sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016

Tort cu crema de ciocolata / Chocolate cream cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru blat/For the cake:
- 10 oua - 10 eggs
- 10 linguri de faina - 10 tablespoons flour
- 10 linguri de zahar - 10 tablespoons sugar
- 10 linguri de ulei - 10 tablespoons oil
- un plic de praf de copt - baking powder

Pentru crema/For the cream:
- 300 g ciocolata - eu am folosit cu ciocolata cu lapte pentru ca i-am dat si fetitei mele, dar ideal ar fi sa se foloseasca ciocolata neagra - 300 g chocolate - I used milk chocolate because I gave to my daughter, but it would be ideal to use dark chocolate.
- 600 ml frisca lichida neindulcita  - 600 ml liquid cream, unsweetened
- o lingurita de unt - A teaspoon of butter

Pentru sirop/Syrup:
- apa - water
- zahar - sugar
- o esenta de cafea - An coffee essence

Pentru decor/For decoration:
- fulgi de ciocolata alba - sau ce va place - White chocolate chips - or what you like

Pentru inceput facem blatul, astfel: separam ouale, batem albusurile spuma tare impreuna cu un praf de sare si zaharul. Adaugam galbenusurile , uleiul, si praful de copt mixand usor. Adaugam faina cernuta de 2 ori si amestecam usor cu o paleta, de sus in jos.
Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coacem la foc mediu pana trece testul scobitorii.

For starters we make the cake as follows: Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites  with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add the egg yolks, oil and baking powder, mixing gently. Add the sifted flour  and mix gently with a paddle up and down.
Pour mixture into a pan lined with baking paper and bake at medium heat until  passes the toothpick test.

Topim ciocolata impreuna cu o lingurita de unt. O lasam sa se raceasca putin si o turnam treptat peste frisca batuta.

Melt the chocolate with  butter. Let it cool  and pour slowly over whipped cream.

Incorporam toata ciocolata si o amestecam bine.

Incorporate all the chocolate and mix well.

Dupa ce s-a copt blatul, il lasam sa se raceasca si il taiem in 3. Il insiropam  cu un sirop facut din apa, zahar si esenta de cafea.

After you bake the cake, leave it to cool and cut it in 3. Moist with a syrup made from water, sugar and  coffee essence.

Punem pe fiecare felie de tort crema, iar la final il decoram cu fulgi de ciocolata.
Inainte de servire il lasam 4-5 ore la frigider sau cel mai bine peste noapte.

Put cream on each slice of cake , and finally decorate it with chocolate chips.

Before serving, leave it in the refrigerator 4-5 hours or overnight .

Bon appetit!

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