luni, 6 iunie 2016

Cheesecake cu capsuni fara coacere / No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 400 g biscuiti digestivi - 400g digestive biscuits
- 150 g unt topit - 150 g melted butter

Crema / Cream:

- 400 g crema de branza - 400 g cream cheese
- 250 g mascarpone - 250g mascarpone
- 500 ml frisca lichida - 500 ml liquid cream
- 200 g zahar pudra - 200g powdered sugar
- 100 ml apa rece - 100ml cold water
- 100 ml lapte fierbinte - 100 ml hot milk
- 20 g gelatina - 20 g gelatin
- o pastaie de vanilie - A pod of vanilla

Jeleu / Jelly:

- 300 g capsuni proaspete - 300 g fresh strawberries
- 100 ml apa - 100 ml of water
- 3 linguri zahar - 3 tablespoons sugar
- 10 g gelatina - 10 g gelatin

Decor / Decoration:

- 300 g capsuni proaspete - 300 g fresh strawberries

Pentru inceput tocam marunt biscutii si ii amestecam cu untul topit.

For starters Crumble biscuits and mix them with melted butter.

Turnam amestecul format intr-o tava cu pereti detasabili si presam bine. Punem tava la frigider pana este gata crema.

Pour mixture into a pan with removable walls and pressed well. Put the tray in the fridge until cream is ready .

Dizolvam gelatina in apa.

Dissolve gelatin in water.

Turnam amestecul in laptele cald si amestecam pana se dizolva.

Pour mixture in hot milk and stir until dissolved.

Punem in bolul de la mixer crema de branza, mascarpone, semintele de la pastaia de vanilie si zaharul pudra.

Put in bowl of mixer cream cheese, mascarpone, vanilla seeds from the pod and powdered sugar.

Mixam 2 minute si apoi adaugam in putin cate putin frisca lichida. Dupa ce s-a incorporat, adaugam gelatina tot putin cate putin.

Mix 2 minutes and then add  liquid cream. Once was incorporated, add gelatin .

Capsunile le taiem in doua si le adaugam pe peretii formei.

Cut Strawberries  in half and add them to the walls of the mold.

Turnam crema .

Pour the cream.

Facem jeleul astfel: punem capsunile pe foc cu zaharul si lasam sa fiarba 2-3 minute. Punem gelatina in apa si o lasam sa se hidrateze. Cand capsunile s-au racorit putin, le mixam formand un piure si turnam gelatina. Amestecam usor , iar amestecul format il turnam peste crema.

Jelly : put the  strawberries on fire with sugar and let simmer 2-3 minutes. Put gelatin in water and let it hydrate. When strawberries are cold, mixing them to form a puree and pour gelatin. Mix gently and pour it over the cream.

Il lasam la rece cel putin 6 ore.

Leave it to cool at least 6 hours.

Bon Appetite!

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