sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2016
Chocolate Oreo Cake
Am facut acest tort pentru fetita mea care a implinit 3 anisori. Am folosit biscutii oreo pentru ca sunt preferatii ei, iar crema a fost delicioasa.
I made this cake for my daughter who made 3 years old. I used Oreo biscuits because they are her favorites and cream was delicious.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru blat / For cake:
- 7 oua - 7 eggs
- 7 linguri de zahar - 7 tablespoons sugar
- 2 lingurite praf de copt - 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 5 linguri de faina - 5 tablespoons flour
- 3 linguri de cacao - 3 tablespoons cocoa
- 7 linguri de ulei - 7 tablespoons oil
- o esenta de rom - A rum
Pentru crema / Cream:
- 1 kg mascarpone - 1 kg mascarpone
- 400 ml frisca - 400 ml cream
- 32 biscuiti oreo - 32 Oreo biscuits
- 2-3 linguri zahar pudra - 2-3 tablespoons powdered sugar
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
Decor / Decoration:
- 4 biscuiti oreo - 4 Oreo biscuits
- mini biscuti oreo - Mini Oreo biscuits
Pentru inceput facem blatul: batem spuma albusurile cu un praf de sare si zahar. Adaugam galbenusurile si restul ingredientelor. Coacem blatul la foc mic pana trece testul scobitorii. Il lasam sa se raceasca si il taiem in 3.
Crema: amestecam frisca cu mascarpone, esenta de vanilie , zaharul pudra si biscutii oreo maruntiti.
We begin woth cake: beat the egg foam with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add egg yolks and other ingredients. Bake the cake over low heat until toothpick pass the test. Leave it to cool and cut it in three.
Cream: Mix the cream with mascarpone, vanilla, sugar and crumbled Oreo biscuits.
Eu am insiropat putin blatul pentru ca imi nu-mi place sa fie uscat. Siropul l-am facut din apa, zahar si o esenta de vanilie, dar este optional. Am insiropat tortul si l-am umplut cu crema.
I moist the cake because I do not like to be dry. I made the syrup from water, sugar and vanilla, but is optional. I moist the cake and fill it with cream.
Se orneaza dupa preferinta.
Inainte de servire se tine cel putin 4 ore la rece.
Pofta buna!
Garnish as desired.
Before serving it keep at least 4 hours to refrigerate.
Bon Appetite!
luni, 6 iunie 2016
Cheesecake cu capsuni fara coacere / No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 400 g biscuiti digestivi - 400g digestive biscuits
- 150 g unt topit - 150 g melted butter
Crema / Cream:
- 400 g crema de branza - 400 g cream cheese
- 250 g mascarpone - 250g mascarpone
- 500 ml frisca lichida - 500 ml liquid cream
- 200 g zahar pudra - 200g powdered sugar
- 100 ml apa rece - 100ml cold water
- 100 ml lapte fierbinte - 100 ml hot milk
- 20 g gelatina - 20 g gelatin
- o pastaie de vanilie - A pod of vanilla
Jeleu / Jelly:
- 300 g capsuni proaspete - 300 g fresh strawberries
- 100 ml apa - 100 ml of water
- 3 linguri zahar - 3 tablespoons sugar
- 10 g gelatina - 10 g gelatin
Decor / Decoration:
- 300 g capsuni proaspete - 300 g fresh strawberries
Pentru inceput tocam marunt biscutii si ii amestecam cu untul topit.
For starters Crumble biscuits and mix them with melted butter.
Turnam amestecul format intr-o tava cu pereti detasabili si presam bine. Punem tava la frigider pana este gata crema.
Pour mixture into a pan with removable walls and pressed well. Put the tray in the fridge until cream is ready .
Dizolvam gelatina in apa.
Dissolve gelatin in water.
Turnam amestecul in laptele cald si amestecam pana se dizolva.
Pour mixture in hot milk and stir until dissolved.
Punem in bolul de la mixer crema de branza, mascarpone, semintele de la pastaia de vanilie si zaharul pudra.
Put in bowl of mixer cream cheese, mascarpone, vanilla seeds from the pod and powdered sugar.
Mixam 2 minute si apoi adaugam in putin cate putin frisca lichida. Dupa ce s-a incorporat, adaugam gelatina tot putin cate putin.
Mix 2 minutes and then add liquid cream. Once was incorporated, add gelatin .
Capsunile le taiem in doua si le adaugam pe peretii formei.
Cut Strawberries in half and add them to the walls of the mold.
Turnam crema .
Pour the cream.
Facem jeleul astfel: punem capsunile pe foc cu zaharul si lasam sa fiarba 2-3 minute. Punem gelatina in apa si o lasam sa se hidrateze. Cand capsunile s-au racorit putin, le mixam formand un piure si turnam gelatina. Amestecam usor , iar amestecul format il turnam peste crema.
Jelly : put the strawberries on fire with sugar and let simmer 2-3 minutes. Put gelatin in water and let it hydrate. When strawberries are cold, mixing them to form a puree and pour gelatin. Mix gently and pour it over the cream.
Il lasam la rece cel putin 6 ore.
Leave it to cool at least 6 hours.
