with flour and after all the caramel has melted add this mixture in milk. Stir continuously until thickened. We take off the heat and add the butter, stirring gently until completely melted. Covered with foil and let it cool completely. When is cool add vanilla.
Crema de mascarpone: mixam mascarponele cu zahar si adaugam frisca (eu folosesc o frisca neindulcita).
Mascarpone cream: mix mascarpone with sugar and add the cream (I use an unsweetened whipped cream).
Montarea prajiturii: blatul il taiem in doua. In tava in care am copt blatul, punem prima foaie de blat, adaugam 1/2 crema de vanilie si deasupra punem a doua foaie de blat.
Mounting cake: cut it in half the cake . In baking pan in which we bake the cake, put the first sheet of cake, add 1/2 vanilla cream and put over the second sheet of cake.
Pe a doua foaie turnam restul de crema de vanilie si crema de mascarpone.
Inainte de servire trebuie tinuta la rece cel putin 4-5 ore.
On the second sheet pour the remaining vanilla cream and mascarpone cream.
Before serving should be kept cold at least 4-5 hours.
Se serveste ornata cu ce topping doriti - ciocolata rasa, glazura de caramel, vanilie sau ciocolata.
Serve garnished with what toppings you want - grated chocolate, caramel , vanilla or chocolate frosting.
Bon Appetite!