Bon Appetite!
duminică, 5 iunie 2016
Fusilli bolognese
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500g fusilli - 500g fusilli
- 600g carne amestec - porc + vita - 600g mixed meat - pork + beef
- 125g mozzarella - 125g mozzarella
- un morcov - a carrot
- o ceapa - an onion
- 3 catei de usturoi - 3 cloves garlic
- parmezan - parmesan
- 2-3 linguri ulei de masline
- 2-3 tablespoons olive oil- 500 ml suc de rosii - 500 ml of tomato juice
Punem uleiul de masline intr-o cratita. Il lasam sa se incinga si adaugam cateii de usturoi zdrobiti.
Put olive oil in a saucepan. Leave it to heat up and add the crushed garlic cloves.
Adaugam ceapa si morcovul.
Add onion and carrot.
Dupa ce s-au inmuiat legumele adaugam carnea.
When vegetables are softened add the meat.
Dupa ce carnea este facuta, adaugam sucul de rosii, sare si piper dupa gust.
After the meat is done, add the tomato juice, salt and pepper to taste.
Lasam sa fiarba vreo 45 minute la foc mic si adaugam 3 linguri de parmezan.
Let it simmer for about 45 minutes at low heat and add 3 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese.
Pastele le fierbem conform timpului indicat pe pachet dar le scoatem cu 3 minute inainte de a fi gata si le punem in sos. Ele vor mai fierbe in sos cca 3-4 minute.
Cook pasta according to package directions but you get out with 3 minutes before they are ready and put them in the sauce. They will cook the sauce for about 3-4 minutes.
Cand sunt gata, adaugam mozzarella, lasam pana se topeste si pastele sunt gata.
When they are ready, add the mozzarella and leave until melts.
Le servim fierbinti cu parmezan.
We serve hot with Parmesan.
Bon appetit!
sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016
Tort cu crema de ciocolata / Chocolate cream cake
Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru blat/For the cake:
- 10 oua - 10 eggs
- 10 linguri de faina - 10 tablespoons flour
- 10 linguri de zahar - 10 tablespoons sugar
- 10 linguri de ulei - 10 tablespoons oil
- un plic de praf de copt - baking powder
Pentru crema/For the cream:
- 300 g ciocolata - eu am folosit cu ciocolata cu lapte pentru ca i-am dat si fetitei mele, dar ideal ar fi sa se foloseasca ciocolata neagra - 300 g chocolate - I used milk chocolate because I gave to my daughter, but it would be ideal to use dark chocolate.
- 600 ml frisca lichida neindulcita - 600 ml liquid cream, unsweetened
- o lingurita de unt - A teaspoon of butter
Pentru sirop/Syrup:
- apa - water
- zahar - sugar
- o esenta de cafea - An coffee essence
Pentru decor/For decoration:
- fulgi de ciocolata alba - sau ce va place - White chocolate chips - or what you like
Pentru inceput facem blatul, astfel: separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma tare impreuna cu un praf de sare si zaharul. Adaugam galbenusurile , uleiul, si praful de copt mixand usor. Adaugam faina cernuta de 2 ori si amestecam usor cu o paleta, de sus in jos.
Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem la foc mediu pana trece testul scobitorii.
For starters we make the cake as follows: Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add the egg yolks, oil and baking powder, mixing gently. Add the sifted flour and mix gently with a paddle up and down.
Pour mixture into a pan lined with baking paper and bake at medium heat until passes the toothpick test.
Topim ciocolata impreuna cu o lingurita de unt. O lasam sa se raceasca putin si o turnam treptat peste frisca batuta.
Melt the chocolate with butter. Let it cool and pour slowly over whipped cream.
Incorporam toata ciocolata si o amestecam bine.
Incorporate all the chocolate and mix well.
Dupa ce s-a copt blatul, il lasam sa se raceasca si il taiem in 3. Il insiropam cu un sirop facut din apa, zahar si esenta de cafea.
After you bake the cake, leave it to cool and cut it in 3. Moist with a syrup made from water, sugar and coffee essence.
Punem pe fiecare felie de tort crema, iar la final il decoram cu fulgi de ciocolata.
Inainte de servire il lasam 4-5 ore la frigider sau cel mai bine peste noapte.
Put cream on each slice of cake , and finally decorate it with chocolate chips.
Before serving, leave it in the refrigerator 4-5 hours or overnight .
Bon appetit!
joi, 2 iunie 2016
Friptura de porc in sos de bere cu cartofi copti / Pork steak in beer sauce with baked potatoes
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1 kg de carne de porc - 1 kg of pork meat
- 500 ml bere - 500 ml beer
- salvie - salvia
- cimbru - thyme
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
- 10 catei de usturoi - 10 garlic cloves
- ulei de masline - olive oil
- cartofi noi - new potatoes
- rozmarin - rosemary
Taiem carnea de porc in bucati potrivite. O stropim cu ulei de masline, adaugam sare, piper, salvie , cimbru si cateii de usturoi zdrobiti. Turnam deasupra berea.
Cut the meat pork into medium pieces. Sprinkle with olive oil, add salt, pepper, salvia, thyme and crushed garlic cloves. Pour over the beer.
Bagam la cuptor pana se rumeste carnea si sosul scade.
Stuffing in the oven until the meat is done.
Cartofii ii bagam la cuptor, ii stropim cu ulei de masline, sare, piper si rozmarin.
Ii servim langa carne cu sos.
We put the potatoes in the oven , sprinkle them with olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary.
We serve near the pork meat.
Bon Appetite!
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